I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 430: Take a break!

The Emperor frowned: "Inexplicable! Do you know what you are talking about? Release your hand!"

If Fenghuang’s eyes want to spurt fire, he asks in a word: “You just didn’t want to do everything in your power! Why did you stop the Dragon Soul nourish midway?”

The demon emperor narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "Even if there is no interruption, this treatment is also doomed to be unsuccessful. Since there is no hope of success, why not be futile, plain and wasteful, is this layer not in your heart?"

Fenghuang sneered: "Of course I have a number. Of course, I know clearly. I know that as long as I continue, I can make Yuer have the opportunity to return to the soul. Even though it is still rare to return to the wisdom and clearness, but the soul is solid, but it can be reincarnation. Come! With Yu's own fox secret technique to create a paradox, after passing through the reincarnation, the Yuan Ling has the mother's body, and the vitality is multiplied. It is impossible to return to the fox prince's body! It is just a little re-educe!"

"But you interrupted the Dragon Soul nourishment in the middle, which not only made the treatment process in vain, but also completely destroyed everything!"

"It can even be said that from the moment you interrupted, the son of Nine-tailed White is truly without any hope!"

Fenghuang grievously asked: "This will be a big deal! Why is this? You have never been such a short-sighted character! Tell me the reason, give me a reason!"

The demon emperor was silent for a long while, silently saying: "The scorpion has already reached the half-sacred peak; only half a step, you can set foot on the saints!"

He turned around and looked at the Fenghuang: "Even... the half-foot of the dragon has already stepped in! You can't do it at this time, the power of the dragon! The nourishment of the dragon soul just given is already what you can give now. The limit, if it is reluctantly, it will consume the sorrowful dragon spirit... If you want to completely save Jiuweibai’s son, you must pay at least 20% of the avenue dragon soul, once you lose 20% of the avenue dragon The soul, will fall to the order, slip to the semi-September... At least five thousand years to recover, and still do not know whether to wait for the peak after the restoration!"

There is also a bit of pain in the demon's gaze: "Do you think that I don't know if this is a good opportunity to rehabilitate the old and enjoy the nine-hearted heart? However, Qinglong is too embarrassed, and the child's injury is too heavy! The price paid is too big! It is far beyond the limit of the load that can be loaded. In the critical moment when our Yaozu is about to break into Xuanhuang, this order slips. You don’t know what it stands for? For him. One life, let the demon go up and down, wait for another five thousand years? If you are jealous, how would you choose!"

Fenghuang sighed long and angered: "How can I not understand this section? From the very beginning, I understand that the overall interests of the Yaozu are above all else. It is impossible for the child to kill the demon. Waiting for five thousand years! Then why didn’t you just say it directly? Have you done a good job?”

His roaring roar: "Do you think that Jiuweibai is a fool? I tell you that he is a fox! He is a fox! And he is the empire of the fox, playing with his heart, he is the ancestor, I dare not play with him. Heart, do you dare?!"

The last few words are almost out!

"You lied to him, ruined his son, and actually want to harvest his gratitude?! What are you thinking?!"

Fenghuang’s heart is speechless.

After the end, the first thank you to Jiuweibai is himself. After a while, I remembered thanking the demon.

Two simultaneous efforts, but to separate thanks?

How can Jiu Baibai make such a mistake? !

Fenghuang remembered this scene and his heart was cold. He doesn't know? How can he not know!

"Nine-tailed white... is your starting brother, the **** brother who helped you to go all the way!"

Fenghuang grieves and angers: "At the beginning, the nine-life cat is also your iron-clad brother! For your son, you are willing to go it alone, so that the nine-life cat family disappeared from the Yaozu, now,

The same is for the son, for your own strength, with me to pull the demon? If it is Jiuweibai, I will see the clue... How do you do it? ”

The demon's eyes are sharp: "He dares!"

"He dares? He doesn't dare?" Fenghuang asked in a fluttering light.

The demon emperor was a moment of ecstasy, and suddenly he whispered: "I can't know if it is my brother? Can I not remember that it was my original **** brother? When did I forget his contribution? But the price, 朕Can not afford!"

