I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 245 Soul Emperor deserves to die, Xiao Tiance, you are despicable! (Please subscribe)

"This is your last chance, Soul Emperor, do you want to continue hiding?"

In the turbulence of the void.

As soon as Xiao Tiance said these words, Ling'er was a little confused. What kind of Soul Emperor?

Of course she knows that Soul Heaven Emperor is the leader of the Soul Clan among the eight imperial clans in the Dou Qi Continent. His strength is at the peak of the nine-star Dou Saint. He can be compared to the half-emperor level at full power. He is one of the most promising people in the Dou Qi Continent to be promoted to the Dou Emperor. Likewise It is also one of the main objects of Ling'er's observation.

But wasn't the Huntian Emperor killed in the Tuoshe Emperor's cave a few years ago?

It was precisely because of this battle that Ling'er focused on Xiao Tiance.

But now, the young gentleman actually called out the name of Emperor Soul. In other words, Emperor Soul escaped her detection?

Thinking of this, Ling'er was a little confused. You must know that she is the child of a plane. Everything on the Dou Qi Continent is within the scope of her investigation. It can be said that everything that happens in the entire Dou Qi Continent, as long as she wants to know, is There is nowhere to escape.

"Hahaha, as expected of you, Xiao Tiance, I used the soul clan's secret method to hide it so deeply, and yet I was still found by you!"

At this time, a loud laugh was heard from Xiao Tiance's body. His voice was no different from that of the Hun Tian Emperor.

However, Xiao Tiance did not panic about this. He sat cross-legged on the ground with a calm face and said with a motionless smile: "I didn't find it originally, but in the process of my promotion to Dou Emperor, whether it is flesh, blood, bones, Or the soul will undergo transition and evolution.

If not, it would be really difficult for me to discover your existence.

Emperor Soul, I have to say that your Soul Clan is indeed very clever in your shameful methods, and you are the best among them, and you have actually hidden yourself for so long without showing up.

What, do you want to seize my seat and use my body to become the Dou Emperor? "

"So what? Xiao Tiance, you are the most powerful enemy I have ever encountered in my life. Even that guy Xiao Xuan does not give me as much pressure as you.

If I still had a physical body, I would definitely not be your opponent, but now, with the blessing of the soul clan's secret method, your body belongs to me.

Don't worry, after I seize your body, I will retain part of your soul power. I must let you see with your own eyes how I slaughtered your Xiao clan members. " Emperor Soul Heaven said in an extremely cold voice, as if he had some endless anger that he wanted to vent out.

After hearing what he said, Xiao Tiance chuckled twice, and then he said: "I didn't expect that a person like you would actually want to take revenge at this juncture?"

"So what? You, the Xiao clan, slaughtered my soul clan members, and now there are only two or three big cats and kittens left in the soul clan. It can be said that there is no hope.

Without your appearance, my soul clan will definitely become the strongest existence on Dou Qi Continent. By then, I will also be able to use the Imperial Grade Young Pill left by Ancient Emperor Tuoshe to be promoted to Dou Emperor.

But all of this was ruined, all because of you. Not only did my soul clan suffer heavy casualties, but you also ruined my hope of being promoted to Dou Emperor. Do you know that I have the urge to cut you into pieces?

However, it is different now. I have invaded your body. As long as I take away your body, I can take my place and take away everything from you.

Of course, don’t worry, I will not let anyone close to you go, and I will definitely send them down to accompany you, hahaha.”

At the end of the sentence, Emperor Hun Tian went a little crazy, as if he had seen the scene in which he replaced Xiao Tiance as Dou Emperor, destroyed the entire Xiao clan, and once again led the Hun clan to become the strongest force in the Dou Qi Continent.

"Tsk tsk!"

At this moment, Xiao Tiance couldn't help but gasped twice, and then he mocked: "Emperor Soul, you are really ugly like this. If this is your magnanimity as a strong man, then you really make me think highly of you. .

However, who gave you the courage to think that by entering my body, you can replace me, Liang Jingru?

Or maybe you thought that I would have no back-up in my actions, so you hurriedly made your existence clear?

Haha, Soul Emperor, if this is really the case, then you not only think highly of yourself, but you also think highly of me, Xiao Tiance! "

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Hun Tian was shocked at first, and then he thought about various possibilities, but I have the advantage and everything is under control.

"Hahaha, Xiao Tiance, you don't need to bluff. I have been following you for more than five years and I know everything about you. You have no backup plan to deal with me.

