I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 401: The response attitude of the Zhenfeng clan, Xiao Tiance arranged one hundred and sevent

The book continues from the previous chapter.

It is said that after Xiao Tiance came out of the cave, he restored the hidden spiritual formation outside the cave again, and then his figure disappeared.

At this moment, in the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng clan.

"Trash, trash, there is still no useful news after so many days, what do I want from you?"

In the conference hall, Feng Mingtian was filled with anger when he heard that there was no useful information in the reports from the people below.

You must know that more than a month has passed since Mo Yang and others were rescued, and the Zhenfeng clan almost sent many strong men from the clan to go out to find out the whereabouts of Mo Yang and others.

Unfortunately, so far, nothing has been found.

"Clan leader, calm down, clan leader, calm down."

At this moment, a deacon from the Zhenfeng Clan Law Enforcement Hall quickly knelt down and begged for mercy. There was no other way. Over the past few days, no one who came to report the news was still fine. Even the luckiest deacon was still alive. I'm lying in bed recovering from my injuries.

As for the most miserable deacon, his ashes have been blown to an unknown place now.

Moreover, as time went by, everyone could feel that the hostility in Feng Mingtian was increasing, and he felt as if a volcano was about to erupt.

Although everyone wanted to dissuade them, they also knew that after Mo Yang and the other three were rescued, Feng Mingtian was not only angry, but also fearful.

The elders of the Zhenfeng clan who were present, even if they did not fully understand what happened more than 30,000 years ago, had some knowledge about it.

Fortunately, not long afterward, Tiandao Sect was attacked by demons from outside the territory. After a great battle, almost the entire army was wiped out.

This made Feng Mingtian, who was originally sitting on pins and needles, breathe a sigh of relief.

However, more than 30,000 years have passed, and the dungeon that has always been peaceful has such an accident.

"Calm down your anger? How do you ask me to calm down my anger? More than a month has passed, and you don't have any useful information. What use do I need you for?" Feng Mingtian couldn't calm down at this moment. Ever since Mo Yang and the others were killed After being rescued, he felt a sense of crisis.

Now, after such a long time, this sense of crisis has not disappeared, but has made the sense of crisis in his heart stronger and stronger.

How could Feng Mingtian not know how strong and talented Mo Yang and the other three were?

But such an enemy was actually rescued like this, and he, the Half-Step Saint Grade Heavenly Supreme, didn't even notice that he was lurking in and rescued people.

"Chief, why don't we think about the problem in a different direction?"

Suddenly, just when Feng Mingtian was about to be unable to suppress the murderous intention in his heart and was about to execute the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall who was lying on the ground, Feng Ying's ancestor spoke slowly beside him.

"What do you mean?" Feng Mingtian asked with a frown.

"Clan leader, since we can't find any trace of Mo Yang and others, why don't we send people to look for traces of Xiao Tiance and his party?" Feng Ying's ancestor said with a smile.

"Continue!" Feng Mingtian said coldly.

"Clan leader, I thought that the person who rescued Mo Yang and the others must have sneaked into the dungeon and rescued the two evildoers Huang Min.

And someone who can have this strength and can pass through our clan's sect-protecting spiritual formation silently must be a powerful spiritual formation grandmaster.

It just so happened that I had previously sent a letter to inquire about the Xitian War Emperor of the Xitian War Palace. He wrote back and confirmed that Xiao Tiance was indeed the Grand Master of the Spiritual Array, and had used the Grandmaster-level spiritual array to fight against him. "

Speaking of this, Fengying's ancestor paused for a moment, then took a sip from the tea cup next to him, and then continued: "So, clan leader, I thought that as long as we find the whereabouts of Xiao Tiance and his party, we will definitely be able to find Mo The whereabouts of the Yang trio."

"Ah, Elder Feng Xuan said it lightly.

Are you assuming we haven’t thought about this problem? Don't be afraid to tell Elder Feng Xuan that not only did we investigate the whereabouts of Mo Yang and others, we also saw that the whereabouts of Xiao Tiance and his group were also investigated.

However, since Mo Yang and others disappeared, no trace of Xiao Tiance could be found, and even the people who had been in contact with him before had disappeared. "

On the side, after Feng Xuan finished speaking, he heard a younger-looking man next to him speak.

And he is none other than the person in charge of the Zhenfeng Clan's investigation of Mo Yang and others, Feng Changhe, a powerful person in the early stage of the Supreme Immortal Heaven.

In terms of qualifications, he is indeed not as qualified as the old antiques present, but as a rising star of the Zhenfeng clan and the successor to the next clan leader of the Zhenfeng clan, he is much more qualified than Fengxuan, Fengying's ancestor.

"Changhe, you just said that apart from Mo Yang, Xiao Tiance and others, you can't find any traces of people who have been in contact with Xiao Tiance before?"