"If you are still Bai Yulong who used his brothers to sway the demon world, even if I have ruined my soul, I will save his son at any cost! But I am now a demon!"

"I didn't know enough about what I said just now? On my shoulder, I am no longer a few **** brothers! But the whole demon! Fenghuang, you are blindly ignoring personal grievances with me, is it interesting?"

Fenghuang sneer: "Is it interesting? Not interesting? There is no old brother, you have the whole Yaozu, how can you?"

The demon snorted and seemed to want to say something, but thought about it or not, and changed to a helpless tone: "The situation is like this anyway. From the beginning to the end, I have not refused to help Jiuweibai save his son. Hey, I really want to help him. Before the treatment, did you do your best? Don’t you know, but in the end, beyond the bottom line, you can only close your hand. Under the steps!"

The Fenghuang sighed weakly.

For a time, there was no interest in talking.

I can see that I can see it, of course, I can still see that your pretending gesture is simply the emperor's mentality. Now the emperor's mentality of the **** has been used by his own old brother!

You know, you first gave people great hopes, and then they broke this hope by hand... This kind of cruelty is a big word that can be described!

Instead of this, you might as well not directly agree to help!

Directly confessing that the stakes are good, the Fox Emperor will not be angry, and then find another way to do it!

But now, your emperor's mind, directly to the fox prince to return to life is hopeless, this is the death of the enemy!

It’s not as simple as seeing death... Well, I’ve added a play!

At that time, you could have destroyed the entire family of the nine-life cats because of your son. Now, why can't the people of Jiuweibai do something for their sons? !

Oh, if Jiuweibai really does something, how serious it can be, but it’s hard to say it!

The demon sorrowed: "There was nothing to say about Jiuweibai. He was saddened by his son's ruin. He may not be able to see it; the power of the dragon's soul is not directly inductive, and I did consume a considerable amount of it. The power of the dragon soul. I see the appreciation of Jiu Baibai just now, and I am really sincere. This point, I am confident that I am not mistaken."

The Fenghuang whirled a few breaths, grinned, and wanted to say something. After all, he still didn't say it. He whispered: "I hope."

The demon patted his shoulder: "Reassured, nine-tailed white is a smart one."

Fenghuang’s face was stiff and he nodded slowly, muttering: “He was a smart person... always the smartest...”

He looked at the demon.

There is only one sentence in my heart.

As far as your IQ is concerned, it is really not suitable for playing the Emperor's heart. Especially... play with smart guys; people can kill you, squat...


Outside the demon palace.

A large house that is slightly smaller than the palace, but with a decorative interior, but not inferior. This place is the residence of the Emperor for the Fox Emperor.

At this moment, the space inside the secret room was also tightly sealed, and a fierce quarrel was erupting.

After the face of Juan Houxiu’s graceful face, his face was full of tears, his expression was like crazy, his eyes were like a fire.

"This is the **** brother in your mouth? This is what you said, can you?"

"Nine-tailed white! This is the boss that you were born and died in the past?"

"We are full of hope, now, halfway, no, not halfway, the son is dead, and there is no hope of returning!"

"Nine-tailed white! Our whole Fox family, for you, for your **** brothers, have been following the demon slashes for so many years, so many years ago, I heard your voice proudly proud of your brother who made the demon emperor... Now, you told me this ?!"

After the fox broke out completely: "Nine-tailed white! You still my son!"

The fox emperor just stood face-to-face.

Let the Queen kick and play and tear and bite on herself. The saliva squirts her face, her face is bitten bloody, she is scratched with blood, her hair is smashed, and her clothes are dirty. Stained, but always said nothing.

After the fox madly vented, finally fell to the ground, long hair blowing down, covering the face of full defeat.

Then she sneered in sneer.


She bowed her head and muttered, "Why do you want to continue the technique of dragon and phoenix resurrection? If you can't do this, Yuer has at least one chance to reincarnate... I will wait for him to come again, I will Find him immediately... Take him from the hustle and bustle... Raise and grow up again... Even if he is incomplete, his mind is lacking, he can always be with me..."

"Unfortunately... your best brother, hehe...hehehehe..."

