I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 40: A lot of good things!

"Ziji Tianjing is here for me." Shi Wuqian saw the sky and said that half of it stopped, he added a sentence.

"Hey!" Didn't talk, sigh first.

Yun Yang’s tears looked down on the grievances.

"The one who was attached to the material that I brought in was very dissatisfied. I bluntly said that my mission was not completed well and I failed very hard. I almost killed me..."

Yun Yang was dejected and frustrated: "There are some of the top quality spirits that can be brought into the eye... other basics will not work; what's more..."

He looked up and looked at the waves and the sky, and he stopped talking.

The three men suddenly became red, and they all coughed in unison, trying to ease their own embarrassment, but they forgot the move and showed their sense of existence, which is the current source of the source.

"...but there is nothing wrong with this. This is the basis for cooperation between the two sides. It is necessary. After all, it is unrealistic to use my own power to supply resources that are satisfactory to the people."

Yun Yang immediately explained it himself: "But next... I really don't know how to explain it."

"The little brothers are all just saying that they are just right, what is the specific situation?" The wave of the sky puts on a very sincere curiosity.

"Actually... In fact, I didn't say anything before, and the predecessor inside had to read a god..."

After Yun Yang’s squatting, he finally said quietly: “The old man passed me a set of exercises and accepted me as a registered disciple. If he can see each other one day, or... he hopes to become a disciple of his room...but Now it seems that I hope that you are too disappointing, and that he is far from the expectations of his old man. He has ruined this great opportunity... Hey."

When these two sentences came out, the shock caused by the arrival was so strong that it could not be added!

Just a god!

This first sentence, six words, let the waves of the three people on top of the head like a thunder!

Just a god, you can have such power!

If it comes to the real body... What an earth-shattering power?

And there is... actually a famous disciple?

Such a powerful and famous disciple, this identity is already very good!

Although it is a registered disciple who is at any time of death, but ... is real, the only person in the world who can enter and exit the spiritual space.

Not to mention the latter sentence, it is still expected to become a disciple of the room, that is clearly the expectation, the goal!

"Since we are going to cooperate with Yun Brother, we must face it together no matter what the difficulties. What's more, we can get huge benefits from our business alliance."

The waves turned to heaven and said: "There is something difficult for Yunxiong, even though it is the way."

The words of the sky can be said to be honest and sincere.

I don’t see you, and the name has changed.

It turned out to be: the cloud brothers, the cloud brothers, although the latter is particularly close, but the feeling of condescending is still self-evident.

But now it is directly locked into the cloud brother, the status of both sides is high, but it is reversed!

When this matter comes out, whether it is the wave of the sky or Gu Jiuyi or Xiao Yushu, the mind of the apprentice is absolutely eliminated.

Who dares to steal an apprentice with such a strong person? Isn't this impatient to live?

Besides, with this little point of the end, where will people look in the eye?

There was also a vague idea of ​​catching Yun Yang and strictly controlling it, but now... there is nothing left!

What kind of joke? Let you catch, do you dare to catch it?

Before the suspicion of speculation, the history of the three-year-old swordsman is as good as the sacred sage, how will he be willing to surrender to Yun Yang, it seems that the history of the people is knowing how to invest, which is equal to the subordinate emotion of the extreme, Waiting? Envy, oh, hate... It’s not so hateful, it’s man-made, it’s not too late to make a good deal!

The history of being inexplicably envied and not so hate expressed innocence. Although I had thoughts on it at the beginning, I didn’t have such a big wild vision. I can only say that it is the fate of law. Everything is fate!

"And for the sake of clarification, I will also everyone... cough, let's talk about the cooperation."

Yun Yangdao.

The face turned black on the spot.

The other three are also awkward.

Have you sold us?

So, in the future...we will hang up the number?

So, we don’t seem to work with you... not enough? If you are troubled by this peerless power... How can you afford it?

For a time, four people have a feeling of "on the thief boat".

Before the clearing, it is to seek huge benefits... It is clearly that you can’t cooperate with Yunyang. Now, how can you completely turn it over?

"The predecessor said that he understood, but there are a lot of things in it, and I gave it to me directly."

Yun Yang gently sighed: "Need the spiritual jade, a large number of top quality Lingyu is only the minimum, the lowest requirements... If you can have a considerable amount of the best quality jade supply is natural best. In addition, you need Tian Xuanjin, Tianshoujin , Tianzhu Jin, Xingchen Heart, Moon Soul Iron, Baiyun Copper... Extreme Silk, Xuan Beast Dan... All kinds of heavenly treasures of more than 5,000 years, the more the number, the better..."

Yun Yang began to say with his fingers.

Said a hundred kinds of metal, and then said more than two hundred other things, and then said the heavenly treasure.

This long story goes down, don't say that history is clean, even the self-satisfied waves of seeing the sky and Xiao Yushu Gu Jiuqi and others are all eye-catching, stunned, directly shocked by the slanting eyes can not speak!

There are so many good things in one mouth, and not every one, but... how much better?

Although everyone knows that this thing is good and good, the comers will not refuse, but the more realistic question is... How much relative resources do you want to charge such a good new low?

You are a peerless, we are able to see the power, this is a very strong reason not to be false, but ... so the red-mouthed teeth of the things, but also such a large number, seemingly can not say it!

"Relatively, with the amount of things I bring in every time, the reward of the space of the spirit will increase accordingly... This return will not only end in Ziji Tianjing, but also many others, such as innate purple. The spirit of life... The power of life, the power of Yuanling... These are only passed on to the legendary things, all include... even the power of the gods can be given. There are also various kinds of medicines that can make A stagnation of the old boy who returned to the youth at night, Qingyun Dan, who can directly enjoy the achievements of the millennium cultivation... can break the ban on any realm... even the various weapons and other weapons ......"

After Yun Yang had a long story, he smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, apart from Ziji Tianjing, I have never had any other good things. All of the above are all reciting. Basically equivalent to hearsay, but can not confirm that there must be these good things... oh!"


The four masters widened their eyes without exception, and gasped.

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