I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 310: Happy troubles

Jiufufu Fengmingmen resident.

As Yun Yang said, Fengmingmen people are very satisfied with this station! A hundred acres of square, two small peaks, the other is a horse Pingchuan!

In the corner of a large plain, there are a small yard with 20 seats!

All the living utensils inside are exquisite and exquisite, tables, chairs, benches, beds, eating and drinking utensils... all available.

Fengmingmen’s high-level officials are extremely satisfied with the status quo.

The high-quality disciples who have satisfied themselves have been recruited. The original purpose of Fengmingmen’s trip has been successfully completed. Recently, the talents of the two thousand and one talents are at least the first-class disciples; everyone is happy. .

However, the heavens and the earth are not perfect, and the world can be as good as it is, and the ensuing troubles are accompanied by happiness.

This kind of trouble, at least at this stage, can't be solved at all, and it can only be relieved slowly through the long-flowing water-milling effort.

Specifically, this is just two thousand guys who have just enrolled. Looking at the high-level eyes of Fengmingmen, it’s all bitter and deep, and it’s just that you can’t see the eyes of the enemy!

Some of the little guys even screamed at the dissatisfaction directly: "We are the disciples of the Nine Houses, and we will soon officially visit the wall. What do you want to do here?"

"I don't want to come at all... It's bad luck!"

"Every day I hope that the head of the master will come back, so that I can go under the door of the nine prefectures. Now I can pour it well. I have a scorpion to get the Fengmingmen of this stuff... Fengmingmen Fengmingmen... Waiting for the place... I brought it with me, and I’m here to throw people away and die...”

The girl next to me didn't do it: "Two black! What do you mean? What is a woman who should come to Fengmingmen? We are all disciples of the Nine Houses! But now you just have to go back and you have forgotten the head." Shi Zun said that after ten years, you can re-select your own door! We are now temporarily unwilling, not necessarily without a day! You should not be discouraged, you have extinguished your own spirit!"

"Three girls! You don't swear, I didn't say you anymore, how did you destroy your own arrogance... I said those... oh..." Concealedly looked at a few women in Fengmingmen.

"It’s still a good luck for the four tigers. He hasn’t been received here. Hey... this is enough for him to be stunned...that’s why we’re going to be ten years slower than him, I’m afraid It’s hard to catch up..."

"I also said that I will not let myself out of my own spirit. You have not lost your confidence. As long as I can return to the Nine Houses after ten years, as long as I continue to work hard and work hard, I may not be able to catch up with the four dogs. !"

"Me too, I have to work hard and look forward to the day when I return to the wall of the Nine Houses!"

"Me too, there is me!"

"I was born to the people of the Nine Houses. The death is the death of the Nine Houses. I will never forget the code and leave the door!"


A bunch of little guys rub their heads, twisted their necks, pouted, their eyes were red, and their eyes were tearing with tears...

It’s really only the expression of the words of bitterness and hatred that can’t be seen in the eyes of the gods. It’s the most arrogant...

When I ordered the roster, I was screaming at the neck and screaming at the mouth, so that everyone in Fengmingmen had a headache.

Fortunately, Fengmingmen are all old rivers and lakes, and their experience and experience are all on the top. Moreover, because of Gan Tianyan’s sake, I know some of these children’s minds. I understand that I can’t be in a hurry. Only a long time can be separated from each other. ,

It’s hard to make a fuss about these little guys, registering the roster, and re-taking the name according to the Fengmingmen’s door. Really defeated Fengmingmen, everyone has patience, in order to please these little guys, the best of all the names are made.

The original two black, three girls, five 愣, the dog left... became: Cheng Yun, Ling Bo, Ling Xiao, Zhuang Zhi...

Either have connotation, or good, or have ambition, or sound majestic and mighty, or sound sinful...

Just by making such names, it is already very difficult and it is very difficult for Fengming to be a high-ranking person.

The end of the painstaking efforts, spare no effort, racking their brains, search for the stomach!

"I didn't learn much in my life, I just ate a loss of culture... Now I still have to think about the names of these little rabbits."

The elders had a snot and a tear: "My original name is not called Li Ergou... No one gave me another name..."

This sentence, originally, can cause everyone to laugh. However, after a few days of busy work, no one laughed.

The facts are all empathy, people with this heart, the same with this, why can you say! ?

At this time, there are a total of twenty-four masters, two thousand and one disciples; twenty-three elders are each assigned to eighty disciples, and the rest are all in the same vein.

For this distribution, this is the result of great joy. However, in view of the incompatibility of the little guys, the heart is not even more uncomfortable, it is really a headache.

Even if it is a month of the month, she feels helpless. She even feels particularly depressed. The child with the body of the phoenix will hate her, and she hates it!

After all, when the child wants to come, he has already escaped the selection. What kind of tyrannical do you want to come over from the old woman? What do you want to do, have you considered the feelings of this party? Other people are just unlucky. Is this bad luck at home? !

Fengmingmen’s policy of treating Huairou, which the new disciple deliberately greeted, was in the face of these small things, and there was no room for contending to retreat.

This is largely determined by the origins of the disciples. Feng Mingmen’s disciples have been recruited in the past. Basically, each family is in good condition; and because of his talented qualifications, he was born by his parents and grandchildren. For the Huairou policy from a higher level, it is naturally very acceptable, even very thorough.

