I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 411: The world is in chaos!

Among the twelve peaks of the Yaozu’s peak, Penghuang’s Eagle Emperor and Emperor’s Emperor are among the best. One third of the 12 emperors are involved in this matter, let alone one additional one. Crane King!

What a terrible case!

Once you have more accidents, maybe the story of the nine-day cat demon family will be repeated! Even bigger than the nine-cat family!

It's much bigger!

The entire Yaozu will be turbulent!

The current Yaozu can't afford such a big turmoil!

In the first time, the demon emperor ordered the blockade of the demon domain.

Seeing that the situation is serious, there is a danger of imbalance, and then immediately set up a task force for this matter!

"In any case, check it out and never tolerate it!"

"This is a fundamental event that shakes the demon!"

I thought of the arrangement and I don’t know how many years, and the underground prisons that didn’t know how much demon power and material resources suddenly abolished... The demon emperor burned in five times!

Even killing the hearts of the emperor and other emperors!

"Your Majesty, this matter, the Fox Emperor has a major suspicion!"

"He had always been in the bloodsucker mountain, and he never came to the demon palace to worship. There are many reasons. At this moment, this kind of thing suddenly appeared... very strange."

"Chen, please, take the nine-tailed white case!"

The elder Qinglong stood up for the first time and made a generous speech.

In the heart of the demon, five rumors, although the fox emperor may not betray, but this thing is related to him but it is nailed! You know, not all Yaozu can get the Fox King's personal token!

"This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible! Your Majesty, night long dreams, in case the humans know it... the consequences are unimaginable."

The elders are worried.

After the demon queen hesitated, he immediately called a meeting.

After deliberation, directly dispatched a master of the road, starry night to the Fox family, and the Fox Emperor, the demon emperor is even more secretly ordered: If the Fox Emperor is honestly returning, but there are exceptions, you can kill it on the spot!

"In a critical moment, there is no room for loss. The princes are outside, and there are any circumstances that can be disposed of at a discretion."

The Dragon King was very cautious to make such an order.

The elders of Qinglong immediately led the nine masters, and together they made a total of ten sacred monarchs.

"When the old minister goes, he will find out the matter!"

"Be careful!"


All the way to the smoke, the Qinglong elders led the team.

Looking at the elders of Qinglong, the Emperor felt that he seemed to have neglected anything. However, at the moment, he burned in the air, and his mouth was bubbling, but he could not remember for a while.

Then I was busy with my feet and I completely forgot my mind...

The other way is the whole sky!

The entire demon world, the trillion demon at the same time action!

Capture the violets, white clothes, foxes, and jade foxes!

Of course, these foxes are all the same guy...


It is said that the Peng family can be described as a mixture of five flavors. This has just finished drinking wine with others. It is not happy to send it away for a while; then I immediately learned that this is a big liar, a big rape...

It’s serious to catch the case quickly!

When I got this news, Peng Huang also gave up. All the Peng people who had been drinking with the old fox many times in these days were all intimidating!

Everyone is so arrogant... You are actually a spy!

Actually it is a spy!

Fortunately, the Peng people have greedy people to kill the fox's big liar all the way, and for the time being, they still have to lose the path of the jade fox and thirteen lang; otherwise, the Penghuang's manpower may not be able to catch up!

Yun Yang, who was fighting, saw that the entire chasing army was full of the entire sky, and his heart was not good. Greedy, as he knew, was light and heavy, and he even refused to take care of the demon. , turned into a water dragon, rushed into a small river nearby.

In fact, his real body was instantly turned into a breeze, and it took off, and all the way to life was soaring toward the sky.

"Mama Mia... so terrible! Scared the baby..."


When the Shengjun of the Peng family came to the left, Yun Yang had already disappeared, and then he took the breath, and the martial arts masters started to work together. The small river ditch has turned into a desert...

But even if you are in the middle of the sea, the small river desert is also good, the hateful fox is completely traced, the traces are gone!

Obviously, the blockade of the weather, the blockade of the space... all the means are used, but it does not help!

This guy, why is it so inexplicable disappeared!

This is in the eyes of the public, disappeared without a trace, no traces!

The Peng people are in a strong position to blow up the lungs!

At the same time, many Peng Peng Ling roots who had just got the hands of the Peng family suddenly became withered, and in a very short time they became dregs... Only those who have already taken it are considered to be cheap, and they have benefited. .

It is also from this moment that the Peng people lost their roots again.

There is also the golden marrow fruit of the carving family. It is also the same situation. The area of ​​the Imperial Palace that specializes in cultivating the golden marrow fruit trees is full of death, no vitality, all fruit trees, all dead!

The eagle's eagle soul grass is even more absolute, all in order to fly ash!

The eagle soul grass is the spiritual plant that Yun Yang left to make arrangements early. In addition to the appearance of goods, it was even more green and green, and those who planted and cultivated, even those who were traded by ordinary civilian hawks, even took it. The whole number is turned into fly ash, and the benefit is even more dangerous!

The three emperors saw this situation, and the return of all parties, directly hurt the liver.

The demon emperor passed the world!

"At all costs, catch the fox!"

"All the demons, gather the demon palace!"

"Eagle, Crane, Peng, and the four emperors, roll over!"

The wrath of the demon's thunder blasts the world

In addition to the crane emperor, the other tribes did not have a scapegoat, and the emperors felt as uncomfortable as eating a sly, black face and accepting punishment.

Hehuang was the first time to kill the Tianguan Wangmen, and the company even the Jiuzu!

The dragons are moving!

The tiger has moved!

Feng, Ying, He, Wolf, etc..., the whole demon world; all move up!

It can be said that for hundreds of millions of years, the inside of the demon world has not had such a big action for a long time!

Even in the same year, for the nine-life cat king, it is only the demon king's contribution to the target, not the entire demon mobilization!

But the only thing that hasn’t moved now is the Fox family!

Because the Fox family, until now, is still in the dark, and does not know it at all... No demon will be awkward at this time, in case it is really related to the Fox Emperor, once the news comes out, it immediately slips away. Who can catch it?

So, even the Fox Emperor will fight at the Blood Soul Pass, the battle is tired, and he will go to his opponent's cave to rest, drink some wine, sleep for a while, then blew the blame... The days are very comfortable.

Naturally, I don’t even know that a **** pot has been buckled on his head!

I don’t know, if the high-level demon knows the cave where he often travels to the peak of the Terran, and often drinks and chats with him, even rest and rest, will not give birth to more associations!


The law enforcement team of the demon palace has already walked on the road.

Head to the position of the Fox Emperor at full speed.

The historic scene of the history of the two series of the **** is about to be staged!

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