However, there is a hint of bitterness hidden in the hearty laughter.

In fact, he knows that the person who is truly better at one move is the one who is relaxed and relaxed from beginning to end...


Rayleigh's turbulent and aggressive Overlord Seba's momentum is as strong as a bamboo.

But he wasn't prepared to wait until he could defeat Yuro's domineering power.

Kid Luffy and his crew have been safely rescued.

He's going to dodge too

"Pluto Rayleigh!"

"Push forward! This is your destiny in your later years!"

As Rayleigh turned around and was about to leave, Yuro's voice came to his ears.

When he looked again, his face became horrified.

It was as if he had seen the most terrifying existence in the world.

His overwhelming power

When he is about to collide with Yuluo's overlord's domineering energy, his overlord's domineering energy suddenly moves like a violent beast. The sheep entered the tiger's mouth and was swallowed up in an instant. Then, the red-black beast began to gallop towards Leili, and the ground shook. , a small mountain was pushed out

"This...this is……"

Suddenly, Rayleigh's eyes widened and he froze on the spot.

It wasn't until the red-black beast rushed in front of him that he caught what was wrong.

However, the exclamation did not end. boom!

There was a loud bang.

A red and black beast.

It swept across the whole place in an instant.

The whole person was knocked out.

It fell into a large pile of broken soil on the hill. clatter! clatter! clatter!

Except for the sound of Yuro's footsteps.

There was silence.

You can hear a pin drop.

Zhan Momomaru and the navy soldiers were still talking in shock just a moment ago.

At this moment, everyone was stunned and shocked beyond words.

In his mind, there was only the horrified expression of Pluto Rayleigh and the scene of being knocked away.

Including the stunned Kizaru, standing motionless on the rooftop in the distance, no different from the humanoid statue


"You give me a reply!"

There was an irritable tone in Sengoku's helpless voice.

Even with his calm and calm personality, Kizaru began to feel anxious.

"Such a big movement! ?"

"In the end what happened! ?"

He heard a loud noise on the other side of the phone and asked anxiously.

The person who answered the phone, Kizaru, ignored him at all and focused all his attention there.

"Overlord color and domineering...are produced……"

"Real attack! ?"

Kizaru looked stunned and tried his best to open his eyes wide.

The scene caused by Yuro's domineering aura was really beyond the scope of his cognition.

All the strong men he had fought against for most of his life.

No one had ever been able to do it. In this step, he stood motionless and only released his overlord's domineering energy, knocking away masters like Pluto Rayleigh.

" are so terrible……"

Kizaru didn't know what to say to Yuro, so he could only keep mumbling.

He looked down at Rayleigh who was in a state of embarrassment and even seriously injured.

Suddenly a terrible idea occurred to me.

If he is the one facing Yulosang.

I'm afraid the end won't be much better than Rayleigh's!

Of course, provided he doesn't hide away

"General...combat power!"

Kizaru shuddered and murmured subconsciously.

Even he himself couldn't believe that this young alternate general, Yuro!

Already has the strength to compete with him

"Alas, alas! this is too scary!"

"It's better to go back and tell the Warring States Marshal!"

Kizaru retracted his obscene head, and then hung up the phone rudely.

It turned into a beam of light element particles and landed next to Zhan Momomaru.

"Old man!"

Zhan Taomaru was about to speak excitedly.

Kizaru waved his hand, licked his nostrils and said:

"Needless to say, I saw it."

The navy soldiers on the side became excited again when they saw Kizaru's arrival.

"general! It's General Kizaru from our headquarters!"

"Oh my God! Within one day, I met two generals!"

"Ahem! Commander Xuanhu is still a candidate general!"

"That’s not bad, okay! Pluto Rayleigh, who could compete with the Warring States Marshal and Lieutenant General Garp, was crushed by Chief Xuanhu!"

"I'd say Commander Xuanhu's combat prowess is no worse than that of the three generals, but his military rank is just one level lower!"

However, as they talked, the topic returned to Yuro-san again.

Kizaru, who had just smiled and regained his mood, suddenly solidified his smile.

Yulo-san's popularity is so terrible!

And not far away!

Falling into pieces Lei Li crawled out from the soil in a state of embarrassment, even though his mouth was full of blood, he was still in disbelief.

"Pluto Rayleigh! As I said just now, your destination is Impel Down."

Yuro came slowly and stood in front of Rayleigh, looking down at him.

In his plan to be promoted to general, Hades Rayleigh must be captured.

And he must be alive.


Reilly knew he couldn't escape, so he simply lay down on the ground.

In front of him was Yuro, as well as General Kizaru. He was destined to be doomed.

"Overlord color and domineering... plus armed color and domineering!"

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