I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 290: You are not Ray Mufeng!

Yun Yang applied rescue, and the moment when the prisoner smashed the chain, the two abnormal sounds suddenly started. Two white chubby sucking insects suddenly flew up, twisting the body and rushing toward Yun Yang.

The spirit of the spirits is sensitive to the instinct of the Xuanqi spirit, and it is also sensitive to the surrounding environment and the atmosphere of the environment. Yun Yang enters the territory of their territory and naturally motivates their first time.

Yun Yang didn't look at the two evil things. He didn't hesitate to put his feet together, and the two snoring sounded. The two squirrels were still in the air and turned into a little bit of stars. Meat scraps.

Although the stag beetle has the specific talent to absorb the mysterious and spiritual power, but if the target is not the resistance of the imprisoned, it is the extremely weak generation, such as Yun Yang, even if it is just two feet Can not afford, immediately broken bones, turned into powder.

When the worms are annihilated, there is a strong and mysterious scent that is diffused. It is the scent of the spirits that gather in the body. If it is absorbed, it will be of great benefit, but Yunyang is a Swing your sleeves and drive them away without a trace. This kind of evil force that is all out of the way, not to mention sucking into the body, even if you touch one or two, you must be disgusting!

The three uncles were more and more weak under the twists and turns, but the original turbid eyes were unexpectedly lit up, and the unsuccessful set of Yun Yang, his body was carefully liberated by Yun Yang, and smoothly placed. On the ground, although the state is still awkward, but it is already exhausted, to restore freedom, but the three uncles still have no blink of an eye, staring at Yun Yang, in addition, there is only a big mouthful of gasping, the face of the dead body, The trail showed a blush.

The other five people are also excited, and the eyes are shining in the eyes of the hole.

"Mu Feng?"

San Shugong looked at Yun Yang and his voice trembled: "You are Mu Feng? Are you really Mu Feng?"

Yun Yang neither nods nor shakes his head. He whispers: "Three uncles, this is not a place to talk. I will dispose of these dross first..."

As a matter of fact, several guards who had not died before died, and they also learned about the invasion of the enemy. The sound of shouting was suddenly overwhelming, and countless people rushed in.

Where will Yun Yang put this manpower in his heart, and the knife in his hand will sway, and a knife will burst out again. Like a roller, it will flood the entire passage. For a time, the knife will be like a dragon, and it will be pushed out. The cloak, the road finder is dead!

The knife passes through, not only the few guards who are fleeing, but even the screams are not cut out, they are cut into flesh and blood, and as the knife continues, a series of exclamations and screams are heard. ......

If it is a good sound for a long while, the dungeon will return to the dead silence.

Obviously no one wants to say anything, but everyone has been killed by Yun Yang, killing it, killing it!

All the people who are rushing in, under this knife, there is no half left.

The sound is still, the unprecedented **** taste, the nose, the only red, not seeing others.

Although Lei Man’s manpower is not weak, he is too pediatric, compared to Yun Yang, who has now reached the peak of the four kings of the Holy King. The end is easy and the hand is coming.

Seeing that Lei family was extinguished, Yun Yang was reaching out again, and with a bang, the blade of God flew back from afar and fell back into his hand. The blade was as clear as ever, and it was spotless.

These supernatural means of letting go of the gods make San Shugong and others look dazzled and fascinated.

At that time, the weak teenager who left home alone, actually grew to such a degree?

Even Lei Junming and others who had broken their arms and broken their arms were shocked and even forgot to scream.

"The road has been cleared." Yun Yang has quietly moved six lives into six people's bodies, including those who have been begging for mercy.

However, Yun Yang knows very well that even though the gas of life is the remedy for healing and returning to the Yuan, for these six people, at most, they can only delay their death time a little, and they can’t really come back to life, but the cloud Yang still did this, and I believe that this time of returning to the light of life will be crucial for these six people!

"Three uncles, this Lei Junming father and son, how do you want to deal with?"

People on the ground turned upside down, and people from all directions were coming to this side; but Yun Yang didn't care, and never put it in his heart.

But the ants are only, even if they come, they are killing.

The three uncles still breathed from the hard, but the lips were a smile of joy: "The old man's life... don't ask the family to prosper, don't ask for invincible world, the biggest wish is to see Lei Junming in front of me. Granting the first, I thought that God has no eyes, and the evil has lived for a thousand years. I don’t care if I want to be from the people, I will treat me not thin, and I will not be thin..."

"The old man dreamed of seeing the beasts in front of me countless times. When I opened my eyes again, I was only disappointed. I never thought that, one day, the life of this beast would really be due to my words. Resolutely, the day will not be for me, and the day will not be for me."

He laughed happily: "Lei Junming, Lei Junming, you are a devastated beast, you can have thought that you will have such a day?!"

