I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 439: Fengtian demon prison!

The eyes of the nine-life cat emperor glanced over and slowly said: "Everyone reported the group together to warm up, and in this seemingly enemies, the demon world seeks a glimmer of life; beautiful words, I have no thoughts to say more, only the last sentence, to you, I am I can trust you completely, I believe everyone is also true to me."

"But, no rules are not square. If you want to report to the group to warm up, you must have certain rules and order. I believe that I don't have to say it, everyone understands the importance of it."

All the strong are silent and nod.

This is a natural reason.

You are a fugitive, and all of the entire demon have an obligation to capture it.

The so-called all-or-nothing is not wrong at all.

At this time, if you still want to go it alone, you will not only harm yourself, but also harm the demon of the nine-life cats with you.

"Since then, I have been honored with my nine lives! Others can't guarantee that they will share the same pains with their brothers and help each other. I can still do it myself!"

The nine-footed cat ancestors waved a hand: "If the established policy is the same, other things will not be said here, go out and say the follow-up."

He laughed aloud: "First rush out and then survive, let's name it again, and let's talk about it."

The voice fell, and he rushed out like this.

The cat swallowed and the six cats who had just been rescued, and they quickly followed without hesitation. Then, the remaining ten priests and prisoners, all of them silently keep up with each other, always silent, and the pace at the foot is extremely firm.

This firmness has already shown that they accepted the cat ancestors and have begun to obey the orders of the cat ancestors.

This scene is like a glimpse of the sky, the demon people are under the service, are they so easy?

If you change to humans, even if you don't pull them one by one, give a lot of promises, at least a lot of beautiful words are always indispensable, and in the end, it is inevitable that there will be such unruly, like to do it alone, and ask for it...

And here, the words of the direct hard state: with me, I have the final say, you have to listen to me!

I don't even ask for the name.

Well, it’s not that I don’t ask for a name. I have to live to ask for a name. Because I didn’t live, the name doesn’t make sense...


But it is so unexpected, oh yeah... all from!

Yun Yang’s eyeballs almost bulged out.

Although Yun Yang also has an analysis, the reason why this happens is that the leader is the cat ancestor! A royal who can directly destroy the Emperor's Prince for his brother's innocent murder, a revenge for his brother's family directly killed the dragon's prince!

At the beginning and end of this public case, although it was suppressed by the demon family, it was concealed and the news was completely blocked. However, all the demons in the scene were strong in the ranks of the Holy King, and what news could they win?

Such a royal, although the character is impulsive, but said to be a demon... Looking at the entire demon, who does not want to have such a brother?

Who doesn't want to have such a boss? !

Nowadays, the nine-life cat ancestors are trapped in the mountains, reappearing the dust mites, and save everyone from the ghost prison, and seeing the sky again, such a boss does not follow, who must go with?

Besides, if the cat ancestors finally succeeded in restoration, then they will wait for the demon, and a rejuvenating hero can’t always run!

If you die, you will die. In the middle of the demon prison, although you are still alive, you are not as good as death. If you can live, it is a proper figure of the demon. This sale will be calculated by anyone. Then, follow the cat ancestors, how can we do it!


Yun Yang is still the appearance of the demon fox, together with the fox family elders and elders, the three heads look exactly the same as the demon fox, just like the triplets generally follow the cat family demon, come out.

Blinking has already arrived in the area of ​​the word jail.


I will rush out when I see it.

But Yun Yang is not reconciled.

This action is too smooth... I can’t achieve the goal. Just rescue the cat king and add an opponent to the demon, although it is already good, but... Yun Yang always feels that through this action, you should get more!

Last time, the Fox Emperor said that the Iron King’s **** brother... but quite a lot. And all are the royals of all ethnic groups...

No, just rushing out, some waste!

Yun Yang stopped and said: "I almost forgot, I have a few apprentices locked up here."

Say, go inside.


The seven brothers, such as the white bear, who were imprisoned in this area, were in the same room. It was because they were too low, and they were not further banned, but even so, they were all one. The vice wilting look.

Even the look in the eyes is full of confusion, and is at a loss...

Unexpectedly, the violent vibrations of the thunder and the bang sounded in succession. It seems that there is a big demon in a fierce battle!

The seven brothers who had been wilting had a good spirit, and they all looked up and looked at each other.

