I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 34 The Soul Palace is just an ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

Xiaojie, Tiance Mansion.

After Xiao Xuan left, Xiao Tiance sat by the window sill drinking tea. Looking at the martial arts field in the distance, the children of the Xiao clan gritted their teeth and persisted in practicing fighting skills and competing with each other. He couldn't help but recall the scene. The same goes for them when they are younger.

He has traveled back in time for more than ten years. Although he has not experienced any of this, he has inherited all the memories of his original body.

After so many years, he has almost forgotten what the original world looked like.

"Alas, is it Duke Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of Duke Zhou?"

As time goes by, Xiao Tiance is no longer quite sure whether it is the Xiao Tiance of this world who traveled to that world and came back, or the person of that world who traveled to this world. Anyway, he has the memories of both lives, but they are somewhat separated. Not sure.

However, he didn't hesitate. No matter what, it was him anyway.

Just as he was thinking this, Xiao Chun walked in.


"Second uncle, you are here, sit down quickly."

After Xiao Tiance asked Xiao Chun to sit down, he poured him another cup of tea, and then asked with a smile: "I thought you would come to me as soon as possible!"

"Hahaha, I came quite early, but I just noticed the clan leader's aura and thought you guys had something to talk about, so I waited until you finished talking." Xiao Chun said with a smile.

"I see, how is the clan lately?" Xiao Tiance nodded, and then asked about the clan's recent situation.

"It's nothing. By the way, when you come back this time, why didn't Tianming come back with you? This kid must have gone crazy playing outside, right?" Xiao Chun said with a smile.

Xiao Tianming is his son. He has not seen him for several years and he still misses him very much.

However, as a father, he was embarrassed to say some things, so he could only find out about his son's situation in this way.

After hearing this, Xiao Tiance suddenly understood, so he smiled and explained: "Second uncle, don't blame Tianming, he was sent to the northwest by me."

"Northwest, if I remember correctly, there doesn't seem to be anything worthy of attention over there, right?"

Xiao Chun was a little confused. In the early years when he was young, he also went to the northwest of the mainland. Unfortunately, he didn't even see a strong man. After a tour, he returned to Zhongzhou.

Therefore, Xiao Tiance sent a strong Dou Sheng like Xiao Tianming to the northwest of the mainland, which puzzled him.

"That's what happened, second uncle. A few years ago, Tianming went to the northwest. He said that the land made him feel a little peaceful, so he went back to the northwest not long after he came back.

However, don’t worry, Tianming is safe, don’t worry! "Xiao Tiance explained with a smile.

He remembered that after Xiao Tianming went to the northwest last time, there were some changes when he came back, but he was busy practicing the spiritual formation at that time, so he didn't think too much about it.

It wasn't until Xiao Tianming said that he wanted to go to the northwest of the mainland again that he felt a little strange.

But he was also delayed due to practicing the spiritual formation, so it was not clear why Xiao Tianming wanted to go back to the northwest.

On the opposite side, after hearing this, Xiao Chun shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I'm not worried about his safety. After all, he is a strong Dou Sheng after all. In the northwest of the mainland, no one can threaten his safety.

It's not that this kid hasn't been back for several years. His mother was worried about him, so she forced me to come over and ask about him. "

"So that's it. It's right that Second Aunt misses him. However, it's almost over. Second Uncle, the patriarch's side will hit the realm of Dou Emperor in one year from today, and he will complete the Dou Emperor's bloodline within three months. collection.

In other words, our plan is about to start moving. Within two months at most, our clan members will follow us to Tianwaitian.

When we get to Tianwaitian, we can send a message asking us to come back in the morning, that’s it. "Xiao Tiance smiled and nodded.

"Are you going to take action so soon?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chun was surprised. He thought it would take another year, but he didn't expect that it would be several months in advance.

"Yes, after chatting with the clan leader today, the situation is not optimistic.

If there are no accidents, when the clan leader fails to attack the Dou Emperor realm, it will be the time when the Soul clan takes action against Xiao Jie.

Not only that, Tianji Tower and Tianluo Diwang have recently discovered that the Soul Palace has been moving more frequently, and it seems that something big is about to happen.

According to Tianjilou's speculation, the Soul Palace should also get involved and help the Soul Clan to encircle and suppress our Xiao Clan! "Xiao Tiance sighed, and then explained.

"Soul Palace? Is it the force supported by the Soul Clan?" Xiao Chun asked coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Seeing this, Xiao Tiance waved his hand quickly to signal him not to be angry, and then continued: "Second uncle, there is no need to be angry. Although the Soul Palace is strong in Zhongzhou and has a great reputation, to the Xiao clan, the Soul Palace is only available at any time. It's just an ant that can be crushed to death.

Furthermore, if the Soul Clan really wants to take action against the Xiao Clan, then the Soul Clan will just be beating the drums and helping out, which is nothing.

What really needs to be guarded against is actually the Soul Clan.

However, we can't take action. After losing the Dou Emperor bloodline, the clan's strength will drop several levels. In this way, the clan will not have much chance of winning against the Soul Clan. "

Having said this, Xiao Tiance sighed again. It wasn't that he didn't want to help, but after the Xiao clan lost Xiao Xuan, he was not sure that he could deal with the Soul Emperor and the entire Soul clan's powerful men.

"After talking with the clan leader today, I learned that the clansmen are not willing to ask people from the ancient clan for help because of their pride. In addition, the ancient clan may not agree, so we have no choice but to save our lineage first. tribesmen.

In addition, on the second uncle's side, in the next few days, there should be clan members from other clans who will send their outstanding descendants to our side. When the time comes, please ask the second uncle to take good care of them. "Xiao Tiance said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Chun thought for a moment and then understood, so he nodded and promised: "Don't worry, Tiance, after all, they are all from the Xiao clan, I will make arrangements.

But, are we really unable to save all the clan members?

If we can preserve all the tribesmen, it will also be beneficial to our future development. "

Xiao Tiance knew what Xiao Chun meant, and he also knew that if all the clan members could be saved, it would definitely help their future development.

You know, apart from Xiao Xuan, there are dozens of Dou Sheng experts in the Xiao clan, and there are even hundreds of Dou Zun.

This is a powerful boost that cannot be ignored.

However, although he also wanted to save it, the strength of his lineage alone was simply not enough to fight against the Soul Clan. Once he failed, the clan members of this lineage would probably be involved.

"Second uncle, to be on the safe side, we should consider this matter in the long run. As far as the current situation is concerned, even if we take the initiative to accept other tribesmen, they will not agree.

After all, the Xiao Clan's glory for thousands of years has ingrained their pride in their bones. Even if we take the initiative to help them, even if we take the initiative to help them, they may not appreciate it, let alone relying on the power of the ancient clan to get out of trouble.

Instead of doing this, let them go through some suffering first. After one year, we will depend on the situation. If we can help, we will definitely help. "Xiao Tiance sighed.

Opposite, Xiao Chun looked ugly. Of course he knew what the Xiao clan was like now. Everyone felt that they were great. Honor and glory were their favorites. Even death could not eliminate them.

"Oh, this is the only way!"

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