I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 248 Xiao Xun'er leaves Tianwaitian and encounters Qinglin in the Beast Realm (please su

"It's done!"

In the turbulent flow of void.

As the voices of Xiao Tiance and Ling'er rang out, the two looked at each other. At this moment, they were truly both prosperous and devastated.

It can be said that even if Xiao Tiance has a wife in the future, if it comes to trust, Ling'er will definitely rank first.

"Little sir, please take good care of me in the future." Ling'er, the fetus of the plane, said playfully.

"Hahaha, easy to talk about." Xiao Tiance said jokingly.

The two talked for a while, and then Xiao Tiance looked around, and with a move of his left hand, he put away the three regiments of Emperor's Origin that were still floating around him. Then he smiled at Ling'er and said: "Then let's go, come out and look for it. The Origin of the Emperor has been around for several years, and it’s time to go back.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling'er nodded happily, then jumped directly onto Xiao Tiance's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay, I have been here for a long time, and this time I can finally follow Mr. Look around again."

For the plane fetus, the entire Dou Qi Continent is her playground. She can go wherever she wants. As long as there are no seals or restrictions, Ling'er can go there.

But since Emperor Tuoshe's fire sealed the origin of the Five Emperors, Ling'er has never left here again.

If she hadn't been able to take the time to see what was happening outside anytime and anywhere, I'm afraid her name as a child of the plane would be somewhat unrealistic.

After signing the soul contract, Xiao Tiance knew everything about Ling'er, so he understood the meaning of Ling'er's words.

"Hahaha, don't worry. After you get out of here, you can go anywhere you want. Once I have arranged things for the Xiao clan, I will take you to the world to find the origin of your lost emperor." Xiao Tiance He laughed and gently rubbed Ling'er's cheek with his fingers.

This time, the touch was different. It didn't go through directly. It felt a bit like jelly. Well, it was pretty good.

Feeling Xiao Tiance touching her face, Ling'er blushed, and she said shyly, "Mr. Xiao, I'm not used to others touching my face."

"Hahaha, it's okay. You can get used to it gradually in the future." Xiao Tiance did not let go of his hand, but the force was lighter.

In this regard, Ling'er didn't do anything, but her face became even redder.

Not far after walking out, Xiao Tiance didn't show any surprise or horror in his eyes when he looked at the void storm that was raging throughout the void.

If the previous Void Storm was still dangerous to him, then now, even if he stood at the strongest point of the Void Storm, those raging and flying Void Storm blades would not cause any harm to him.

After becoming a powerful Dou Emperor, Xiao Tiance's body, whether flesh, flesh or bones, has made a qualitative leap. As Ling'er said, the process of becoming a Dou Emperor is a leap in life and an evolution of life.

This is easy to understand. After all, compared to the limited life span and immortal life, a strong Dou Emperor who can live as long as heaven and earth, if he cannot even resist the power of some natural phenomena within the Dou Qi Continent, then he will become a Dou Emperor. What is the meaning of ?

It's better to mess it up from the beginning. Why bother to make enemies with other people? It not only wastes time and effort, but also wastes brain cells.

At this time, looking at the void storm that was going on, Xiao Tiance saw a flash of light in his eyes, and the next second, an unparalleled aura spread from his body to the surroundings.

Not only that, within the scope of the spread of his momentum, the originally raging and violent void storm solidified in an instant.

Seeing that he was so powerful this time, he actually condensed the void storm instantly, he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Is this the power of the Dou Emperor? No wonder everyone wants to become the Dou Emperor. This feeling, the strength all over the body It’s really fascinating!”

"Giggle, little sir, Emperor Dou is of course very powerful. These void storms were originally set up by Tuo She Emperor Huo to prevent anyone from finding the seals he arranged.

Now, although you have just been promoted to Dou Emperor, your strength has already surpassed the original Tuo She Emperor Huo.

Not to mention that he has fallen, even if he has not fallen, if he sets up such a void storm trap again in front of you, it will be very simple for you to break it! " Ling'er chuckled, especially looking at the curve of the corners of Xiao Tiance's mouth, she felt attracted.

Hearing this, Xiao Tiance nodded with a smile, then put a little force on his feet, and in the next second, his whole body turned into rainbow light, directly passing through the entire range of the void storm.