He Jiu Tian and other Hezu people, the relatives and friends who are in contact with them who are preparing to serve the fox prince, have already been sentenced to the Ming Dynasty, and even the old trees have already died from death. Only the white bears are still closed here.

Waiting for the future with almost no hope.

The sound of the fierce battle that lasted only lasted for a short period of time, and in total, it only lost the breath of the hundred breaths, and then disappeared and returned to silence.

The white bear frowned, almost wondering if he had just got it wrong.

In terms of their cultivation, in the current demon prison that is completely blocked by the soul, it is also rare to hear what is moving.

About another tea time...

A shadow like an illusion, the general rushed over, and suddenly became familiar with the ultimate figure, the seven eyes of the white bear and other brothers suddenly lit up.

Isn't this a master?

Yun Yang flew and rushed, and the blade of God's willingness would open the door to the room and shouted: "Come out!"

With his cultivation, it is difficult to open the word of heaven, but when it comes to opening the word, it is no difficulty.

The door suddenly opened.

The road suddenly opened, but the white bears did not come out immediately; instead, they used a strange look to see the foxes invaded by Yun Yang.

Yun Yang’s heart screamed and said: “White bear, how can you still not come out?”

The white bears are full of pain, and the eyes are more complicated. Suddenly, the head sighs and asks: "Master, you... are you human?"

How wise is Yun Yang, suddenly know where the problem is, sigh and say: "Don't you come out?"

The white bear closed his eyes and his lips trembled. Suddenly, he turned over and his brother squatted on the ground. He cried and said: "Master, I am sorry!"

Yun Yang can feel that things are not good.

Nowadays, I don’t want to wait for the white bear to wait for seven. The figure has become a blast, and I am rushing out at the highest speed of movement!

The white bear waited for three rules, and opened his mouth, like a cry. Looking at the empty ramp, burst into tears: "Master, I can only give you a breath of time!"

"When the entire Yaozu look down on us, you are a human, but give us warmth!"

"We know you have a purpose! But we still appreciate your presence!"

"You made us feel that living is good, hope is good, Master is so good!"

"But Master... you are always human, we are demon!"

The sound of the white bear's heart and tears came from the depths of the ground.

Yun Yang licked his lips, said nothing, and wholeheartedly, swiftly swept.

He clearly realized that things have produced great variables in the white bears; they did not make a heart and soul, but they came from cause and effect; but they ignored...

After the white bears know the truth, what is the reaction to the position of the demon!

Although, from here, I can achieve my own other purpose, but... Why is there some confusion in my heart?

There are reliefs, there are also sorrows, and there are also enlightenment.

That's it...

Yun Yang’s heart sighed.

The white bear in the depths of the dungeon screamed: "Master, if you meet in the future, life and death are enemies!"

Seven of the brothers fell to the ground, crying and crying, and prolonged.

The short warmth, once thought to be a long-lasting warmth, but the bubble bubble... did not really have it. It turns out that among us in this demon world, it is just seven demon-like, ant-like demon...

Immediately, a mental force burst suddenly!

That... seems to be a signal!


"Dark Prison!"

In a secret room, Fenghuang suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Transfer! Fengtian demon prison!"

The ninety-nine sacred monarchs who have already been waiting for the battle have taken off collectively, and joined forces to break open the void and directly to the ghost prison, and they will show their hands together.

An inexplicable plentiful force, all of a sudden overshadowed the entire demon prison, the demon prison was surrounded by three thousand miles, the whole was blocked by this giant force, time, heaven and earth ban, the gods banned, even the aura, No longer flowing!

During this time, all the living creatures in or around the demon prison, although the strength of the war is not lost, can no longer be changed at will, what the Yaozu is like here, it can only be what it looks like, it is transformed into a human figure. In the next three thousand years, it is impossible to turn back to the original form; and those who have been born in the world, the three thousand years no longer have the power of transformation.

What's more, the creatures in the scope of the envelopes of the sky, the spiritual power in the body is also sealed together; the power you can use now is only so much, it is rare to add after the loss, no matter the operation or pure It is useless to recuperate!

Unless you can break through the squad of the ninety-nine Saints!

Or, your cultivation is to make a breakthrough on the original basis and break through to the sage level!

Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance of luck.

This is the horror of the big sky.

In the next three thousand years, this area centered on the demon prison, even the stars can not shine in!

Fenghuang has been plotting to arrange this big array; he told all the high-ranking elites in the morning that they should arrange this in the demon city; in fact...

His true purpose has never been exposed!

Even the holy princes who participated in the squad of the sky, after being determined to become members of the array, each one is not allowed to leave, and they are always waiting to be ordered, waiting for the order!

After that, it was the emperor's respect, personally came to the demon prison, and communicated with the seven bears such as Bai Xiongbai, and set a promise.

"You are a demon!"

"Yun Yang is a man!"

This point of view is that the Fenghuang will come in person and instill it in the way of squatting.

The fundamental position is different. Even if the teacher’s enlightenment is deep, I hope that it will be sent, and it will change course and turn away from the original heart!

At this moment, the purpose of Fenghuang was reached.

The sky is closed, and it is open, and Yun Yang, this time is within the power of Fengtian’s big array!

The Fenghuang floated up and flew out, and the eyes were filled with violent murders, without any concealment!

"Yun Yang, you are finally dead here today!"

Ever since I discovered this human being, the Fenghuang heart has always had a stubborn determination: this human being is definitely the enemy of his own life!

Or, the number of robbers of the entire Yaozu must be on this person!

This human being will be the most dangerous terrorist of the Terran!

Not a must!

Not dead!

There is a lot of cost, but Fenghuang thinks that it is absolutely necessary. He can even fill in one third of the power of the Yaozu for his inexplicable feeling, and even half of it will not hesitate!

Now, the bear demon sends a letter, and the ninety-nine Saints of the mighty will join hands in the first time. It should be a foolproof!

However, Fenghuang’s mind is working, and if he does not see the human being, Yun Yang’s death, the spirit is gone, never super-born, and his heart can’t be kept, it’s hard to be stable!

This feeling is very inexplicable and urgent.

Therefore, Fenghuang Trail has torn from the space, and it appears outside the demon prison in one step.

Fenghuang personally came to the demon prison, but the moment of eye-catching, but was shocked, because he saw ... head-on rushing out, actually is the nine-life cat! !


Yun Yang and other flying generally rushed out, the guards in the demon prison, in addition to have been cleaned up, is still in the dream of drunkenness; therefore, they are a big gang to rush out, the whole process without any blocking power at all .

When the rushing to the door, the garrison of the demon prison was considered to have responded. The garrison army came out in a big way, and the neatly arranged military squad, pressed hard!

With a full lineup of 200,000 troops, the situation was rushed up without fear of death and injury.

The nine-life cat ancestors saw the road blocked, and when they were in the same position, they were rushed to the past. When they passed, all the guards suddenly drove through a huge ship in the sea; The left and right sides are separated and there is no room for any compromise.

The first to bear the brunt, only the corpse of the land, slightly swept, at least there are more than a thousand members!

This is just the rush of the nine-life cat ancestors.

As more than 20 sacred monarchs, such as the cat swallowed, rushed out, the other side of the mountain was unable to compete, and almost showed a rout between the faces.

Although the Guards are crowded and have a good military uniform, the command of their cultivation is only the peak of the four sacred products, and there is no one who is a holy sage!

This time, in the face of more than 20 high-quality sacred princes, how can they resist each other, and it will only end up being ruined.

In particular, these guys are all extremely wicked people who have just escaped from the Tianzi prison; one at least the depression that has been smashed for thousands of years, and the way to get vented at this moment, where can be blocked.

Only a moment later, the iron wall defense built by the 200,000 Guards was completely destroyed, and Yun Yang rushed to the outside of the demon prison.

"Going over there?"

The cat ancestors frowned, just said this sentence, suddenly a sky-shattering violent pressure in the sky, it is a kind of suffocating atmosphere that even the heavens must be blocked together!

The cat ancestors were shocked. One of the team’s serpents screamed: “Is it a big day?!!”

The voice has not fallen, a huge sky curtain is steep and falling, and it is obvious that countless stars and little light make up a heavenly network... directly cover the three thousand miles of the demon prison!

After the moment of the finger, from the sky to the ground, a layer of film like a real thing!

