Facing Yuro"El"'s unceremonious and concise ridicule, Mihawk was silent for a moment.

Although his words were more literal, he had to admit that he did have some such thoughts in his heart.

Originally, when he pulled out the black sword Night, he was already ready for a big battle.

Unexpectedly, Al, the"Lord of the Day", would take the lead in starting the sword showdown.

Mihawk was a little surprised, but still chose to take it.

The result is obvious, his sword intention is far inferior to that of"Lord of the Day" Al.

However, what he wanted to see even more was the white sword, Day, and the slashing attack of the"Lord of Day".

In the final analysis, this is his biggest purpose in finding the"Lord of the Day" and fighting with him.

"Draw the knife!"

Yuro"El" looked at him coldly, and his cold voice spread throughout the audience.

His lofty posture seemed to be facing the provocation of the weak.

These words instantly detonated the crowds in the Crescent Bay Square, who held their breath and stared at this place. naval soldier

"Oh my God! Start fighting��!!"

"Isn’t it over? ? Still need to fight! ?"

"'Hawkeye' Mihawk already lost the duel just now! ?"

Most of the navy soldiers cannot see through the essence and are shocked and confused.

However, a small number of naval officers are stronger than the navy soldiers and know a little bit about some things.

"‘Hawkeye Mihawk did fall behind, but that doesn't mean he lost completely!"

"How to say...how to say! ? You can think of what was just now as a battle of overlord colors, and what is happening now is a battle of one move at a time!"

When the navy soldiers who didn't understand heard this, their eyes widened in shock.

"The news of the duel between"Overlord Se" was so shocking. Wouldn't the destruction of the duel of combat power be devastating.

On the high platform, Warring States looked heavy and confessed to the people around him:

"Be careful to protect Malinfando!"

The top swordsman's slashing attack is no joke.

If someone doesn't pay attention, Marine Fando of the Marine Headquarters will probably be cut in half if he is not careful.

It is during the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates. On the eve, there must be no mistake at this time.

Yuro, Aoki, and Kizaru nodded silently.

On the sea, Yuro"El"'s words made"Eagle Eye" Mihawk's pupils. He shrunk and jumped up into the air without hesitation.

Although he lost the duel of wills just now, his sword intention has been at its peak since he escaped from the sea cave.

"Lord" Al agreed, then how long will it take if he doesn't draw his sword now?

Black sword energy began to surround the black sword Ye's blade.

""Eagle Eye" Mihawk raised the black knife, Ye, high above his head.

"Take my knife!"

A simple four-word blurt.

The strongest black sword, Ye, slashed down diagonally.

Suddenly, a black slash was three hundred meters long, spanning the sky.

With a speed comparable to black lightning, it headed towards Yuro"El" fired away, and"Eagle Eye" Mihawk, who made the slash, had beads of sweat on his forehead.

This was the most powerful and long-distance slash he could make. In short, it was his strongest blow.

As a swordsman, his instinct told him that even if the opponent was stronger than him, it would not be easy to take his strongest blow. It was done.

Behind Yuro"El", in the Crescent Bay Square, the naval soldiers immediately panicked when they saw it.

"A few...hundreds of meters of slashing!"

"‘Al, can he take it? ?"

"If he can't take it, we'll all be doomed!"

If a three-hundred-meter powerful slash hit the Navy headquarters, they couldn't imagine the consequences.

The navy soldiers who were fully focused on the duel were focused on"Al" and completely forgot about the navy generals.

"Three hundred meters! ?"

"That's it! ?"

Yuro"El" sneered, his tone full of disdain.

A sound of scandium!

The supreme sharp sword, Bai Dao·Hiro, was unsheathed.

He held the white sword·Hiro high in the same way Get up.

The pupils of the navy soldiers, Warring States, Garp and others suddenly shrank.

"The Lord of the Day,"El", has taken action!

The invisible sword intention of the day, coming from Yuro"El", once again swept the entire scene.

The suffocating heart palpitations once again permeated the heart of the navy.

And the White Sword· Above the day, along with a soft chant, the same invisible sword intention rose into the sky and penetrated the clouds in the sky.

Warring States, Qing Pheasant, Huang Yuan and others were shocked when they saw it. But what he was looking at was not Yuro"El", but the sky above him, and his heart suddenly shrank with a sense of danger. His whole body stiffened. It was as if a terrifying presence was locked on him.

He had no way to retreat and escape from the incoming three-hundred-meter attack.

In Luo"El's" hand, the white sword · Zhou suddenly shook and struck straight down. At the moment when the white sword · Zhou struck down, ripples of air rippled in the air where the tip of the sword pointed.

·The tip of Zhou's sword shot out a thousand meters of white sword energy, suddenly appearing like an endless river of sharp sword energy, slashing through the air, and the sound of explosions continued. Sounded.

Mihawk's three-hundred-meter slash was dwarfed by the river of sword energy.

When the two sides collided,

Mihawk's slash turned into powder in less than an instant.


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