I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 163 Frank Gu Yuan (Second update)

"Could it be that what Xiao Tiance wants is Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?"

Ancient world, the residence of Gu Yuan.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is of great importance, related to the hiding of the last Dou Emperor on the Dou Qi Continent.

Now, as far as Gu Yuan knows, the Xiao Clan already has the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade guarded by the Ling Clan, the Stone Clan, and his ancient clan, plus eight pieces of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in the hands of the Xiao Clan. Already based on the fourth.

Not only that, according to the news from their spies within the Yao Clan, the Yao Clan and the Lei Clan, the Imperial Clan, it seems that the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade from the Yao Clan has disappeared.

Although I don’t know if it fell into the hands of the Xiao clan, Yao Dan, the leader of the Yao clan, once secretly met Xiao Tiance. After that, the Yao clan would send some high-level elixirs to the headquarters of Tianji Tower every month.

In this way, can it be confirmed that the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade guarded by the Yao Clan has fallen into the hands of the Xiao Clan.

In addition, there seemed to be a robbery of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade among the Lei Clan before. In the end, Lei Ying, the leader of the Lei Clan, acted quickly and protected the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

Otherwise, once the Thunder Clan's Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade disappears, it will be troublesome.

While Gu Yuan was thinking deeply, Xiao Tiance didn't bother him and just drank tea quietly. He knew that Gu Yuan was also a smart man and it wasn't difficult to guess his purpose.

However, he doesn't need the so-called Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade at all now. After all, he has been to the Ancient Emperor's Cave and has obtained the Emperor-grade Young Pill inside. Even the restrictions at the entrance of the Ancient Emperor's Cave were rearranged by him. , can’t you just go in anytime you want?

Therefore, he was not in a hurry, he simply wanted to destroy the Soul Clan and take revenge. He was seriously injured by the Soul Emperor and fell into coma. Later, Xiao Xuan died with indelible injuries under the siege of the Soul Clan powerhouses led by the Soul Emperor.

Whether it was for the Xiao clan or for himself, the Soul clan had to be destroyed to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Finally, after a while, Gu Yuan finally thought about all this. Then he looked up at Xiao Tiance, who had a calm expression on his face, and said, "It's not impossible to join forces, but Tiance, you should understand that once the ancient clan and you The Xiao Clan joins forces to deal with the Hun Clan. It would be fine if they decide in a battle, but if the Hun Heavenly Emperor is still able to run away, your Xiao Clan's great cause will not worry you, but my Ancient Clan will be in trouble.

Being targeted by such a strong man is not a good thing.

Furthermore, the Hun Clan and the Qin Xiao Clan are fighting to the death, but our Ancient Clan has not reached this point.

Therefore, I'm afraid I can't agree to you until there are interests that are enough to convince the elders of the clan. I hope you can understand Tiance. "

There was actually a reason why Gu Yuan said this openly.

Although the Xiao clan and the Ancient clan have a good relationship now, and after the marriage between the two clans, the relationship is much closer, but in such a major matter, if there is not enough interest, let alone whether the Ancient clan will agree, not even Gu Yuan will Promised.

Furthermore, Gu Yuan believed that Xiao Tiance could understand.

On the opposite side, Xiao Tiance was indeed not angry after hearing Gu Yuan's explanation. He had expected Gu Yuan's remarks before.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Gu Yuan and asked: "Of course, Brother Gu's words are not unreasonable. If I were in your position, I would be very cautious.

However, Brother Gu should understand that the benefits of annihilating the Soul Clan are not exclusive to my Xiao Clan family.

As far as I know, the Soul Clan has had many fights with the Ancient Clan over the past thousand years. Although there has not been a full-scale war, the Soul Clan has always been eyeing the Ancient Clan. "

Having said this, Xiao Tiance poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and continued: "Moreover, now that the Soul Emperor was seriously injured by me, it will take at least three to five years to recover. In addition, the Soul clan was killed by me before. He killed more than a hundred strong fighting saints, and his strength had long been greatly reduced.

At this time, it is when the Soul Clan is at its weakest, and it can be said to be the best time in a lifetime to destroy the Soul Clan.

Could it be that solving such a serious problem would not be of sufficient benefit to the ancient tribe? "

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yuan felt a little excited in his heart. It had to be said that if the Hun Clan was really destroyed, the Ancient Clan would indeed have one less big worry.

However, after killing a sick tiger, how should the Ancient Clan face a healthy lion like the Xiao Clan?

Is it surrender or opposition?

In case of confrontation, the ancient clan's current strength is simply not enough to fight against the Xiao clan.

If surrender cannot guarantee the absolute independence of the ancient tribe, what is the point?

It can be said that destroying the Soul Clan will break the relative balance between the Imperial Clan, and when the balance is broken, corresponding problems will also arise.

At that time, how should the ancient people deal with themselves?

Thinking of this, Gu Yuan shook his head and refused: "I'm sorry, Tiance, I can't promise you to join forces to deal with the Soul Clan.

It's not that I don't believe you, but after the Xiao and Gu clans join forces to destroy the Soul clan, the relative balance between the Imperial clan will be broken.

At that time, your Xiao clan will be the only one in strength, but my ancient clan does not have enough strength to be on an equal footing with your Xiao clan.

In the Dou Qi Continent, strength has always been respected. You and I have known each other for many years, and you and I have good relations with each other. I will not hide it from you. Compared to the sick tiger of the Soul Clan, I am actually more worried about you, the Xiao Clan. Lion! "

These words were what Gu Yuan said from the bottom of his heart. For a moment, Xiao Tiance didn't know how to refute them?

Moreover, Gu Yuan actually admitted that the Ancient Clan was inferior to the Xiao Clan. He was so honest that Xiao Tiance wondered if his calculations had gone too far.

This is just like during the Three Kingdoms period, when I was Zhuge Liang and Gu Yuan was Lu Su of Soochow, I felt like bullying an honest person.

"Brother Gu is so frank, which makes me very ashamed." Xiao Tiance sighed with a wry smile.

"Tiance doesn't need to be like this. I'm just stating the facts. The ancient clan is not as powerful as the Xiao clan. Even if I don't say it out, it's the same. This is the fact and we need to accept the reality." Gu Yuan waved his hand and said helplessly.

If the strength of the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan were roughly the same, then he would really agree happily. After all, he would indeed gain considerable benefits after victory.

But the reality is that the Xiao Clan is too powerful. So powerful that after wiping out the Soul Clan, he has to worry, will the Ancient Clan be the next Soul Clan's problem?

As for the current marriage relationship between Xiao Gu's two clans, of course he would not be so naive that the two clans would really merge into one, with one prospering and one losing.

After hearing Gu Yuan's sigh, Xiao Tiance fell silent. He could understand Gu Yuan's worries. He would also have such worries.

But relying on the strength of the Xiao clan alone, after annihilating the Soul clan alone, their strength will inevitably be damaged. Although the Soul clan is now greatly damaged in strength, what if they are forced into a desperate situation?

You know, rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone the mysterious soul clan?

Once a decisive battle is launched and the Soul Clan has no way to escape, how much strength will the Xiao Clan have left after one-on-one exchange of stones?

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why he is preparing to win over the ancient tribe.

Suddenly, other thoughts flashed through Xiao Tiance's mind, and then he handed over his hands and said: "It doesn't matter, since Brother Gu has no intention of joining forces to deal with the Soul Clan, I won't force him.

However, we, the Xiao Clan, will definitely not miss this opportunity to destroy the Soul Clan. We only hope that when our clan and the Soul Clan start a full-scale war, Brother Gu can restrain the clan members and not stab them in the back! "

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