He laughed and looked at Yun Yang's eyes, but it was a strange color.

Lei Junming succumbed to the ground, coldly said: "Lei Mufeng, since you came for revenge, what else to pay, happy to do it. The profit of the picture, what can be recovered, want to torture revenge What? It’s just that you can see that the owner can have a hip-hop!”

Three uncles smiled coldly and said one word at a time: "Lei Junming, you are wrong, I have never planned to torture you. You torture our body, but want to get it, want to know. But... you I want to know what you want to know, and I know that you are not sure to know the answer. It is also a fool to be a ghost!"

"I really don't have any idea that I want to torture you. I don't want to live in this world as long as you are a pig that is not as good as a pig and dog. It is enough."

The three uncles struggled, and the eyes showed fierce brilliance. One hand slammed on the ground, trying to hold up their own body, and gasping: "Give me a knife, the old man wants... Send him... on the road."

Yun Yang stepped forward and helped the three uncles to get up. He said that it was uplifted. In fact, most of the three uncles were pressed on the shoulders of Yun Yang. Only the hand that was like a beggar, but stubbornly extended.

Yun Yang has a heart and soul, and puts the knife of God's will in the hands of the three uncles. The three uncles work hard to carry the knife and try again and again, but they can't lift it at all. The mouth is difficult: "Mu wind... San Shugong is not... You have to remember that in the future, if there is an enemy... don’t give him the chance to stand up. If the roots are sinister, it’s temperamental, but it’s a once and for all... Remember!”

"In the future, if your own people have disagreements... be sure to deal with them in the first place, don't give him any chance to deal with you... your father... is not enough, because of the woman's benevolence, this I was attacked by Lei Junming... I have reminded him many times that he always does not believe, always mourning the same blood..."

"Ning is wrong, don't let it go... Even if it's too cool, but it can guarantee that you will live for a long time in this river and lake... Only live is the most important thing..."

Some words are not exhausted, and the tip of the knife in the hands of the three uncles is already in the throat of Lei Junming. The three uncles are only inserting the power of the remaining forces, but he has now gone to the point where the oil is dry, even though Directly pointing to the key, the blade is added, still as strong as the end, it is difficult to wear a vegetarian, always do not break the neck of Lei Junming.

Yun Yang whispered, and handed it to the hands of San Shugong, pressing hard.

A slamming sound, **** splashes, and Lei Junming’s good head rolled straight out.

The uncle's arm swayed, and the knife fell to the ground; a bitter smile: "It doesn't become impossible, the old man's life is in an instant, and there is no turning... But I can see that Lei Junming died in my own hands... How is it enough? It is."

He looked at Yun Yang and put the knife away. The turbid eyes showed an indescribable thick and tired color. He said: "Mu wind... You take us out, find a few soft beds, let us lie down... ”

"We have been... for more than ten years, we have not lie down and rested, let us rest and rest at the last moment of life..."

Yun Yang’s heart was sour and said: "Okay."

"As for these few people, you just look at the treatment. With your current cultivation, Lei family up and down, no one can stop you from doing anything, anything!" San Shugong tiredly closed his eyes: "Mu Feng, you are very Ok, really good."

The other few people, after seeing Lei Junming’s death, completely relaxed their minds, and fainted in the past. Finally, the aftertaste of life is still there, and they can live a little longer.

Yun Yang thought about the electric turn, directly constructed a dense air bed with Xuanqi, placed all six people on it, thought about it, and made another one, and sealed the people like Lei Tiantian. The meridians are thrown on top.

Lei Dongtian screamed and swears: "There is a kind of killing me! Lei Mufeng, you haven't planted a turtle, bastard, I look down on you, even if you win now, I still look down on you, you do it." Why don't you dare to do it!"

Yun Yang listened to the upset, and simply sealed the voices of the three people; dragging two invisible air beds all the way, and outside the dungeons, there was already a large crowd of black people.

It’s just these people, Yun Yang really won’t be on the mind, just as the three uncles said, with the cultivation of Yun Yang’s theory, it’s really impossible to stop Yun Yang’s doing anything with Lei’s home.

Lei Jiawen asked the people who came to help to see Yun Yang, and it was just a strange face under the recognition. They couldn’t help but rush to the crowd and embraced the cloud.

It’s a pity that the gap between them and Yunyang’s strength is too great. Yun Yang’s eyes are murderous, and the sword of God’s knives is once again shot out, turning into a sharp knife, and the dozens of knives are hovering in the field. Flying, wherever he went, I saw that he was dead and he did not see his injury.

Before and after the rest of the time, hundreds of people who were assisted by Lei Jia were killed by Yun Yang.

Yun Yang opened the killing ring, and the result of no mercy left another result, which led to another result. The long-lost causality is like a hundred rivers and seas generally coming to the clouds. The degree of richness makes Yun Yang feel that he is almost a slaughterman. A general army.