Moreover, the secret method used on you was created by our Soul Clan Dou Emperor himself. Our ancestor is known as the Soul Emperor. In terms of the entire Dou Qi Continent’s understanding of the mysteries of the soul, even the fetus of that plane is not as good as our ancestor.

Even if you discover my existence during the process of being promoted to Dou Emperor, you are not allowed to listen to the process of being promoted to Dou Emperor, so you don't need to bluff to scare me.

Your body is determined by me. Even if all the Dou Emperors in the Dou Qi Continent are here, they can't keep it. I, the Soul Emperor, said so! "Emperor Soul Heaven said very arrogantly, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

Listening to his words, Xiao Tiance was a little speechless and said: "Those who don't know would think that you took Nick Cheung's script, and you can't keep anyone else. What did you say?

Logically speaking, those who understand themselves are either themselves or their enemies. You and I have been enemies of each other for so many years, how come you don’t understand me at all?

On the contrary, I know you very well. Ever since you were captured so easily in the cave of the ancient Emperor Vaitasha, I have been wondering if you have other back-up plans.

It's a pity that you are hidden so deep that even if I probe with the power of the emperor's soul, I can't find any trace of your soul power.

It wasn't until I started to advance to Dou Emperor that I discovered your existence. If you had taken action when I had just started to break through Dou Emperor, you might have been able to pull me to death together.

Unfortunately, the greed in your heart caused you to miss the best opportunity.

And from the moment I point out your existence, it means that you have no chance.

Soul Emperor, I admit that you are indeed amazingly talented. Even though you have always been at a disadvantage when compared with my cousin Xiao Xuan, you eventually consumed my brother Xuan to death and became the king or the loser. Your evaluation has always been very high, even higher than that of my brother Xuan.

Haha, it's a pity. When manpower is limited, God's way will eventually be determined, and it is beyond the reach of manpower. Your performance just now makes me look down on you. "

Until now, Xiao Tiance's mood has been very calm. Even though the Soul Emperor is in his body at the moment, his heartbeat has not exceeded a beat.

"What Zhang Jiahui? What Liang Jingru? I don't know what you are talking about?"

Okay, Xiao Tiance, what can you do if you don’t like me? Now, the advantage is in my hands. As you said, the winner is the king or the loser. When I take you away, I will be the only one in Dou Qi Continent. king!

Hahaha, Xiao Tiance, go with peace of mind, I will let you know whether I am telling lies! "The Soul Emperor was very mad. He was very unhappy with the way Xiao Tiance was speaking to him at the moment. He clearly had the advantage, but Xiao Tiance actually looked like he had a plan in mind. It was really annoying.

No wonder that from the first moment he saw Xiao Tiance thousands of years ago, he felt that this person was the most annoying person from the bottom of his heart, so after that trial, he spread the whereabouts of Void Swallowing Flame to the Xiao clan at all costs.

In the end, Xiao Tiance left Xiao Realm and found the location of the Void Swallowing Flame. When Xiao Tiance was most proud, he pushed him into the abyss with one palm.

I thought that the fate between the two of them ended at that moment, but I didn't expect that Xiao Tiance woke up again after being seriously injured and comatose for a hundred years, and even persuaded Xiao Xuan, who was already deeply obsessed with it, to help him fake his death and escape.

After that, this guy used an extremely weird method to kill more than a hundred strong soul clan fighting saints who went to Xiao Realm to kill in one battle. None of them could escape from his hands, causing the soul clan's strength to be greatly damaged. , had to spend tens of millions of years of accumulated experience to forcibly increase the number of strong men in the clan.

At that time, he went to investigate in person, thinking that the person behind the scenes would jump out in a short time. It turned out that this guy didn't play according to the routine. He already had the strength to compete with him, but he had been developing for thousands of years.

After leading the Xiao clan to birth, it actually made the entire Xiao clan become extremely powerful.

In that battle, the two sides fought again. Unfortunately, in that battle, even though he nearly exhausted all the blood power in his body to forcefully break out, he was beaten without the ability to fight back.

If Shi Zhongtian hadn't come out to disrupt the situation by chance, he might have died in that battle.

On the 49th Avenue, one of the variables escaped. He thought that after that time, the Soul Clan turned from bright to dark and could gain a glimmer of hope. However, the power of the Xiao Clan made him gradually lose his confidence.

Later, he had to take a risk and go to the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave to find the Emperor's Young Pill to be promoted to Dou Emperor, but in the end, this guy was waiting there, as if he had everything under his control.

