"White bridge?"

Gu Liu was a little surprised. Meng Fei mentioned this characteristic. Is there something wrong?

Later, Meng Fei also explained to him a little confused: "The white bridge, I think I saw it right, that thing is made of bones!"

"Are you sure you read that correctly?"

Such words are really unbelievable.

"Then since it's up there, that means it's...?"

The big yellow dog on the side seemed to have thought of something, and then the dog's body trembled, and the hair on its body stood up.

Meng Fei slapped his forehead and said helplessly: "You are right, it is connected to the skull!"

"I'm going to hang on you!"

Big Yellow Dog's dirty words came out of his mouth like a conditioned reflex.

But there is no other way. What Meng Fei said almost means that they have to go up to the skull. Going there must be risky. Even dogs know this.

"It doesn't necessarily have to go up from here."

Meng Fei touched his chin, his eyes flashed with strange light, and he seemed to have some ideas again.

"What do you say?" Gu Liu asked.

Of course, everyone understands that it is better to have less trouble if possible. If there is a way to avoid encountering monsters and monsters, that is naturally the best.

Meng Fei once again became the focus of the group, and everyone focused on him. However, Meng Fei said a little unceremoniously: "Throw it up!"


Gu Liu and Big Yellow Dog's eyes were so surprised that they almost fell out of their eyes.

Then, their eyes immediately turned to disgust, and they said angrily: "Stop joking, if you have no other choice, just go up!"

Having said that, Gu Liu and the others looked ready to go.

However, Meng Fei looked serious, as if he was not joking, as if this guy really had this idea.

"Hey, hey, stop your dangerous thoughts!" Gu Liu seemed to see what Meng Fei was thinking, so he patted his head hard and warned him.

"Well, let's start with you!"

Meng Fei nodded to Gu Liu seriously.


Before Gu Liu could finish his words, his huge voice of fear continued to resound throughout the world.

"Fuck! Are you serious!"

The big yellow dog on the side saw everything that had just happened. At this time, its four legs were paralyzed and started to tremble.

Then, Meng Fei looked at the big yellow dog with a kind face.

"Justice, sit down."


Xu Zhengyi, who didn't quite understand what happened, just obediently agreed to Meng Fei.

"What? You bastard kid! Then go ahead, I'm running away!"

I saw the big yellow dog shaking its body, as if it wanted to put Xu Zhengyi down, but after thinking about it, he stopped, and then there was a look of hesitation on his face for a moment.


At this moment, the big yellow dog felt a mysterious force coming from the back of its head, and then its body suddenly lost its balance.

When it reacted, it found that it was already in mid-air.

"Woof! Woof! Woof~"

The big yellow dog's voice went from angry to helpless, and finally to fear of losing his voice.



With two huge sounds of landing, Gu Liu and Big Yellow Dog were actually thrown onto the skeleton bridge by Meng Fei.

At this time, Gu Liu's entire body was spread on the surface of the huge skeleton bridge. His eyelids, which had been shrunk due to fear, finally returned to their original shape after a "dong" sound, and he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

And when the eyes moved past the Skeleton Bridge, one could see the gray-white mist in the sky, and the bottomless cliffs heard horrifying screams from time to time. The scene was once extremely terrifying.

After seeing the bottomless cliff, Gu Liu's eyes suddenly returned to the state of shrinking into a ball.

After death, the big yellow dog was foaming at the mouth.

"What's wrong? Gouzi? What's wrong with you?!"

Xu Zhengyi called out one after another. This brought the big yellow dog back from its out-of-body state, and its first reaction when it woke up was to instinctively bark at the back and downwards.

And where that direction was, Meng Fei was standing there with one palm placed horizontally above his eyes and looking at the skeleton bridge. Watching them land "smoothly", Meng Fei nodded with great satisfaction.

Then, he clapped his hands and looked ready to go. Then he exerted force with his feet, but his feet fell into the soft tongue.

So, Meng Fei withdrew his strength, took a few steps back, and then took a few long steps to run over. Then he seized the opportunity and instantly exerted force under his feet to match the power of the run-up and soared into the air.

"I wiped it with so much force!"

Because of this amplified force, Meng Fei kept flying directly past the skeleton bridge several meters away.

In order to land accurately on the skeleton bridge, Meng Fei had to constantly adjust his posture in the air.



Accompanied by two bursts of sound.

First, Meng Fei fell on the skeleton bridge, and then there was the sound of the skeleton bridge shaking.

Because of Meng Fei's blow, the skeleton bridge began to shake. On top of the bottomless cliff, this moment really made people's hearts hang in their throats.

"Can you be more fucking careful!"

"Woof woof!"

Gu Liuyin, who had just stood up halfway, wasted all his efforts, and the big yellow dog was even more frightened, so their mentality was somewhat affected.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Meng Fei clasped his fists and apologized with an "apology" on his face.

"Forget it, since we are here, let's keep moving forward!"

Gu Liu also waved his hand, then straightened his body, stood up little by little, and then walked forward step by step.

"What is this?"

Gu Liu looked at the skeleton bridge under his feet with a puzzled expression.

This skeleton bridge is made up of huge bones connected one by one. He saw the connection between two bones, and he thought about it carefully. Although it is very long for them, according to the proportion, this should be.


"That's right! It's the spine! This is not a bridge, but a spine!"

Gu Liu suddenly understood.

And when passing between the two bones, they must be more careful.

But this is not the most noteworthy thing.

The most noteworthy question was also raised by Meng Fei at this time, "Since this is the spine, then what is waiting for us behind?!"

One point is also very noteworthy, that is, the structure or something here cannot be judged by common sense. After all, where can there be such a big head and a spine growing on the forehead?

In terms of length, it may be completed quickly, or it may take a long time to walk out.

But what they can be sure of now is.

They have passed the skeleton bridge, and now what is in front of them is.

"A huge skeleton surrounded by flames."

Meng Fei looked ahead with a calm face.

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