Yun Yang’s big killing, the slaughter is very heavy, but he really didn’t kill any masters. If he is the highest, he will only have the ranks of the saints, but the fruit of the cause and effect of the harvest is extremely rewarding. In order to help the three uncles to kill Lei Junming, the most powerful, causal gas, almost let Yun Yang give birth to kill thousands of people!

This result can only show that not only Lei Jun Ming himself is full of evil, but the death is extremely extreme. Lei Jia is also a home of evil and evil.

Yun Yang went all the way and went all the way to kill. On top of this road, the number of people who lost their lives under the Yun Yang knife exceeded more than 2,000!

The causality gained under this round of blasting is so full that the green and green in the space are amazed. How long has it been? For a long time, there has been no such a bumper harvest!

What's wrong with this outside? Is it impossible for the owner to kill God?

This is too much, according to the algorithm of Tian Xuan mainland...

Is this killing hundreds of thousands of wicked people in a short time?

Yun Yang continued to kill and kill, and all the way to the Lei family's main house, the killing intentions have not been reduced, no far-reaching killing, so that the people who survived the Lei family no longer dare to do it. Every living person in this meeting is all white and shivering.

Yun Yang’s powerful King of the Kings, covering the entire Lei Family Courtyard, no one can escape!

All the intent is fortunate, and dare to escape, all are killed by a knife, the body is different!

For a time, the entire Lei family compound became a huge cage, Lei Jia full door up and down, as the lamb to be slaughtered.

No one wants to go out and wait for the end of life.

At this moment, a large amount of **** scent accumulated more and more, and it is filled with dozens of miles of land. The **** taste of the main house of Lei Family is so incomprehensible.

Yun Yang Zhuo Ran stood in the middle of the Lei Family Courtyard. He said: "You have come over and lifted a few big beds out of the room."

Several people were pointed at by him, and they were scared and frightened. They directly scared their eyes and turned white, and suddenly fell to the ground and fainted.

Yun Yang snorted and wrote a knife to kill the coma, and immediately pointed to a few people.

With the lessons learned from the previous car, the newly reassigned people, even rolling up and carrying a few large beds to lift; Yun Yang carefully carried the three uncles and other people up, placed properly.

Six people lay on the soft big bed, and they all gave a comfortable snoring. The man who had been begging for mercy sighed with a refreshing sigh. He suddenly laughed and said, "Shu Tanshutan. There is such a day, this life is worth it. However, there is no regret in death."

He continued to laugh, and under the vibration of the laughter, the whole body was touched, and the calf bones of the two legs suddenly collapsed from the position of the shin.

But he didn't feel it at all, he was still laughing.

"I have been asking for more than ten years, no one has believed me, or you are just scorning my ambition..." The man laughed and tears came out: "But I really don't know Lei Junping... ...I just happened to pass by that day. I didn’t even know that there was a Lei family here... I was arrested and imprisoned for thirteen years... tortured and forced me to call me for thirteen years..."

"Ha ha ha ha... this world is really interesting, interesting hahaha..."

Under this laugh, there are two lines of tears, and even if the laughter stops, the breath stops, and the life is finally!

The hair of the three uncles and the grass was shaking, exhausted all the strength, and turned his head slowly. He looked at the person who was still laughing and now completely still. The lips squirmed twice and muttered: "I'm sorry."

Sorry, we have always despised you... you have been begging for mercy.

But even we have never thought about it, you are really innocent, everything is innocent...

The situation of the other four people was also unbearable. They all fell into a coma, or they might have fallen asleep and slept...

Three uncles looked at Yun Yang, and they saw a complex and unspeakable look in their eyes, muttering: "Mu wind, come over."

Yun Yang approached him.

"You have shielded the people around you. I don't want people other than you to hear this secret. Even if you don't care, I still don't want to..."

The three uncles are more and more faint.

"it is good."

Yun Yang waved his hand, and the thick and mysterious air banned the space, and there was even more sky and clouds, completely obscuring the sight of the rest.

For the three uncles, although today is only the first time to meet, but Yun Yang is full of respect for him, including the other four people, are also full of respect.

In the face of such cruel inhuman torture, I have been persisting for 13 years and never yielded!

What kind of persistence is this!

Just this insistence is worthy of being respected by anyone in the world! This is really not what ordinary people can do!

Yun Yang asked himself, if it is a translocation, he may not be able to persist in concealing it, or he will be self-sufficient in the first time when he knows that things are impossible, and he will save the piecemeal torture, and he hopes that he will wait almost hopelessly!

"I know, you, not the wind." San Shugong looked at Yun Yang, but he said no, but his eyes were very warm.


It’s all big chapters. >

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