I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 284: Jade Jane!

Yun Yang coughed and stopped talking.

"The Lord of Clouds, the battle between the Yaozu and our Terran is about to start."

The war has calmed down his own mood and slowly said: "At that time, my Sacred Heart Hall will be the first to bear the brunt... Yun Yang’s head, to seize the time to cultivate, do not let this my heart down."

Yun Yangkou should be, but my heart is thinking fast, guessing the war is nothing more than the meaning of this statement.

The battle is nothing more than a smile, handing out a ring, said: "Since you have chosen, there is an amethyst peony; and ... two hundred pieces of the best spiritual jade, are all given to you."

"Once the battle begins, it is inevitable that the spirits will be coated with charcoal. The demon people will linger for a long time. Once they commit crimes, the situation will be inevitable. Whether we can hold them is not sure."

The face of the war is nothing more than a ruthless exuberance, faintly said: "At that time, I am afraid that the high-end warriors must go to war in the first time... in a short period of time..."

"The sect with the Tianyun flag below..."

The war is nothing more than looking at Yun Yang, a word: "This is the best spiritual jade, has always been a unique auxiliary skill in my Sacred Heart Temple, you must make good use of it! Use it one by one, strive for, Repair to go further!"

He suddenly changed his tone and changed the subject, and in a few words, it was only half said.

It seems that there is no deep meaning.

Yun Yang frowned and meditated, saying: "The lord of the temple, such as the Golden Eagle King, will cross the border this time, will there be a similar situation..."

There is no appreciation in the war: "The cross-border strikes such as the Golden Eagle King have been happening in recent years; and basically it is after our Tianyun flag ratio... at the beginning, it is necessary to It’s only been a few hundred years old. But in the past hundred years, it has been a frequent outbreak, and it’s endless...”

"Before the demon king crossed the border, the majority of the main targets were the Shangpin Zongmen... or directly attacked the Sacred Heart Temple. But in recent times, it was aimed at the Zhongpin Tianyun flag and the lower-class Zongmen. It was because they changed their strategy and intentions. At the bottom of the game, I have to say that this strategy is right, and the damage to our side is more than any previous one, and the losses are heavy."

"But it's no big deal, I don't experience the wind and rain, where the rainbow, the survival of the fittest, is the same as the ancients." The war is nothing but a haha: "The Sacred Heart Temple has enjoyed it for a long time."

He stood up and said: "The cloud head, I believe that we will meet again in the future."

The voice fell, the war nodded nodded, hahaha laughed, so turned around and went away.

The elders who had never been able to speak were only chuckling, standing up and swaying, and then left, leaving only the deputy of the spring.

Chun Ruoshui, the deputy of the main hall, looked at Yun Yang and looked at it for a long time. He finally nodded and said: "If you are an adult, the cloud gate is mainly remembered."

Although Yun Yang is wise, he is still confused about the current situation, and he asks the subconscious: "What?"

He has gone through the words in his own mind, and he still hasn't found anything that can be remembered. The words of spring and water are not targeted, how can you not be confused.

Is it that my recent mind is outdated, and I can’t even understand it in the deepest sense, but... is that sentence meaningful?

Chun Ruo Shui did not explain, and he laughed and turned away.

The next moment, Yun Yang discovered that he had come to the garden outside the main hall.

Immediately before, the scenery in front of the scene fluctuated and changed, and the blink of an eye was already in the doorway of Huo Yunfeng’s yard.

Yun Yang looked at the aura of smog in front of her eyes, and her eyes were even more confused. She almost suspected that she was just dreaming, but the space ring that I got to the hand was supporting. Just now everything is true and true, no flower holiday. .

"What the **** is it...?"


On the evening of the same day, Huo Yunfeng made a big banquet, and there were more than 300 people coming to drink at the right time. The atmosphere was extremely warm.

Yun Yang will pay attention to the matter with Huo Yunfeng's relatives again: Do not let him use the mysterious, any one can not be used.

The family is very careful to write down.

Watching Huo Yunfeng drink alcohol, called his sons and grandchildren to come over, arranged neatly, even the grandson grandson Sun Xuan Sun Lai Sunsun's son... Yun Yang looked, only a burst of dizziness.

This large pile of children and grandchildren is more than 700 people!

This is not counting those underage.

Well, it seems that many of them are white-haired old and old-fashioned, and they look at each other. Many of them are more like ancestors than Huo Yunfeng.

Huo Yunfeng ordered: "All of you are kneeling, give you Yun Uncle... Yunzuye has several heads!"

Yun Yang was shocked.


Yunzuye? ! How is this big generation?

Where is this from? !

But when I heard the old ancestors, I watched a bunch of old guys squat down. Yun Yang hurriedly stopped: "Don't... don't... this is not appropriate..."

The sweat on Yun Yang’s head is down.