After almost one breath, the film disappeared. All the saints present at the scene clearly felt that although they could breathe, they could still run their own functions, and even kill them, but they could not feel the aura of heaven and earth!

This means that... I can't do anything but the existing force.

Even if the cultivation of the St. Jun is strong, the spirit is rich, but if there is no external aura to supplement, it is inevitable that when there is exhaustion, this day is a big array, what is the reminder of the demon to push into the dead? !

All the holy monarchs have a thought at the same time. This is the first time that the demon king’s candle machine is... It seems that I can wait for the organic ride, and escape the birth of the sky. In fact, the demon emperor has a deeper layout, setting up the next big day, taking the opportunity to thoroughly Kill me, wait for the hidden dangers!

Do not blame the sacred monarchs have this association, even if the Fenghuang face to face, this is not for you, just to target a human race, two sages, and the sages will not believe it!

If you are wrong with the high-ranking St. Jun, do you need to use the big sky? !

The demon with this heart, the public saints see the closure of the sky has been built, and at the same time angry and filled with anger, extreme anger.

"A good demon sire! Good poison!"

"It's too poisonous! The Fengtian big array that I haven't seen for many years actually used us, which made us want to kill us..."

"The demon emperor is really going backwards and ruining the heavens!"

"The Holy King who participated in the big squad will lose at least 30% of his merits, and he will wait for the next battle against us. The battle of today will be the blood of the demon sage.... Is this mad? ”

"The end is mad, arrogant!"


The situation of a sacred prince is on the verge of being out of control. The countless years of imprisonment are so easy to come out today, and then I find that I have been sealed by a large array of squadrons. In front of me, the so-called opportunity to get out of trouble is probably just a demon. The emperor wants to completely kill his own layout, and that mood is simply a day when the dog is stunned by the dog day!

Yun Yang shrinks his neck into a demon fox, and he does not say a word in the team.

I can't talk at this time!

Although this is because of me...but I can’t say that it’s definitely going to be killed...

Only, even if I said, is there a demon letter? !

It’s a second-class sage for me, and it’s too much to see me.


Yun Yang suddenly remembered.

When the fox grand elders came, they said to themselves: the three of them should be turned into the same appearance!

Presumably, the Fox Emperor prepared for this big day in advance...

Now that I am blocked as a demon fox... It is a great fortune in misfortune, at least in terms of safety.

But what makes Yun Yang feel strange is that since the Fox Emperor knew about the big day, why didn’t he say it to himself?


The nine-life cat ancestor, who is at the forefront of his own team, suddenly sneered and said: "What if it is a big day? Can it really stop my way?"

Suddenly strode forward.

This is a good saying. Although the Fengtian Grand Array has a blockade of the world and the power of shaping the spirit, but what is the demon of the nine-life cat ancestor, it is the giant demon that can be compared with the demon emperor, wanting to let the cat ancestors exhaust themselves. What kind of price does the Lingyuan have to pay? !

In the face of thousands of horses and horses, the cat ancestors stepped out one step at a time, and the hundreds of thousands of troops on the opposite side actually took a step back from the same brush.

"Who dares to stop me?!"

The cat Zuha laughed, and covered the mountains and rivers. He walked away from the big step and said loudly: "I am a nine-life cat emperor. I am reappearing today, and then I am going back to the demon world. I have to owe me nine. I am waiting for the cat family!"

Suddenly, the sky shouted and shouted: "Long Yutian! You are waiting for this old boy!"

"I can kill you a son at the beginning, but now you can let you break your grandson!"

This roar is like a thunder, and it is transmitted thousands of miles away.

It is at this moment.

The space in front of the nine-life cat ancestors was like a piece of rag. The slap in the face was torn apart. One wearing a crown and wearing a robes of a royal robes stepped out.

The complicated eyes of the comers, with a sigh of relief, sighed with a sigh of relief.

"Cat, why are you suffering?"

The coming is the Fenghuang, and this is the first time Yun Yang has seen the legendary Fenghuang.

In the moment of seeing the Phoenix Emperor, Yun Yang’s brains almost stopped rotating, and the mind fell into an unprecedented rigidity!

Mr. Year!

Mr. Year of the Four Seasons Building!

Yun Yang only feels thunder in his head, how can Mr. Year appear here?

Is he not dead?

Today 3 in 1>

:. :

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