This time, it was purely physical power without using any fighting skills. Moreover, at his current speed, if he used space to travel, I am afraid that within the scope of the entire Dou Qi Continent, as long as he wanted to, he could do it in one minute. arrive.

It's just so unreasonable.

It is extremely powerful and has no scientific basis.

"Ah, little sir, that junior of your Xiao clan is also very impressive!"

Suddenly, Ling'er, who was sitting on Xiao Tiance's shoulders and swaying her little feet, spoke.


In an instant, Ling'er passed the picture she perceived, or rather the picture she saw, to Xiao Tiance.

The next second, Xiao Tiance was a little surprised, and then he smiled and said: "It turns out to be Xiao Yan. I didn't expect that his strength has reached this point in just a few years, and he also conquered the Pure Lotus Demon, which ranked third on the Alien Fire List. Fire.

He is indeed very talented. If it weren't for me, maybe he would be the hope for the Xiao clan's rise.

However, I am very curious, shouldn't that girl Xiao Xun'er be in Tianwaitian? Why did you appear in the demon fire space with him? "

Speaking of this, Ling'er sensed that he was a little displeased. It stands to reason that whether it is Xiao Xun'er or Zi Yan, the two of them are the protons sent to the Xiao clan by the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Ancient Clan, so without permission Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to get out of the scope of Tianwaitian.

But now, Xiao Xun'er not only walked out of Tianwaitian, entered the demon fire space with Xiao Yan, and subdued the Jinglian demon fire, but also, judging from the ancient clan glow on her forehead, she had already experienced the ancient clan. The bloodline awakens.

what does that mean? Does it mean that the Ancient Clan did not take the Xiao Clan seriously, or does it mean that the Ancient Clan paid some price for Xiao Xun'er to get rid of his identity as a proton and be able to move around freely in Dou Qi Continent?

Seeing that he looked a little displeased, Ling'er asked softly: "Little sir, are you unhappy? That ancient girl appeared next to Xiao Yan, did it make you angry?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tiance shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, that girl is smart and talented, I like her very much.

However, some things are not so simple to operate. She is a hostage sent to the Xiao Clan by the ancient clan leader. Without the Xiao Clan's permission, it is impossible for her to leave Tianwaitian.

Before I left Tianwaitian, although there was no explicit order prohibiting her and Zi Yan, the little girl sent by the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, from leaving Tianwaitian, something must have happened.

We're going back soon, though, so everything will be figured out. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Ling'er laughed and said softly: "If this is the case, little sir, maybe I know."

"you know?"

Xiao Tiance was a little surprised, but thinking of Ling'er's ability, he also reacted.

"Tell me!"

"Sir, one month after you left Tianwai Tianhou, Gu Dao, one of the three immortals of the ancient tribe, was asked by Gu Yuan to take his daughter out of Tian Wai Tian on the condition that his descendants' cultivation resources would improve their level.

After that, Gu Dao personally went to Tianwaitian to intercede with the wife of the current patriarch of the Xiao clan, and finally found Xiao Qing, the patriarch of the Xiao clan.

At first, Xiao Qing did not agree, but at this time, Xiao Yan, who was refining the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, was also found by Gu Yuan and asked him for help.

Later, Xiao Yan went to Tianwaitian and asked to see Xiao Xian and Xiao De, the two supreme elders of your Xiao clan. Because he was afraid that Xiao Qing would not give them face, so he went to Xiao Xuan to plead for mercy.

In the end, with the negotiation of these people, Xiao Qing was already impressed by his wife, so he agreed.

That's why that little girl from the ancient tribe was able to stay with Xiao Yan. "Ling'er explained everything very clearly and patiently.

After listening, Xiao Tiance nodded. If this is the case, it is not unacceptable.

He was afraid that there would be problems within the Xiao clan. As long as there were no problems within the Xiao clan, everything would be easy.

After all, a strong fortress is often the first to be breached from the inside.

Another thing, Xiao Yan can understand. Although Xiao Tiance and the Xiao clan help him a lot behind the scenes, Xiao Yan's character can give everything to Xiao Xun'er.

Therefore, when Gu Yuanyi agreed to Xiao Xun'er marrying him, let alone let him persuade Xiao Qing to let Xiao Xun'er be free.

Even if he didn't take this as a condition, he would probably do this in order to prevent Xiao Xun'er from being controlled in Tianwaitian.