Lao Huo, you are the ancestor of the descendants of your family. It is reasonable and reasonable for the audience to worship. But I can’t, I am only a few years old. I really want to be worshipped by such a group of people. How is the physiology second? Really can't go on!

"Brother, this is what it should be." Huo Yunfeng said earnestly: "You really saved my life, what happened to them to the great benefactors of my ancestors? You are not allowed to say anything, what do you want to do? I want my old man to personally give you a slap in the face of thank you for your help?"

Ding can't and can't even come up to persuade, but no matter how to persuade, Yun Yang insists on not being.

Just kidding, if you really let such an old man call his uncle, grandfather, and what Yunzuye... Yun Yang thinks about the scalp numb, the limbs are stiff, the mind freezes, really bad!

Stayed for two days; Yun Yang was able to leave the house under the farewell of Huojiamen.

On the other hand, Huo Yunfeng has begun to collect debts, and Park Deshuang and others have been chased by him for jumping and jumping.


Stepping out of the Sacred Heart Temple, walking to a remote road that is completely invisible, and repeatedly confirming no one before and after, Yun Yang’s sudden turn into a storm, and drifting out.

For a long time, I have been ignoring all mysterious powers.

Yun Yang’s figure has just disappeared, and a person suddenly emerged from the place where he disappeared, and his face was full of doubts.

The person who appeared was the spring of the Basilica of the Holy Heart.

"Where did this kid go... How could it suddenly disappear?"

Spring if the water is a doubt.

"Inexplicably disappeared... In the end, what was the way to leave? Without such traces, this secret magic is too amazing?"

Spring and water repeatedly look around before and after, examine all traces... My doubts are getting more and more.

Chun Ruo Shui’s body is still above Huo Yunfeng, and he is slightly better than the Golden Eagle King. With his cultivation, he secretly follows Yun Yang, naturally he is not discovered by Yun Yang, and will not be worthy of a holy king. The subliminal juniors who have been cultivated to the level of silence have come out without a word, but the fact is that they are contrary to the ideals. No matter how the methods and means of Yun Yang are quietly gone, this is an amazing thing, and it is enough to be proud. of

Chun Ruo water has been watching it for a long time, but he has never had a clue, but his body has disappeared and disappeared.


Is Yun Yang aware of the tracking of Chun Ruo Shui, and the technique of applying the wind and cloud?

Of course not, just like the judgment of Chun Ruo Shui, Yun Yang really does not have that strength at the moment, everything is just a coincidence, beating right, wrong is wrong!

Yun Yang upholds the principle of always being cautious and careful. After leaving the square of the Sacred Heart Temple, the method of exerting the fame and fortune is to ensure the safety of the people to the maximum extent. Who knows whether the attacking offensive of the Yaozu has come to an end, Through the exchanges of nothing more than the follow-up, it seems that the newest Chinese product is also in the target category of the Yao master. Secondly, he also wants to quickly hand over the harvest to the green, and The wind and cloud phase is the safest handover mode at the moment!

Between the layers of clouds and clouds, Yun Yang condenses the gods to focus on the new space ring, and confirms the amethyst peony in the middle. Well, it is still directly said that the scent of the scent of the scent, the amethyst sputum, really has no fame~

Confirmation is correct, and it is sent into the space of the gods.

When I saw Green, I was so happy that I was so screaming.

Refining the gods, it is very effective for the gods and gods, and it is the most lacking of the green and green. With the advent of the refining flower, it can make up for the shortcomings in this aspect to the utmost extent.

Green and green are eager to plant the refining gods, and more unrequited attention to a large number of souls, and the refining of the gods, which has been greatly nourished and rejuvenated, instantly restores its vitality and directly returns to its most prosperous state;

Green and green eyes can be seen, and the vines are gently licking the flowers of the gods... Slowly, the flowers of the gods are slightly shaking, and they are endless...


In the end, three seedlings were split by green and green. Each seedling had only the size of the bean, but it was purple, and there was no variegation.

It is universally acknowledged that it is impossible to transplant a refining flower that cannot be smashed, and it has been successfully planted by Green Green!

Yun Yang almost stunned the surprise, this surprise is simply not bigger!

More than these three refining gods, what is the reversal of the number of lives of three strong people who die!

The end is a rare treasure, Wanjin is not easy!

Then Yun Yang went to see the best of the spirits: "I would like to see, this is the best of the spirit, there are some strange things... actually blown so much, it is really stronger than my purple pole crystal... ”

Yun Yang has obtained two excellent talents from Huo Yunfeng in the war. However, it was rare to have a free time every day. Until this time, it would be a good time to look at it carefully. This legendary mystery is wonderful. Product!

Yun Yang carefully observed the sensory, and she felt that her eyes were bright and refreshing, full of purple and sorrowful, but the gods were different; but... from the two hundred best spirits of the Sacred Heart Temple, another one was quite Pay attention to the difference, it is Yingying white light!

