Ace, who was always paying attention to this place from a distance, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Looking at the unfamiliar face of Yuro"El" again, I became even more confused.

He doesn’t know this person at all, so he can’t be here to save me! ?

Then, Ace smiled bitterly and shook his head.

No matter whose hands it falls into, no matter whether it is to save yourself or not.

It's better than being used as a bargaining chip in the hands of Blackbeard and embarrassing Dad.

The expressions of Badgers and Lafitte also changed.

They knew Boss Tiqi's plan.

It is also a plan approved by them

""Fire Fist" Ace is crucial.

There must be no room for error.


The black-bearded Tiqi, who was recovering, secretly gritted his teeth and refused fiercely. He originally thought that this young and strong man came here purely by chance. In that case, in order to ensure the progress of the transaction, he would not hesitate to avoid the sharp edge. But he never expected that the other party was actually coming for Ace.

He would fight to the death. When he saw the boss ,

Teach, he refused without hesitation.

Several people in Q understand that a war is inevitable

"Who are you! ?"

Van Oka directly raised Qianlu and asked again while taking aim.

The first thing to do when facing an unknown enemy is to find out the details of the opponent.

Yuro"El" walked forward slowly.

Look at this posture He had no choice but to grab it.

Facing Yuro"El" who ignored them

, Van Oka decided to shoot.



Van Oka didn't dare to be careless.

The first move is his ultimate move.

After his modification, Senriku can fire two bullets at the approaching Yuro"El", one on each side of his head, no matter which way he dodges, he will be hit by bullets.



The bullet came through the wind.

Suddenly, a flash of white light appeared in the eyes of Fan Oka and others.

The invisible bullet appeared in front of Yuro"El".

Then , two sparks flashed and fell to the ground.


And in his right hand, he was already holding a long sword, a white sword shining brightly in the sun.

"What! ?"

Seeing the speeding bullets, cut in half by a long knife.

Fan Oka couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had seen various masters' methods of dealing with bullets.

But he had never seen a scene where he was cut in half with a knife.

Ba Jace, Lafitte, and Poison Q also became nervous.

"Boss Tiqi, we are in trouble this time!"

Lafitte drew out the long sword in his cane, and white wings grew out of his back.

Blackbeard Teach's body turned into billowing black mist again.

"Uh hey hey hey! It’s a bit tricky indeed!"

"But I will never agree to ruin my plan!"

Blackbeard Teach twisted his fat body.

He came to the front of Lafitte, Badgers and the others.

He looked at Yuro"Al" who was walking towards him with a knife with a sneer.

There was endless anger suppressed in his eyes..

Although the man opposite is strong, he is alone, and behind him are the entire Blackbeard Pirates, including Lafitte, Van Oka, Badgers, and Poison Q, all of whom are weak.

"Boy, you want to snatch Ace and ruin my plan.……"

"Then prepare to bear the wrath of the Blackbeard Pirates!"

With the sinister and maniacal laughter of Blackbeard Teach, the black mist transformed by the power of darkness rolled toward Yuro"Al".

At the same time,

Lafitte, Badgers, and Poison Q, He also rushed out.

Fan Oka stood behind and fired bullets one after another.

In the face of all this, Yoro"El" just swiped his famous sword forward.

A half-circle of sword energy flew out, and the three approaching Lafitte were thrown away, and they fell to the ground.

The half-circle sword energy was as fast as lightning, and it became faster and faster.


Wherever it passed, a large number of pirates were broken into two halves, and the black mist that rolled in was even more torn apart by the sharp sword energy.

When Ace saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.

He saw that the crew members he had worked so hard to gather died in extremely miserable ways, including the four men he valued.

They were all lying in the distance, lifeless and angry.

"underground river!"

Blackbeard Tiqi roared.

This is his current ultimate killing move.

The power of darkness is fully mobilized.

It has a black hole-like squeezing power.

Everything, attacks, objects, and even creatures will be destroyed. Crushed to pieces.

Blackbeard Tiqi's whole body turned into an endless raging black mist, like a mighty river, quickly covering the entire area.

Various broken sounds continued to come from the black mist. , the crunching sound is enough to cause toothache.

"It’s just darkness, no light can be seen!"

The tiny Yoro"El" faced the black mist like a rushing river.

A very disdainful look appeared on his face that looked as if Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him.

The survivors looked at him in shock. Down

"Under this knife!"

"The darkness retreats!"

He slowly raised the white long knife in his hand.

Pure white air gradually lingered on the blade.

It seemed to be contending with the boundless darkness.

Even the calm eyes of Yuro"El" also became flooded. A different ultimate light appeared


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