I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 269 Horrifying speculation

Zhongzhou, Tianji Tower headquarters.

After Xiao Yan met Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, he returned to the room with Yao Chen.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked at Yao Chen and said: "Teacher, when I heard that Sister Yafei went to Tianwaitian to host the reception of guests, there was obviously a look of surprise in your eyes.

However, because Sister Yafei was there at the time, you didn’t want to tell me, and I didn’t ask.

Can I say it now? "

Hearing this, Yao Chen secretly said in his heart: "What a smart little guy. He actually discovered it at that time."

Then, Yao Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I was really surprised just now. Do you know who usually does the reception of guests?"

"Who will do it? Can't anyone do this? As long as they can receive the guests who come to participate in the Sky Tomb Trial, what's the difference?" Xiao Yan was a little confused.

"That's right, I forgot that your kid grew up in Wutan City.

Xiao Yanzi, you don’t know something. The reception received by the imperial clan is different from the reception received by ordinary sects.

As you said, no matter who is hosting the reception activities outside the Imperial Clan, as long as they are capable.

However, the reception between the Imperial Clan is not like this. The person hosting the reception must be a member of the Imperial Clan.

Although Ya Fei is a high-ranking member of the Tianji Tower and has won the trust of Xiao Clan leader Xiao Qing, no matter what, she cannot be counted as a member of the Xiao Clan. "

When Yao Chen said this, he saw the confused expression on Xiao Yan's face, so after taking a sip of tea, he continued: "Okay, master, continue to explain.

For a grand event like the Heavenly Tomb Trial, especially if other powerful men from the Imperial Clan will be present, generally speaking, the person who hosts the reception of guests must be an elder from the Xiao Clan, a Supreme Elder, or someone from the Xiao Clan. The patriarch’s wife personally presided over the ceremony.

This is not only a courtesy, but also reflects the status of the host.

Although Yafei is a high-ranking member of the Tianji Tower, this trial of the Heavenly Tomb was issued from the standpoint of the Xiao clan. Therefore, no matter what, the task of hosting guests will not fall on her.

Unless, Concubine Ya will completely become a member of the Xiao clan, or will occupy a very important position in the Xiao clan.

But Xiao Yanzi, you should know that Master Xiao Qing has a wife. Even if other elders or Supreme Elders don't have time, she should have time to do the work of receiving guests, right? Why should Ya Fei, who is not a member of the Xiao clan, be responsible alone?

Is it possible that the top brass of the Xiao clan didn't think of it?

Of course this is impossible. This is the default unspoken rule of all imperial clans and has never changed for thousands of years.

Then, the only explanation is that there may be problems between the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan, and even the Xiao Clan's patriarch's wife may be abolished. "

After the words fell, a trace of disbelief flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

"Impossible, teacher, you don't know that Patriarch Xiao Qing and his wife have a very good relationship." Xiao Yan shook his head quickly.

Who in the entire Xiao clan doesn't know that the love between Xiao Qing and Guyue is called a harp and a harp, how can it be abolished?

Unless Xiao Qing fails to become the clan leader, it is basically impossible to abolish Gu Yue.

However, Xiao Qing's position is very stable, because he is powerful and has the ability to deal with large and small matters in the clan as early as when he was the young leader of the Xiao clan.

Therefore, even if Yao Chen's analysis was sound and well-founded, Xiao Yan still refused to believe it.

However, Yao Chen didn't care whether Xiao Yan believed it or not, nor did he care whether Gu Yue would really be deposed as he thought. These had nothing to do with him.

What he is worried about now is Xiao Yan's safety.

If he didn't know that Xiao Yan had promised Gu Yuan that he would help the ancient clan seize the ancient emperor's inheritance first, Yao Chen really wouldn't have anything to worry about.

After all, this trial of the Sky Tomb was held in the Xiao Clan's Tianwaitian, and the Sky Tomb was also completely controlled by the Xiao Clan.

However, Yao Chen still had some bad feelings in his heart, especially after analyzing that the Xiao clan was likely to use this Sky Tomb Trial to deal with the ancient clan, he became even more worried.

"Xiao Yanzi, my teacher is suddenly very worried about you." Yao Chen sighed.

"Ah? Teacher, why are you worried about me? This Heavenly Tomb trial is in the Xiao Clan's base camp. There are so many strong men from the Xiao Clan sitting here, and Patriarch Tiance and the others are here. Are you still worried that someone will dare to do something to me? Is it possible to kill him?" Xiao Yan said with confusion on his face.