In a purple airflow, it is particularly eye-catching!

"what is this?"

Yun Yang grabbed it and saw it, but it was a strange communication jade.

The reason why it is singular is that it is simply because... the texture of this communication jade is many times stronger than the average. Although it is a cover design, Yunyang can still see it at a glance: this is a communication jade made of the best quality jade as a raw material!

"Sure enough, there are other secrets. The extra quality of the extra jade is not so good."

Yun Yang instinctively touched this jade with the gods, but immediately stopped, frowning and contemplating for a moment, simply followed the situation, directly into the nine houses.

After the Sacred Heart Temple and the line, Yun Yang feels unsafe and must go to an absolutely safe place to handle it.

In the Temple of the Sacred Heart.

The battle was nothing more than sitting on the knees, suddenly slamming and opening his eyes.

He clearly felt that his thoughts were touched, but then there was no more sense.

"The calculation of the time this kid should go out, just now it is clearly touching the seal of the gods, how can there be no follow-up movements?..."

"No, he should have opened up my communication jade...but how can I feel nothing?...unless unless he is in a completely isolated place...but look at this world Heaven and earth, where can I cut off my gods to contact?"

"This kid is really full of mystery, and the number is far more than the generation..."

"I will give it to him, maybe it will be successful..."

The war is nothing more than a thought in my heart, but I close my eyes, and a sly face reveals a deep color.

"As long as this kid is more savvy, the world can go..."


Yun Yang came to the nine prefectures, and this really opened the communication jade.

The cockroach opened here, but the sound of the sound rang, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him.

Inside the light curtain is a mountain river. In the sky, there are countless monsters flying, covering the sky; there are hawks, carvings, cranes, and... um, looks like chickens? !

Below, there is a human warrior, and some huge monsters are transformed into human figures, but they are not in a state of perfection. The two sides are fighting fiercely.

The sound of nothing but the sound of the war: "This is the scene of the enchantment when the enchantment invaded 7,000 years ago. At that time, the three top sects were defeated by half of the strength... This battle lasted only ten days, waiting for humans. When the reaction came over and the intention was to counterattack, the Yaozu had already retired. All of their official statements at the time were... a demon prince lost..."

"It is a servant, a human master has killed hundreds of people; there are dozens of people missing, and their whereabouts are unknown..."

"Everyone didn't think much about it at the time. It was only a nerve of the Yaozu."

Next is another picture.

It is still the arrival of flying monsters, the two races.

"More than 6,000 years ago, a major war broke out again. This time, hundreds more people died and dozens of people were missing."


"Five thousand years ago... hundreds of people died, more than a dozen people are missing..."


"One hundred and two hundred years ago, there was another raid. The Zhongpin Tianyun flagship was sent down and someone was missing..."

"Seven hundred years ago... 15 people were missing."

"Three hundred years ago... the middle and the lower martial art, some people are missing."

"Ninety years ago, Chinese and lower products..."

"The most recent time, six Chinese martial art schools have been attacked, and three more sects have been killed. On the bright side, only the Golden Eagles are coming, but... many missing people are not golden eagle. The hand under the royal family."

"But there are also 44 people missing, including 21 Chinese seed squad seed players, and the next genre seed disciples, twenty-three."

"This seat is suspected, the frequent invasion of the Yaozu, the purpose is not simply to create killing chaos, but ... they are more inclined to rob the Terran repairers back, but what to do, but it is intriguing, difficult to draw conclusions! ”

"There have been no movements in the Sacred Heart Temple for many years, but the Sacred Heart Temple can know ahead of time whether planning any action. No matter what arrangement, no matter how ambush, the Yaozu properly responds, there is little loss... ...the fact that there must be ghosts in the Sacred Heart Temple is no longer a question."

"On this matter, this seat has sent several people to sneak into the demon's side to inquire, but all the sneak personnel are killed. And all of them have just been smashed out. Not even have time to act..."

"Even the seat is secretly arranged in your own secret room...and will be known to the other party."

"This traitor is really a big misfortune for my people!"

"This is a double-minded thinking, there is no countermeasure, no power!"

"But this matter is a matter of the future of mankind. You can't ignore it. You must catch the traitor of the Sacred Heart Temple as soon as possible to talk about the follow-up."

"Cloud head. If you are interested in this matter and want to make a contribution, there is still a complete set of demon people in this jade, whether it is demon, god, or even identity background. Inclusive..."

"If you are not interested, it does not matter, the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, this seat understands."

"If you want to go, take the refining flower first, and protect you from any situation."

If nothing is wrong with the war, it will come to an abrupt end.

The picture continues, followed by a detailed road map and many detailed introductions to the inside of the Yaozu.


It is a temporary smoothing. I will think about it tomorrow...>

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