I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 81: Qitian Shengzun?


"This is your nine prefecture?"

Yun Yang Dong Qitian finally officially set foot on the land of the nine villages, but only once entered the mountain gate, Dong Qitian broke out again!

I was still amazed outside, and when I came in, I began to get angry.

Because he was swept away, all the moments of this time were clearly observed. In this case, not only the masters did not have half, but the excellent disciples who even got the hand were also half lost!

Say good two or three kittens? !

It is clear that there are only a large number of guys who are generally cultivated as ants;

Well, such a thing, in my own eyes, even the ants are not counted!

Can you say that you are going to be the chief instructor of these people? ?

How is this total? how to teach? How is the official? !

I am so arrogant...

Dong Qitian’s face must be flattened.

Yun Yang’s righteous words said: “What are you complaining about? What I complained about at the beginning? I told you at the outset that our nine villages are grassroots, and everything is in the stage of laying the foundation. Now this state is not normal, I believe When the Sacred Heart Temple was first established, it was slowly developed from this state of nothingness. As long as we did not change our minds, we were determined to persevere, persevere, and have a good life..."

Dong Qitian smiled and said: "I believe in your evil..."

The two of them went to the middle of the school field and saw the four or five hundred disciples who were practicing. Dong Qitian had a feeling of no future.

This... so many disciples, there is no one who is truly qualified!

The most talented one is just the beginning of the sky!

Let my old man teach such a disciple, is it a waste of life?

The little fat man has a lot of money like a meat ball, full of excitement: "Boss, you are back... Who is this big man?"

The little fat man stood in front of Dong Qitian, his head just over Dong Qitian’s belly button, and looked up hard, his face sighed: “What is really high...”


The little fat man flew out all at once and flew out far and far.

Dong Qitian, who vented his anger at a moment, took back his hand and frowned. "You have a lot of singularity... Who is this fat man?"

Yun Yang looked speechless: "I am the general manager I mentioned before..."

Dong Qitian is also speechless: "Just like this piece of goods can actually..."

The little fat man flew back in time, angry: "Big man! You..."

Dong Qitian licked his teeth, and suddenly a red lotus flower appeared on the top of his head, swaying.

When the little fat man saw his ass, he fell to the ground, his lips groaned, and his body was like an old sow. "St.... Holy... you are actually holy..."

Dong Qitian snorted, rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, but did not say anything.

Yun Yang can't smile.

You said that you are a kind of powerful person at this level, showing yourself to be a disgrace to frighten such a small fat man who is not a sage, but what kind of ghost is it? You are you?

"My big general manager... everything in front of the nine prefects is built by him. For the nine prefectures, it is indispensable." Yun Yang will make the achievements of the little fat one. Count it again.

Dong Qitian traveled around and looked at the power of the gods in all the buildings of the Nine Houses. When he turned his head and looked at the little fat man, his eyes were a little more dignified.

As a well-experienced old river and lake, how can he not see it, just in the hands of this little fat man, set up a prototype and shelf of a super martial art for the nine noble houses, the infrastructure of the nine prefectures, at least in the short term, No need to do any additions.

The follow-up is just waiting for the decision makers and the high-level to fill things in this shelf; moreover, the space available for filling, leaving a lot, further enhances the potential of the martial art, the end of the foresight, ingenuity.

Ask yourself, if you want to put the shelf to this point, Dong Qitian feels that even if he gives himself a year, he may not be able to do it.

This little fat man is actually a rare co-ordinator, which is rare.

"Not bad!"

Dong Qitian praised a lot of money, so that the bones of the money were suddenly lighter than three or two; the fat face opened a flower: "Any prize, where, hahahaha..."

Dong Qitian looked around and felt a little sorry. He said: "The infrastructure work of your nine prefects has been done very well... Now it seems that it is really just a lack of masters and the backbone..."

"In short, it is probably the lack of upper-level masters, the lack of middle-level management, the incumbent disciples, and the lack of talents for the underlying talents.

Dong Qitian said: "It's a pity that these are missing. One sect wants to develop strong... It's obviously impossible. It's all in front of you, but what about the waterless wood?"

Yun Yang’s face showed a faint smile. He said: “The concerns of Dong’s predecessors are of course insights, but for our nine nobles, it is not a problem.”

not a problem?

Dong Qitian looked at Yun Yang, and the leather of this goods was blown too much.

These are big problems for any martial art! And it must be a top priority.

In the mouth of the nine old government officials who have just established a martial art, it has become a problem directly... Where are you confident?

"The old man will wait and see." Dong Qitian said faintly: "But in front of these... the so-called disciple, the old man is not interested in being a general instructor. To be an instructor to these people, it is better to directly accept the punishment of the heavens. ”

"You will be very interested, I promise!" Yun Yang said vowed.


Dong Qitian went to a small yard where Yun Yang had arranged for him to rest.

Yun Yang is calling the little fat man to one side: "What have you scared just now? What is holy and holy? What is holy?"

The little fat man is stunned, but his eyes are shining, which lowers the mysterious secret of the voice: "The Holy Deity... The Holy Man, the boss, where did you come from such a big Buddha? It’s too powerful..."

"Holy respect..."

Yun Yang’s eyes show the color of contemplation.

"Dong Qitian, the name, have you heard of it?" Yun Yang asked.

"Ah? Dong Qitian? Qitian Shengzun?" The little fat man suddenly jumped.

Yun Yangyi: "Qi Tian Sheng Zun?"

"This...this is a famous figure thousands of years ago..." The little fat man yelled: "At that time, Dong Qitian said that he stood in the same place and stood up with Tianqi. It is the invincible reputation of the same ranks. The old man sent the nickname Qitian Shengzun..."

"True prestige..." Yun Yang's inexplicable feeling, this name is really... prestige, domineering.

"But after the rivers and lakes passed the wind, this king offended the people... The whole person disappeared overnight, and then no longer sees..." The little fat man has the color of worship: "This... this big man... is..."

Depressed the voice: "...Is it all right?"

Yun Yang slowly nodded: "It should be."

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