"Nine-tailed white, hello, you are very good. After all, I am now seeing through it... Jiuweibai, after that, you will be your high-ranking Fox Emperor, I will take my people, or go back to my Qingqiu ... From now on... you and me will be decisive, no more! You have to let me see you again!"

After the fox suddenly looked up, the beautiful face, all the madness, she bit his teeth: "If you see you again, not you die, it is me who died!!"

One of her hands has already been lifted up, and it is a posture to make a vow of heaven!

Once the Tiandao vows are established, the family of the Fox Emperor is completely finished!


The fox emperor, who had a half-sounding and no action, instantly revived, and he was eager to stop it. He said: "I still have a way, there is still a way to let Yuer recover!"

After the fox mad sneer: "Put your fart!" Then loudly: "The emperor is on..."

The fox emperor sweated on his head and shouted: "Yun Yang! That human being has no secret skills! I have a way! I really have a way! Just contact him, Yuer must have a turn!"

This moment, the scorpion's scorpion burst into anxious fire!

After the fox, his eyes suddenly condensed, looking up at the fox emperor, full of eyes are not convinced, and ... suspicious!

After the Fox Fox, the two have been facing each other for a long time.

The fox slowly nodded and said: "Nine-tailed white, I will trust you again, and give you another month!"

She smiled awkwardly: "The soul of the emperor can only last for up to a month at most! After a month, I will see it."

The fox turned and turned.

The fox emperor sat down and snorted and sweated.

At this moment, he suddenly realized the original nine-life cat, what a mood!

The Fox Emperor screamed.

"I can’t think of my fox king, I’m smart, but I’m afraid that today’s wife and I’m ruined, and I’m counting on a different person...”

Then he sat down, his faint eyes gradually deepened, seemingly glory, but like an abyss.

He thought about everything in his heart and carefully thought about it again.

Since the demon king promised to start the recovery of his son, there is no mistake in the whole comb...

Fenghuang always sincerely wants to help himself. This kind of affection, his own nine 窍 窍 珑 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心

However, at that moment, when the demon suddenly stopped to treat, the fox emperor clearly sensed the anger that almost rushed out under the error of Fenghuang!

Fenghuang proposed that the two emperors jointly rescued Yuer, and the demon emperor agreed, and he did not hesitate to agree.

Then, all the materials needed are all found, including the most rare purple pole crystal, which brings together all the purple poles of the entire Yaozu, all gathered together, although the number is still less than the number of hundred expected by Fenghuang. There are already more than 70 pieces, which is already an unexpected number, and the number of original 40% has suddenly increased to over 60%!

Sixty percent of the number, with the injury of Jiuwei jade, the situation, really is a very valuable success rate!

Whether it is the fox emperor, or the fox, all are ecstatic, and even more grateful to the demon emperor Fenghuang, no name!

At this point, everything is ready.

Fenghuang and the demon emperor began the rescue work as scheduled, and the dragon spirit of the demon emperor took the lead to output, and stabilized the soul of the Jiuwei jade, so that all the pieces of the soul were gathered together in one place, and then the Fengshen Jingyuan Wrapped in, sewed and repaired...

The blood is connected, the gas is connected, and the fox emperor clearly feels that the spirit of the emperor is a little bit condensed, bridged, restored, and the vitality continues to grow.

At that moment, his heart was full of gratitude, and he even wanted to put away the nine cents.

For many younger brothers, it’s so hard and frustrating for their own family, such a noble identity...

I am still driving the test of the situation, even if I am worried about my son, but this practice is still... too much!

The fox emperor’s heart is full of embarrassment, and he constantly screams at himself. It is mostly mixed with human beings. Even without a teacher, he has a gentleman’s heart and a gentleman’s belly. How can he do this to his brother? !

However, at that moment, which moment...

Everything comes so awkward, then the elbow

Fenghuang's Fengshen Jingyuan is still in stable output, and it continues to repair the soul of the Yuer.... However, it is responsible for collecting the Yuer soul, and the dragon spirit of the demon who defends the soul is not stopped. It is.


Amp; lt; Li Wei! Amp;gt;

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