I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 169 Buddha’s Angry Fire Lotus, Heaven’s Secret Order (Two in One) Please subscribe

"Okay, now that you have decided, let the teacher take a look!"

Jia Ma Empire, Yunlan Sect.

In the smoke cloud covering the sun formation, Yao Chen was also looking forward to seeing how much power Xiao Yan could use since the last time he used Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus.

Soon, after Yao Chen's soul power receded, Xiao Yan took control of his body again. Then he quickly took out a purple fire pill from the ring and swallowed it. Cyan and pale strange things suddenly appeared on his hands. fire.

The strange fire came out, and the temperature between heaven and earth rose rapidly. On one side was the extremely hot Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and on the other side was the extremely cold Bone Spirit Cold Fire. It was extremely beautiful, but extremely dangerous.

Outside, Hai Bodong saw that Xiao Yan was already fighting for his life. He secretly cursed a madman, and then quickly backed away even though he was far away.

He had seen this move with his own eyes. In one move, two powerful Dou Huang warriors were seriously injured. If he had been farther away at that time, he might have been torn apart by this Fire Lotus move.

Two kinds of strange fires appeared, and Alchemist King Furukawa was shocked. Like everyone else, he was confused and couldn't figure out what Xiao Yan was going to do?

However, everyone knew very well that as long as Xiao Yan was not crazy, the two strange fires in his hands would definitely have power that no one could imagine.

When Yun Shan, who was in charge of the formation, saw this, he frowned slightly at first, and then sneered. In his opinion, Xiao Yan was already a lamb to be slaughtered, and now he was trapped by the smoke and cloud covering the sun formation that he presided over. Then you can catch the turtle in the jar.

However, he was not careless. Although the spectacle caused by the two strange fires was beautiful and dangerous, it could not hurt him at all.

However, the next moment, Xiao Yan's hands were seen moving closer. When the two strange fires gradually merged together, the terrifying and suffocating violent energy suddenly shocked everyone.

"Damn it, we can't let him fuse successfully!"

Yunshan finally panicked, because at the moment when the two strange fires merged, he already felt a strong danger.

Yunshan quickly activated the smoke-cloud sun-covering formation, quickly formed a long arrow, and aimed directly at Xiao Yan's body.

In the formation.

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised slightly, because he was almost successful in fusion. He spit out purple flames from his mouth and landed directly on the lotus that was about to form.

The next second, the energy that was already extremely violent became even more violent again.

"call out!"

When Xiao Yan's purple flames joined in again, Yunshan knew that he couldn't delay it any longer. If he didn't stop Xiao Yan, he probably didn't know what would happen.

The long arrows shot out quickly, aiming directly at Xiao Yan's vitals. If he was hit, needless to say, the result would be obvious.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Just when the long arrow was about to land on Xiao Yan, the purple cloud wings behind Xiao Yan suddenly vibrated, and then, like an extremely flexible swallow, he quickly dodged away.

Moreover, not only did he escape, the violent energy in his hand had disappeared, replaced by a three-color lotus.

It is said that the most charming ones are the most dangerous. Although he could not feel the slightest bit of energy, the danger seemed to have begun. But Yunshan's eyelids jumped quickly after looking at the three-color lotus in Xiao Yan's hand.


This was Yunshan's first reaction. He knew that he must not let the lotus in Xiao Yan's hand hit him, otherwise, he, a fighting sect, would most likely be injured.


Pulling the bow three times in a row, three long arrows rushed towards Xiao Yan quickly, but now, Xiao Yan had completed his Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus, and only needed to wait for the opportunity to give Yunshan a good drink.

Dodging left and right, the speed was very chaotic. After dodging the three long arrows one by one, Xiao Yan's figure quickly approached Yunshan.

"Damn it, go to hell!"

At this moment, Yunshan was already murderous. If before, he only wanted to get what was on Xiao Yan and did not want to kill him, but now, Yunshan's other thoughts have disappeared, and there is only one thought, and that is now. Immediately, immediately, kill Xiao Yan.

"call out!"

Just when the long arrow was shot again, this time, Xiao Yan did not choose to dodge. He directly used the Ziyun Wing to quickly approach Yunshan.

Moreover, this is also the best opportunity.

For Xiao Yan, he has been forced into a corner, so as long as he can seriously injure Yunshan, even if he will be injured, he has to fight for a chance.


When the long white arrow approached Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan also pushed out the three-color different fire lotus in his hand very quickly. As soon as the two came into contact, the long arrow was directly evaporated by the three-color lotus. No more, a little quick smile.

The next second, after all the long white arrows melted and disappeared, the three-color lotus had also approached Yunshan.

"Now, bloom, Buddha's Wrathful Lotus!"