"That was before. If you had not promised the ancient clan to help them seize the ancient emperor's inheritance, my teacher would naturally not worry about your safety.

But, Xiao Yanzi, have you ever thought about why the Xiao clan would hold the Sky Tomb Trial at this time?

Not to mention, the Ancient Clan was the first to know the news.

Think about it, is there really no problem at all? Yao Chen said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and worry appeared in his heart. Then he said with some uncertainty: "Teacher, are you too worried? Let's not talk about the agreement that I made with Xun'er's father. When there is no one around, there is no risk of leakage.

Another one, I just want to ensure that the Ancient Emperor's inheritance will not fall into the hands of others. As for the Ancient Clan, if they really have the ability to get the recognition of the Ancient Emperor's inheritance, then I will accept it.

If they can't do it, I still want to fight for the Ancient Emperor's inheritance.

In addition, although I don’t know how Xun’er’s father knew in advance that the Xiao Clan was going to hold the Heavenly Tomb Trial, I think it was someone from the Xiao Clan who sent the message.”

As he talked, Xiao Yan also felt that something was wrong. Soon, he said with a gloomy face: "Teacher, is this trial of the Sky Tomb a conspiracy specifically against the ancient tribe?"

At this time, Yao Chen saw that he had reacted, so he nodded and sighed: "This possibility is not ruled out.

Xiao Yan, do you understand what Dou Di means? "

"Of course, becoming a Dou Emperor will allow one's race to become an Imperial Clan, otherwise the Ancient Clan would not pay so much attention." Xiao Yan nodded.

“So, the Xiao clan doesn’t understand the truth that you understand?

According to normal thinking, even if no one in the Xiao clan can gain recognition for the inheritance of the ancient emperor, they will not give it away to others.

However, just after Senior Tiance had just been promoted to the Dou Emperor Powerhouse and not long after returning to Tianwaitian, the Xiao clan held this Heavenly Tomb Trial.

Hehe, Xiao Yanzi, don’t tell me, you really haven’t thought about this problem before, right?

If this is really the case, then you have to ask your master to check your brain. Otherwise, if you continue like this, you won’t even know how you died. "A trace of anger flashed in Yao Chen's eyes, but a lot of them were worried.

Yao Chen is very aware of the power of the Xiao clan. It can be said that it is the strongest in the entire Dou Qi Continent. Even if all the forces are combined, even if Xiao Tiance, a powerful Dou Emperor, does not take action, they can achieve a crushing situation.

Not to mention, now that Xiao Tiance has become a powerful Emperor Fighter, all he needs to do is make a small move, which will be a devastating blow to any force, and there will be no other results at all.

After all, the powerful Dou Di is so terrifying!

However, it was good to say before that Xiao Yan has always been highly regarded by Xiao Tiance. Otherwise, for a top powerhouse like Xiao Tiance, I would not have gone to Wutan City in person, and would have also sent the Heavenly Secret Token to me that I had never had the chance to use. On hand.

At that time, Xiao Tiance and himself had never met at all, so naturally it was not to ensure his own safety. The only possibility was to use the Tianji Order to scare him at a critical moment, or when Xiao Yan was in danger. enemy.

In addition, when he was in Yunlan Sect, although Yao Chen did not find anyone from Tianji Tower hiding around him, that was probably just because his strength was too low.

Otherwise, how to explain that before Xiao Yan obtained the Fallen Heart Flame, whenever he encountered danger, the people from the Tianji Tower would appear in time?

Also, even if it was the Three Thousand Flaming Flames obtained from Shengdan City, Xiao Tiance gave it to Xiao Yan without hesitation.

So, with Xiao Tiance's current strength, what would he do if he knew that Xiao Yan was secretly involved with the ancient clan and was planning to seize the inheritance of the ancient emperor in the tomb of heaven?

Therefore, whenever he thinks of these problems, Yao Chen's eyes become more and more worried.

"Teacher, do I understand what you mean? Do you think that this Sky Tomb Trial was specifically designed to target the ancient tribe?" Xiao Yan was surprised and confused, and he was very unsure.

"Yes, if it is not specifically targeting the Ancient Clan, does the Xiao Clan need to hold the Sky Tomb Trial at this time?

Don't tell me, master. Don't you know that if someone from the same clan breaks through Dou Emperor, others will also awaken Dou Emperor's bloodline?