As for Xiao Xuan, it was simple. He and Gu Yuan had a good relationship. When he first persuaded the Ancient Clan to surrender, Gu Yuan also agreed because of Xiao Xuan's face and knew that he would not embarrass the Ancient Clan.

As for the two elders Xiao De and Xiao Xian, when Xiao Yan first entered Tianwaitian and met these two people, they were very optimistic about Xiao Yan, so it was easy for them to agree to help.

Not to mention Xiao Qing. Although Xiao Xuan's true identity is not known, Xiao Tiance was able to take the initiative to hand over the Imperial Grade Young Pill to him and Tianluo before leaving, which is enough to show that Xiao Tiance trusts Xuanhuang.

After he left, it can be said that what Xuanhuang said represented Xiao Tiance's attitude to a large extent.

Xiao Qing has always been grateful and respectful to Xiao Tiance himself. If Xuanhuang speaks, he will agree even if others don't say anything.

However, the only person who made Xiao Tiance dissatisfied was Gu Yue.

This girl is Xiao Qing's wife and the current patriarch's wife of the Xiao clan, so she has a high and powerful position. However, she agreed after Gu Dao briefly begged for mercy, and there was no trace of her sense of belonging to the Xiao clan.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tiance felt dissatisfied, and it was right for him.

Logically speaking, the water thrown out by a married daughter should have been clear when she married Xiao Qing that the Xiao clan was her backer.

Therefore, even if there are extenuating circumstances, if this matter cannot be explained clearly, Xiao Tiance may personally choose a new wife for Xiao Qing.


After exhaling a long breath, Xiao Tiance chose to suppress the matter for the time being. He smiled and said: "So, that girl Xiao Xun'er is quite good. I didn't expect to keep her locked up within the scope of Tianwaitian. .

However, when she went out to the outer world to follow Xiao Yan, she actually picked up sesame seeds and lost the watermelons.

In terms of the most suitable environment for cultivation, Tianwaitian is the best in the entire Dou Qi Continent. The spirit gathering formations alone can allow people to quickly improve their cultivation. Moreover, the existence of the martial arts field is also used to hone oneself.

With her talent, as long as she stays in Tianwaitian for ten years, she will definitely be able to reach the peak of Fighting Saint.

But forget it, in that girl's heart, all she cares about is that boy Xiao Yan, so she probably won't feel relieved if he keeps her here.

Haha, it's a pity that that guy Gu Yuan thought wrong about me. He thought I would raise his only daughter to death. He was really a villain. "

"Keke, little sir, this is normal. It's understandable that Gu Yuan did this.

After all, that girl is his only daughter, and she is also the person with the highest concentration of Dou Emperor blood among the ancient clan. It is normal for him to be worried about the Xiao clan. "Ling'er chuckled.

"Haha, that's right. Forget it, let's go. Let's go back to Tianwaitian first and send the origin of the emperor to Brother Xuan and the others." Xiao Tiance said with a smile.

After saying that, he stepped on his feet, and the next second, his figure transformed like a rainbow, directly across the entire beast realm.

However, just as he and Ling'er were hurrying on their way, suddenly, his figure stopped and his eyes quickly looked down.

At this moment, a little girl who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old was sitting on the head of a Nine Netherworld Python whose strength was comparable to the peak of Dou Zun.

"Hey, it's this little girl!" Xiao Tiance said in surprise.

Hearing this, Ling'er also looked at it, and then asked with a smile: "Sir, do you know the little girl below?

Um? No, this little girl’s eyes.”

Before she finished speaking, the surprise in her tone made Xiao Tiance couldn't help but smile and said: "Those are green snakes with three flower pupils, which have fatal control over snake-shaped monsters.

Although I have never met her, I have seen records about this little girl in the information sent by Tianji Tower.

It's just that it's only been a few years, but I didn't expect her to grow to this point, which really surprised me. "

Listening to this, Ling'er nodded thoughtfully, and then she nodded and said: "Yes, at her age, she can actually control this ninth-level earthly python, which is at the peak of the eighth level. It is indeed very powerful.

However, young sir, this girl’s cultivation is not enough. The Nine Netherworld Python under her body can be regarded as a first-class Warcraft race in the World of Warcraft. Now, the eighth-level Nine Netherworld Python is preparing to break through her control. Devour that little girl! "

Xiao Tiance quickly sensed the past with his mental power. Then his expression changed and he immediately shouted: "Huh? You evil beast, how dare you!"

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