Navy Headquarters.


Marshal Sengoku, General Kizaru, and Akainu.

Originally, I was concentrating on arranging the arrangements for the execution day.

But suddenly.

Received the news from the navy soldiers on the Admiral Xuanhu warship.

Not only did he beat"Drought" Jack half to death, but he also angered Kaido and came to take revenge in person.

Although Warring States felt a little troubled, he didn't say anything more. After all, the navy was responsible for the situation.

After hearing this, Sakaski agreed very much with Yulo's approach and offered to go to support.

However, Marshal Sengoku declined and sent Porusalino.

After all, it was far away from Dressrosa and the Navy Headquarters, but Onigashima was close.

Only General Kizaru's flash speed could not lag too far behind Kaido's arrival.

Meanwhile, Dressrosa.

The warship has arrived at the port, and Yulo and others have completed the landing.

The arrogant Doflamingo, with Torebol, Diamanti, Serka and other cadres, walked towards Yuro with the pace of a spirited young man.

The cadres behind him couldn't help but feel quite surprised when they saw the young general not far away.

"Is this the new navy general Xuanhu!"

"He is really surprisingly young!"

Torebol and Serka looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

The other cadres also nodded. This General Xuanhu indeed looked younger than the photo.

Immediately, they looked over again, with thick eyes. Confused.

I don’t know how such a young man could become an admiral.

Does he really have the corresponding combat power?

With doubts about Yuro’s strength, they followed Doflamingo.


"Admiral Xuan Hu, welcome to Dressrosa!"

Doflamingo said with a grin. Although his posture was still unruly, his tone was much calmer.

He was not someone he could defeat who could defeat"Drought".

At least before Kaido arrived, as long as this The Xuanhu general didn't take action, so it was okay for him to give in. However, Torebol and other officials who had doubts couldn't help but be surprised when they saw their young master's polite gesture.

Ming Ge's attitude was completely different from his personality. Yuro guessed something with a smile in his heart.

It seemed that Doflamingo's partner Kaido Kaido had contacted him.

"Doflamingo, you must already know the purpose of the navy coming here."

Yuluo waved his hand to Kebi beside him. Kebi took out the writ of the Five Old Stars, took a step forward and handed it over.

"This is the recruitment order from the Five Old Stars to the Shichibukai. You need to fulfill your responsibilities as the King of the Shichibukai. After receiving the recruitment order, follow me back to the Navy Headquarters!"

Doflamingo looked at the recruitment order handed over by Kirby, suddenly shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in his pockets and laughed.


"As the King's Shichibukai, of course he will fulfill his duties"

"But I'm afraid not today, the kingdom has important matters to deal with."

While he refused politely on the surface, he sneered inwardly, you stupid navy may not know it yet.

You probably won't be able to see the sun tomorrow, because you will be buried here today.

After hearing Doflamingo's words, Kirby's Looking at Yuluo,

Yuluo showed a half-smiling expression, and his calm voice was mixed with refusal.

"Immediately now, receive the recruitment order and set off immediately!"

Doflamingo was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his face turned ugly, and his eyes under the sunglasses were also full of gloom.

I didn't expect that Yuro looked easy-going, but in fact he was so difficult to talk to, and his attitude towards the recruitment of the Shichibukai He was even more anxious.

Before he could speak, Torebol, Serka and other cadres took the lead in giving up their jobs in the face of the command-like tone.

"Admiral! Watch your tone!"

"Our young master is a Celestial Dragon, and he is also the king of Dressrosa. Show your attitude as you should!"

The cadres of the Don Quixote family pointed at Yuro and yelled angrily.

Looking at these loyal cadres, Doflamingo wanted to go up and kick them to death.

But seeing that Yuro didn't seem angry, He immediately waved his hand to stop the ignorant subordinates.

"There is indeed a major incident to deal with inside Dressrosa!"

"It won't take too long and you can set off immediately tomorrow."

He tried his best to suppress his arrogance and repeated the same words again.

The eyes of Torebol, Serka and other cadres were also full of warnings.


Yuluo responded with a chuckle, and then ordered several navy soldiers to

"Go get Drought Jack here."

After a while, several navy soldiers carried"Drought" Jack and placed it in the middle of both sides.

At this time,"Drought" Jack regained a sense of consciousness, but he was still dying, unable to move or speak.

When he saw"joker" Doflamingo, his dark eyes brightened slightly, and Doflamingo's eyelids jumped, not knowing what General Xuanhu was doing to carry out the dying man."Drought" Jack, was it used to scare him and threaten him?

He pretended to be surprised and asked with a forced grin.

"'Drought' Jack from the Beast Group! ?"

"General Xuanhu’s strength is truly amazing!"

"But what does it mean to carry him out! ?"

The expressions of Torebol, Serka and other cadres immediately changed, and they were full of horror. How could"Drought" Jack, under Kaido of the Beasts, who was responsible for the transaction here, look like this!? Could it be that it was the opposite person


What did the young general do?

Thinking of this, they concealed the shock in their eyes and stopped talking.

They knew that the young master had nothing to do with the Beast Group and stood in front of Jack. I stepped on his head and looked at him with an inexplicable smile.

"Set off immediately!"

"If not, kill him. I don’t know if you choose to save Doflamingo or not! ?"


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