And as a beneficiary of Dou Emperor's bloodline awakening, you should know how powerful becoming a Dou Emperor will make a great clan.

Xiao Yanzi, if my teacher’s guess is correct, every move of the ancient clan is probably under the surveillance of the Xiao clan.

This also means that the agreement you reached with Patriarch Gu Yuan may also be known to the Xiao clan. Yao Chen said with worry on his face.

Listening to these words, a trace of worry also flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes. He was not worried about himself, but worried about Xiao Xun'er.

No matter how he said it, he was still a member of the Xiao clan, and he had also helped the Xiao clan resurrect several Nine-Star Fighting Saints. He did not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. No matter how he said it, he was not in danger of his life.

However, the Ancient Clan is different. If the Xiao Clan really takes action against them, they won't have the slightest scruple to do so.

Now, according to the strength gap between the Xiao and Gu clans, it can be said that even if Xiao Tiance doesn't take action, the Xiao clan can win them all in one simple round against the ancient clan.

"Teacher, how about you stop going this time? If the situation is really so dangerous, then I will probably be involved.

And this time, the Yao Clan will also go. Based on the grievances between you and the Yao Clan, once you leave the Xiao Clan's territory, they are likely to take action against you.

Before, the Yao Clan was worried that you were my teacher and I am a member of the Xiao Clan, so they did not dare to take action against you.

But once I and the Xiao Clan are on opposite sides, my identity will be worthless. "Xiao Yan said with some worry.

Xiao Yan was very grateful to Yao Chen. Even though they had gone through a lot of hardships like in the original work, the relationship between Xiao Yan and Yao Chen was still very good in this life.

Even the Bone Spirit Cold Fire on Yao Chen was given directly to Xiao Yan, allowing him to quickly increase his strength.

It can be said that the relationship between the two will never be inferior to the relationship between Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan.

Therefore, after thinking about the next danger, Xiao Yan's first thought was to let Yao Chen participate in this Sky Tomb trial.

very dangerous!

Even though they are both powerful fighting saints, they are really not enough in front of the Yao Clan.

On the side, Yao Chen's eyes were filled with relief. At least this time, his vision of people was correct. Xiao Yan was not the ungrateful young man like Han Feng.


At this time, Yao Chen let out a long breath, and then he said with a smile: "Xiao Yanzi, you can think of my teacher's safety at the first time, and I am very happy.

However, how could my teacher really abandon you when he knew that you might be in danger? "

Having said this, Yao Chen smiled and continued: "Xiao Yanzi, don't worry too much, maybe all this is just speculation between us.

However, there is something you may want to pay attention to. "

"Teacher, please give me some advice." Xiao Yan saluted respectfully.

"It's not a lesson.

Weishi knows that you have a good relationship with that girl Yafei. It would not be an exaggeration to say that you are each other's best friend.

However, there is one thing you must pay attention to. After going to Tianwaitian this time, you must keep a distance from that girl Ya Fei.

Since the Xiao Clan has chosen Concubine Ya to host the guest reception for this Heavenly Tomb Trial, it is very likely that someone among the top leaders of the Xiao Clan has taken a liking to Concubine Ya.

At this critical moment of life and death, we must not make any more enemies from the Xiao clan, otherwise, there will be no good results for you or Ya Fei. Yaochen reminded.

Although he has already guessed that it is very likely that Ya Fei will be the next wife of the Xiao clan leader, but now everything is just a sign, and he is not sure whether it will really happen.

Therefore, if you are too close to Ya Fei, it may not be a good thing.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan frowned again, and then he pondered for a moment. Although he felt uncomfortable, after all, Ya Fei almost became his woman. At that time, he had a hunch that as long as he spoke, Ya Fei would probably not reject.

It was only later that Yafei was incorporated into the Tianji Building and suddenly became the fastest-promoted high-level executive in the history of the Tianji Building, so they gradually lost much contact.

Now, recalling what happened in the past, and remembering Ya Fei's proud figure, there is always a fire in Xiao Yan's heart, as if it wants to devour him.


After taking a deep breath, Xiao Tiance cupped his hands and nodded: "I understand, teacher, after entering Tianwai Tianhou, I will deliberately keep a distance from Sister Yafei."

"Well, I've given you a hard time, but the situation is stronger than the person. In order for us all to come back safely and alive, I can only give you a hard time."

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