Xiao Yan shouted in his heart and activated his fighting energy to directly detonate the three-color fire lotus.


In an instant, the fire lotus bloomed, extremely beautiful, but everything the fire lotus came into contact with turned into powder.

Click click click

When the extremely violent flames touched the wall of the Smoke-covered Sun Formation, crisp sounds rang out one after another, and cracks continued to appear on the formation wall.

"No, get back!"

Not far away, Yun Yun was the first to notice and quickly shouted for the Yunlan Sect disciples to step back.


But before anyone could make a move, a mushroom cloud rose up in the square of Yunlan Sect.


At the center of the explosion, the horror on Yunshan's face was clearly visible. If he had known that Xiao Yan still had such means, he would not have wanted to force Xiao Yan to stay as a bastard if he was killed.

"Wind Barrier!"

Yunshan quickly mobilized his fighting spirit and instantly formed a wall of wind around him. However, he, who was in the center of the explosion, could not survive even a second. The wind barrier was directly torn into pieces, and the powerful attack also fell on him.

The aftermath of the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus was still spreading, and many Yunlan Sect disciples were torn apart and turned into powder. As for those buildings, they were directly destroyed by a devastating power.


Xiao Yan also felt uncomfortable. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. With one successful blow, he directly destroyed the Yunlan Sect. He was already very satisfied.

"Teacher, it's time for us to leave!"

I saw Xiao Yan saying something to Yao Chen, and then he forced his already seriously injured body to quickly move Ziyun Yi behind him.

"call out!"

The next second, Xiao Yan flew quickly and left towards the back mountain of Yunlan Sect.

However, before he could fly far, a slight cough attracted everyone's attention.

Yunshan, who was dressed in white, was seen in a panic. His clothes were in tatters, and there was blood at the corners of his mouth and in many places on his body.

Yes, Yunshan was also injured, and it was not serious. To be able to inflict such an injury on a three-star fighting sect, I have to say that the power of the Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus was really shocking.

"Ahem, Xiao Yan, if I let you go today, I will lose my face!"

Yunshan roared, his face filled with anger and ferociousness. Then, his figure suddenly flashed and appeared directly in front of Xiao Yan in the blink of an eye.

"call out!"

Xiao Yan had long known that although the attack just now was powerful, Yunshan was not a vegetarian, so as soon as it was over, he forced his injured body to escape quickly.

After Yunshan blocked the front, Xiao Yan directly changed the direction and fled.

Although he was fast, without the Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus, in Yunshan's eyes he looked no different than a little mouse being chased by a cat.


Yun Shan shot out a palm and flew directly towards Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan showed a trace of despair in his eyes. He knew that he could not escape.

Click click click.

However, just when he closed his eyes and waited for death, he heard the sound of ice breaking. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Hai Bodong.

"Old Hai." Xiao Yan shouted gratefully.

"Xiao Yan, go quickly, I will block Yunshan." Hai Bodong shouted sharply. Although he temporarily blocked Yunshan, Yunshan's realm was much higher than him, and he could no longer block him.

"Thank you, Mr. Hai, Xiao Yan will never forget today's great kindness!"

Xiao Yan thanked him loudly, and without any delay, he continued to urge Ziyun Yi to move towards the distance.

However, seeing Xiao Yan walking away, Yunshan was furious. He turned to look at Yun Yun and shouted: "Yun'er, stop him, don't let him go!"

Yun Yun was in a dilemma. On one side was Yun Shan, who was as close as her father, and on the other side was Xiao Yan, who had saved her life. Although she was in great pain, at this time, she had to take action.

"The extreme wind kills!"

Yun Yun took action, and she used Xuan-level advanced fighting skills as soon as she took action. The long sword in her hand suddenly trembled, and a deep light that was almost the size of a thumb shot out in an instant.

As soon as the light appeared, the space trembled a few times.

"call out!"

The attack came in an instant. If Yao Chen hadn't forcefully taken over Xiao Yan's body and quickly dodged the attack, Xiao Yan's body might have been pierced.

"Damn it, this woman Yun Yun actually took action."

Xiao Yan was very irritated. He originally thought that Yun Yun would not take action, but when he saw that this move landed on a big tree, the tree that two adults could not hold even if they hugged each other was penetrated. , he really realized that Yun Yun had taken action, and it was a unique move.


Just when Xiao Yan was blocked, Haibodong was also injured by Yunshan and fell heavily to the ground, directly smashing a large stone.

"call out!"

Before Xiao Yan and Yao Chen could react, Yunshan and Yun Yun had already blocked Xiao Yan one after another.

With a tiger in front of him and a pursuing army behind him, Xiao Yan was in a desperate situation.