As soon as the spiritual formation that left him unable to do anything came out, he had no power to fight back, so in the end he had to use the bitter flesh trick to kill the Void Swallowing Flame, and then gave up his body to fake death, hiding in Xiao Tiance's body, and finally survived to this day. .

However, none of this matters anymore, everything is over, and Emperor Soul is the only winner, and he is also the first Dou Emperor after Emperor Tuoshe.

Thinking of this, Emperor Hun Tian felt more and more happy, and he activated the soul clan's secret method in Xiao Tiance's body to seize the body.

However, at this moment, Xiao Tiance sighed helplessly: "It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Emperor Soul, I can only say that you have a way to heaven but don't take it, and there is no way to hell. In this case, let me Look at your last resort."

At this point, Xiao Tiance felt that Soul Emperor had already moved his hands inside his body, but his expression remained extremely calm.

Soon, in his body, the soul of Huntian Emperor suddenly yelled: "How is this possible? How is this possible? Xiao Tiance, what methods did you use? Why is my soul power dissipating? Why, what on earth is this?" Why?"

Listening to the constant shouts and panicked voices of Emperor Hun Tiance, Xiao Tiance raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "Do you think that after discovering you, I will really leave no means behind?

However, there is still time left for the evolution of the soul. I might as well make it clearer to you. Let’s talk about it first. It has never been possible or will happen here for a villain to die from talking too much. So, , you don’t have to waste your efforts, just listen to it with peace of mind and get on your way! "

"Damn it, this is against common sense. How could the secret technique created by our ancestors have no effect on you at all?" Emperor Hun Tian asked again in surprise.

While speaking, the Soul Emperor struggled a bit, but no matter how many times he tried to activate the soul clan's secret method, it had no effect at all. Moreover, he could even feel that his soul power was being devoured.

Yes, it is devouring!

"I've said it all, you can be on your way after listening to it with peace of mind. If you're not sure, do you think I can talk to you so calmly?

Don't you want to know why your missing soul clan secret method doesn't work? It's very simple, because when I evolved my flesh and bones, I carved two spiritual formations on myself. One is called the Sky-Devouring Spirit Formation. While preventing me from accidentally being plotted, I can also be there all the time. Swallow fighting energy or spiritual energy for my use.

In other words, as long as I am still alive, even if I don't practice, this spiritual formation is still helping me practice.

Of course, this spiritual formation is mainly used to deal with you. When I am aware of your existence, I can no longer stop and deal with you. Therefore, I am also betting that you will see the hope of being promoted to Dou Emperor. At this time, the fatal blow will be given to me at the last moment.

In the end, I won the bet, so you are trapped in my body, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, you can only wait quietly for death.

As for the second spiritual array, it is also a master-level spiritual array, which is specially designed to hone one's body. After the success of this spiritual array, my body will be constantly strengthening as if it is in an alchemy furnace all the time. Physically, even if I go to the vast world and face those powerful supreme dharma bodies, I can still defeat them with my bare hands.

Moreover, this spiritual formation can evolve with my spiritual formation cultivation. As long as the level of this spiritual formation increases, the power of this spiritual formation can continue to increase. "

Having said this, Xiao Tiance showed a hint of luck on his face, and then he continued: "Speaking of which, the successful portrayal of these two spiritual formations is all thanks to you.

If it weren't for the discovery of your existence, I wouldn't have dared to take the risk of carving the spiritual formation on myself, and only then could I succeed with the huge baptism of fighting spirit between heaven and earth."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tiance suddenly stopped talking.

At this time, Emperor Soul Heaven asked in confusion: "Xiao Tiance, why don't you continue talking? Didn't you understand that you want me to die?"

"Haha, that's enough, no need!" Xiao Tiance said with a smile.

"Huh? What's enough?" Emperor Hun Tian was confused?

"Oh, even if you just chose to self-destruct your soul when the secret method failed, you would have a 30% chance of dragging me to death with you.

But it’s no longer needed now, because you don’t have a long memory. When have I ever been kind to my enemies? How do you think that I would really be kind enough to let you die?

Hahaha, Soul Emperor, should I call you naive, or should I still call you innocent?

You and I are enemies. When dealing with enemies, we should naturally use all means to deal with you! "Xiao Tiance couldn't help laughing as he spoke, and he laughed very happily.

"Damn it, Xiao Tiance, you are despicable!"

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