I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 10 Seeking Cooperation

"They are all foxes of thousands of years. It's not like you don't know. Why do you say this?"

Ancient world, the residence of Gu Yuan.

Seeing that Gu Yuan said it without hesitation, Xiao Xuan also looked at him speechlessly and snorted: "Humph, it seems that you are quite proud?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. Tell me, why are you here in my clan? With a temper like yours, who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, I don't believe you just came to see me." Gu Yuan glanced at Xiao Xuan and didn't want to continue to beat around the bush. .

"Okay, then I won't beat around the bush with you. I'm here to cooperate with you." Xiao Xuan smiled heartily and got straight to the point.

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?" Gu Yuan also became interested. The relationship between the Gu and Xiao clans was good, and there had been no conflicts for so many years.

In addition, the two tribes often intermarry, so they can be trusted.

Moreover, the Heavenly Tomb in the Ancient World is a place jointly controlled by the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan, and can accommodate the souls of the Dou Sheng-level experts after their death.

In the original work, after the decline of the Xiao clan, the Heavenly Tomb was controlled by the ancient clan, allowing each generation of young people to go there to find their own opportunities.

"You also know that I want to break into the Dou Emperor realm, and I'm lucky to succeed. If I fail, I don't think the Soul Emperor will easily let go of this opportunity to make trouble for our Xiao clan.

Once he succeeds in holding me back, the tribesmen who have lost the power of their blood cannot be the opponents of the Soul Clan, and we, the Xiao Clan, will suffer heavy losses. "Xiao Xuan said with a serious expression.

Yes, he was actually very worried about the safety of his clan members. After all, as the clan leader of the Xiao clan, he had to be responsible for the safety of his clan members.

This is also the reason why he came here this time to seek cooperation from Gu Yuan.

Opposite me, Gu Yuan thought for a moment, and then said doubtfully: "That's not right. Among the eight imperial clans, your Xiao clan is the strongest. Even if you lose the power of Dou Emperor's bloodline, your Xiao clan's strength should not be comparable to that of the Soul clan." Up and down are right.

Logically speaking, you don't need to worry about anything at all. "

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan shook his head and said in a deep voice: "You don't know something. If it were before, I really wouldn't be worried.

You should remember that a hundred years ago, I joined the Soul Clan alone, right? "

"Of course I remember, you bastard, although your character is not very good, your strength is really not bad. You can suppress the entire Soul Clan by yourself, and even the Soul Emperor was seriously injured.

However, I am very curious, why do you want to fight against the Soul Clan alone? What exactly happened? Gu Yuan asked, nodding.

"Because Soul Emperor sneak attacked my cousin Xiao Tiance." Xiao Xuan said coldly.

"Xiao Tiance? Xiao Tiance, one of the three heroes of the Xiao clan? No wonder there has been no news about him in these years." Gu Yuan suddenly realized.

If that's the case, then it's really no wonder that Xiao Xuan went crazy and rushed to the Soul Clan alone. When the three heroes of the Xiao Clan were born together, except for a few people in the entire Ancient Imperial Clan, all the limelight was lost.

At that time, many people in the ancient imperial clan hated them. Unfortunately, the three heroes of the Xiao clan were not only powerful, but also had an outstanding resourcefulness, Xiao Tiance, so basically no one went to take revenge. Get a bargain.

According to Gu Yuan's knowledge, although Xiao Tiance's strength is slightly inferior to Xiao Xuan's, in terms of talent alone, he should be about the same as Xiao Xuan.

There has been no news about Xiao Tiance in the past hundred years. Gu Yuan thought he had gone into seclusion or died, but he didn't expect that he was unexpectedly attacked by Emperor Soul.

"If nothing happens to Xiao Tiance, I'm afraid your Xiao clan will have at least two Nine-Star Fighting Saints now, right?" Gu Yuan sighed.

"Well, with Tiance's talent, even if he is not as good as me, it will not be too different, not to mention that he was an eighth-grade alchemist a hundred years ago." Xiao Xuan nodded, expressing his agreement with Gu Yuan's statement.

"Xiao Tiance is indeed extremely talented, but is it possible that what you are worried about is related to Xiao Tiance's sneak attack?" Gu Yuan asked doubtfully.

"That's right, Brother Gu, you should know that Tiance liked exploring ruins and searching for treasures back then, right?" Xiao Xuan asked again.

Regarding Xiao Tiance's love for treasure hunting and relics, this is almost universally known to everyone in the ancient imperial clan, and it is not important news.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuan suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then seemed to think of something.

"The reason why Xiao Tiance was attacked was because he found some important treasure? And Emperor Hun Tian took the treasure away after the attack was successful?" Gu Yuan exclaimed.

"Yes, to be honest, what the Soul Emperor took away was the Void Swallowing Flame, which ranked second on the list of strange fires, and now at least his strength has reached the peak of the Eight-Star Fighting Saint.

Therefore, one Soul Heavenly Emperor can hold me back. If we add a Void Devouring Flame, we, the Xiao Clan, will not be able to fight against the Soul Clan with the power of a single clan if we lose the power of Dou Emperor's bloodline.

Therefore, the cooperation I mentioned is also just in case! "Xiao Xuan nodded solemnly.

If it was just a matter of combat power, the Xiao clan would not be afraid even if they lost the power of their bloodline.

However, the Void Swallowing Flame has a very powerful talent, which is the ability to devour everything. It is known as the thing that swallows the sky and the earth, and has the ability to devour all things. Once the Soul Clan makes a sneak attack again, the Xiao Clan or the entire Even Xiao Jie was unable to resist this devouring power.

"Is the Eight-Star Fighting Saint at his peak?"

Gu Yuan's expression gradually became serious. If Void Swallowing Flame was really so powerful, it would also be a powerful threat to his ancient clan.

After all, if you can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

"Yes, the reason why it was obtained by Tiance in the first place was because he was injured after breaking the seal. After being obtained by the Soul Emperor, a hundred years have passed, and the resources of the Soul Clan are enough for him to recover to the peak or even further.

Moreover, this guy's ability is very strange, and if you are not careful, you may be plotted by it.

If possible, I hope Brother Gu can help me this time. Together, the two of us can defeat the entire Soul Clan at once.

By then, if we succeed and we can capture the Void Swallowing Flame, I am willing to exchange it for the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame from your clan.

I won't let you suffer in this transaction. "Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice, he believed that Gu Yuan would definitely agree to this deal.

After listening to his words, Gu Yuan was silent. Indeed, the Void Swallowing Flame is a real wonder of heaven and earth. Although it is only ranked two places higher than the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, these two are completely different.

If they can be subdued, the strength of the ancient clan will surely rise to the next level.

And, not only that, with him and Xiao Xuan joining forces, they can indeed gain the upper hand.

However, Gu Yuan was not someone who could be fooled easily. He raised his head, looked at Xiao Xuan with burning eyes and said: "So, you are actually not sure whether you can successfully reach the Dou Emperor realm, right? "

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan nodded and said solemnly: "That is the Dou Emperor realm. If I told you that I am absolutely sure, you would not believe it."

“That’s true, since the last Tuoshe Ancient Emperor disappeared, it seems that Dou Emperor is no longer allowed to appear in this world.

However, I really admire you for having such courage and gathering the power of the entire clan to attack Dou Emperor. "Gu Yuan sighed.

"Hahaha, this is the first time you say you admire me in person. It's rare. How about it? Are you willing to cooperate?" Xiao Xuan laughed loudly, looked at Gu Yuan and asked with a smile.

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