But what are the guys in the heart of Yun Yang’s collection?

Those ones are all those who have been tortured by traffickers in the most difficult and cruel environment.

That is the most sensitive and vigilant little devil!


Hehe... surely have ulterior motives!

If you say anything else, Fengmingmen still have room for refutation, but when it comes to ulterior motives, they really have to pinch their noses and recognize them: because they have ulterior motives, they are not really recruiting their disciples. It is the talent of the disciples who are coveted by the disciples. The so-called nine prefectures that do not bear the strength of the teachers have misunderstood the future of many disciples, but they are the scenes of the grandeur!

This section is an indisputable fact, and it is indisputable!

Reluctantly justify, only more exposed to its short, add a handle!

I have tossed each other for a few days and basically no progress.

Fortunately, all the people in Fengmingmen are old-fashioned people. For this situation, they have long been expected. They have already made plans for a long time. Only the month of Pingzhi decided that they could not continue to stay.

"According to the previous resolution, 12 people were left to watch the disciples practice and practice. Slowly, we have a full ten years, no hurry."

Ping traces the moon: "The human heart is long and fleshy. There are no disciples who are not well-educated. There is no warm-hearted person. Just seeing Master's due diligence or not doing his job, even if it is a stone, there is a hot day."

Finish, go out and go.

Twelve people who stayed, look at me, I look at you, but they are all looking at the dishes, and then the spirits of the past are gone.

Everyone in the truth will say that the tricks will change, but they are all different, but when they are truly rooted and implemented to the most original point, they are still the most difficult and the least important.

Gan Tianyan was the first to cough and said: "Lee brother, these two thousand disciples are all geniuses in genius; you have to bother."

Li Shixiong shakes out a phantom with a white head: "Gang Shimei, this is a seed disciple, the genius in the genius, the old man can watch it, and witnessing it is already a great fortune, and the old man is not the head." Pulse, you can be more and more stunned... This responsibility can’t afford it.”

Gan Tianyan’s eyes stood up and said: “What do you say? Can’t afford it? How do I remember that before you, red mouth white teeth vowed to say good things to teach a few excellent clothes, that is the rest of your life, you are now That is to say, is it retiring? But it’s too late... I can’t do it anyway. Anyway, I’m responsible for the 200 people in our veins; in your own name, all of them are taught by yourself! Oh, originally Are you rushing to stay? Don’t you think about leaving something? Don’t try to teach your disciples, really here to raise an old man?”

After a hard talk, I’m going out.

Master Li sighed and sighed: "Look, you look at this temper, but fortunately the old man did not have a sigh..."

The voice did not fall, and a light flashed from the door.

Brother Li screamed and hurriedly flashed, and when he saw a sword, he was inserted under his feet!

Outside the door came the voice of Gan Tianyan: "Don't dare to talk nonsense, I cut you up and down, you dare not dare?!"

Everyone looks at each other, even if it is a sneer, it lasts for a long time, but it is the oppressive atmosphere before the sweep!

A woman said: "Lee brother, this is really a matter of conscience. In the past, the Ganshi sister did not even see you in the eyes... Of course, it is mainly that your younger one is really ugly, I remember that I did not How do you look at you, but when you look at you, it’s really something that you can’t eat directly, so I’ve been thinking about it, there’s still a linger...”

Brother Li: "..."


In any case, the cooperation between the two sects has come to an end.

Fengmingmen’s ten masters of the Holy King’s peak, and two masters of the Holy Emperor, lived in the Nine Houses.

The disciples of the two major sects also began to practice step by step.

Those disciples who are divided in Fengmingmen, no matter how reluctant, but the heart that wants to become stronger will not change.

Even though everyone is wrinkled with a small face at all times, and the face is full of bitterness and hatred, but the practice has not been sloppy, the progress is even more impressive, so that the Fengmingmen people feel great comfort, this trip is not empty.


The disciples of the Jiu Zun House: "Dry to practice, the two martial arts are in January. If you lose someone, you can do it yourself, really interesting!"

And Fengming is here in Huairou: "We can't learn how to learn in the martial art. It's not too urgent in the early days. It's good to follow the steps, even if it's not as good as people, don't be discouraged; now is the time to lay the foundation, you guys The current progress is already very fast, too far..."

Obviously, the practice of the two martial art practices is completely different from the ones that run counter to each other!

But no matter what, at least on the surface, it has entered the formal.

And just this morning.

Yun Yang and Dong Qitian quietly left the Nine Houses.

It skyrocketed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The high-speed rail home tomorrow morning. It’s okay to be there, and I’m scared by old Chinese medicine. The old man said that my stomach is already fifty years old... depends. Opened a bunch of Chinese medicine to nourish the stomach and come back to yourself. Then, a bunch of guys said that I had edited the words and asked for leave, and I took the prescriptions to the sun, and the result... After you saw the party, you guys know the last episode of the singer... The whole starting point of the special thing is to say that my kidney is not good! Several authors called to ask me: Wind chimes, I heard that you can't do it? No one said to the caller: I am your uncle! That recipe is to raise the stomach! Stomach! Stomach! ! ! rub! >

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