"Teacher, I'm in trouble for you!"

Xiao Yan sighed, apologized to Yao Chen with a wry smile.

A Dou Zong and a Dou Emperor, Xiao Yan understood that he could not leave today.

"Xiao Yan, are you going to capture him without any effort, or am I going to break your bones one by one and stay here?" Yunshan said coldly.

Hearing Yun Shan's angry voice, Xiao Yan's eyes showed a trace of absolute despair. He looked back at Yun Yun who couldn't bear it, grinned, and then said to Yao Chen again: "Teacher, forgive my impulsiveness, today we I’m afraid I can’t leave!”

As he said that, Xiao Yan's eyes showed a cold light. He was just about to fight when he heard Yaochen sigh and said: "Little Yanzi, that's enough. Let me handle it next!"

Yao Chen's soul flew directly out of Najie, and then under the gaze of Yunshan and Yun Yun, he made a thought, and a simple token with the word "天记" engraved on it appeared in his hand.

"Is that the Tianji Order?" Yun Yun exclaimed.

"Tianji Order?" After hearing Yun Yun's exclamation, Yunshan was also stunned for a moment.

Although he didn't understand the Tianji Order, he knew about the Tianji Tower.

Before he could ask questions, Yun Yun said: "Teacher, let them go, they can't stop them anymore. What the soul body has in hand is the Tianji Order given by Tianji Tower.

As soon as the Tianji Order is issued, all members of the Tianji Tower regardless of their level within thousands of kilometers around will rush here. This will be a tragic disaster for our Yunlan Sect! "

After the words fell, Yunshan was shocked. Although he had never confronted Tianji Tower, he also knew that Tianji Tower was not something Yunlan Sect could afford to offend.

At the beginning, the Guardian Bird of the Soul Palace once said that there were many transcendent behemoths in Zhongzhou, among which the Dan Pagoda and the Tianji Tower were at the same level as the Soul Palace.

Moreover, if Tianji Tower doesn't take action, it will be done with thunderous means. Therefore, people from Lianhun Palace will walk around Tianji Tower.

"Damn it, how could he have the Secret Order in his hand?" Yunshan was furious and couldn't believe it for a moment.

Not to mention anything else, there are two strong Douzong masters in Jia Ma Imperial Capital, one is the Eight-star Douzong and the other is the Nine-star Douzong. Regardless of whether other masters will come, he cannot compete with those two alone. of.

On the side, for fear that Yunshan would take action and bring about the destruction of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun quickly said to Yunshan: "Teacher, let them leave. You must not let that soul activate the Tianji Order!"

Hearing this, Yunshan looked at the Tianji Token in Yao Chen's hand again and asked in a cold voice: "Why do you have the Tianji Token in your hand?"


On the opposite side, Xiao Yan was also surprised. Although he had long known that Tianji Tower could not be offended, he never knew that his teacher would have such a thing as the Tianji Token.

Yao Chen waved his hand to signal Xiao Yan not to get excited, and then he said in a deep voice: "Why I have the secret order, you still have nothing to do with it.

Get out of the way, otherwise I don't mind activating the Tianji Order here. You should know that once the Tianji Order is activated, all enemies within this range will be eliminated by the strong men of the Tianji Tower.

If you want to see the Tianji Order, it's not impossible! "

With the secret order in hand, I have the world.

It has to be said that for more than a thousand years, the reputation Tianji Tower has gained has made countless powerful people fear it.

This is also the reason why Yao Chen agreed to Xiao Yan joining the Yunlan Sect.

Staring at the Tianji Order in Yao Chen's hand, Yunshan's heart was filled with murderous intent, and he could no longer control it.

He really wanted to try what would happen after the Tianji Order was activated, but there was no need to try it with Yunlan Sect.


After exhaling a long breath, Yunshan said coldly: "Xiao Yan, you are lucky today, but please remember that if you provoke the Yunlan Sect, one day you will definitely have to pay the price."

Yunshan said harsh words, but also got out of the way. He didn't dare to gamble, his strength didn't allow it.

"Haha, don't say harsh words. If you want to continue, you can continue to take action. I actually also want to know whether this secret order can completely destroy your Yunlan Sect." Yao Chen said coldly.

"Xiao Yan, let's go!"

Next to Yun Shan, Yun Yun saw that Yao Chen was angry, so she quickly said to Xiao Yan.

"Yunzhi. Forget it, teacher, take Elder Eilai with you and let's leave together!" Xiao Yan sighed, then turned to look at Yao Chen and said.


Soon, Xiao Yan left with Hai Bodong, leaving only the Yunlan Sect in a mess and dilapidated state.

At this point, Xiao Yan's second visit to Yunlan Sect is over!

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