Suddenly, Feng Mingtian, who was in the main seat, asked.

"Yes, Lord Clan Leader, Luo Tianshen of the Luo God Clan, Dean of Tiancang Continent's Tianqiong Academy, Master of Lingjian Mountain, Liu Changkong, the leader of the Ghost Sect on the Dead Souls Continent, and Tong Sihai, President of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce. They all suddenly disappeared a month ago.

According to what we know, these people were conquered one after another after Xiao Tiance came to the world.

A month ago, these people arrived at the Shang Continent together and gathered at the headquarters of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce. Since then, they have disappeared. "Feng Changhe bowed his hands and said respectfully.

Upon hearing this, everyone felt strange, but when everyone was thinking, Feng Mingtian suddenly laughed, clapped his hands and said: "Haha, interesting, interesting, it seems we don't need to actively look for them, they will He came to us on his own initiative."


"Yes, clan leader, even if Xiao Tiance is promoted to the Supreme Lingpintian, the strength of our Zhenfeng clan cannot be shaken by the Supreme Lingpintian.

Even if Oh Oh wants someone to recover, they don't have the strength to start a war with our True Phoenix Clan! "


For a time, many powerful people from the Zhenfeng clan spoke one after another.

However, Feng Mingtian didn't care whether everyone believed it or not, he really felt this way.

"Okay, here's my order to bring back all those who are looking for you.

Since we couldn't find it after all our efforts, we simply waited for them to come to us.

In addition, recall all the strong men in the clan. If they don't come, forget about it. If they come, they must never come back. "Feng Mingtian said domineeringly.


In the center, the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall who was kneeling on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, quickly agreed, and quickly walked outside as if running away.

After all, it feels so good to save a life.

After the man left, Feng Changhe raised his hands and asked: "Clan leader, everyone else is easy to say, but Mo Yang, Huang You, First Piaoxue and Xiao Tiance, these four people are all the most powerful people registered in the Daqian Palace.

If any of them unfortunately dies during the battle, it will be difficult for Daqian Palace to explain. "

"Yes, Patriarch, Chang He is right. The Daqian Palace has expressly prohibited it. Within the scope of the Daqian World, the Heavenly Supreme Power is not allowed to die, otherwise the Daqian Palace will hold him accountable.

It is precisely because of this that the Xitian War Emperor let him leave when he was fighting Xiao Tiance. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Xiao Tiance, who had just been promoted to the early stage of Lingpintian Supreme, to win from a veteran powerhouse like the Xitian War Emperor. ran away. "Feng Xuan also nodded in agreement.

However, just when the other strong men were about to continue talking, Feng Mingtian suddenly waved his hand and directly interrupted what everyone was about to say.

"Don't pay attention to these. If they dare to come, then I will kill them. Anyway, even if we didn't take the initiative to find them.

If Daqian Palace really wants to be blamed, then let Demon Slayer King Qin Tianlai tell me personally. "Feng Mingtian's domineering attitude was revealed, and he didn't have the slightest fear of being held accountable by Daqian Palace.

"Yes, I will obey the clan leader's orders."

For a time, everyone was infected by his self-confidence, and they all bowed respectfully.

However, beside Feng Mingtian, the great elder who had been silent opened his eyes and glanced at everyone present. Then, he looked at Feng Mingtian and said, "Mingtian!"

"Great Elder!" Feng Mingtian did not dare to neglect and agreed quickly.

"I heard what you said before. If those people really dare to provoke our Zhenfeng clan and don't like to hold back, it will be no problem to kill them all. I also think that Daqian Palace will not do it for a few dead Heavenly Supremes. They are really in trouble with my Zhenfeng clan.

However, there is one thing. No matter what, you must get the thirty-six peerless magical powers possessed by Mo Yang and the others. "The great elder said slowly.

"Yes, don't worry, Great Elder. As long as they dare to come, I will definitely keep the thirty-six peerless magical powers in Mo Yang and the others." Feng Mingtian nodded respectfully.

“Well, tens of thousands of years ago, if you had been willing to listen to my advice, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be in this situation now.

However, since you have decided, and now you have been in charge of the Zhenfeng clan for 30,000 years, after this incident, you can attack the supreme realm of Shengpin Tian with all your strength.

I am getting old. Although I have stepped into the half-step of the Saint-level Heavenly Supreme, there should be no hope of peeking into the Saint-level Heavenly Supreme Realm throughout my life.

As for you, I am optimistic that you will have this opportunity. As long as you can step into the supreme realm of the Holy Grade Heaven, by then, even the Vacuum Clan will no longer be able to suppress us. "The great elder said seriously.

"Yes, Great Elder, I have made a note. After this incident is over, I will hand over the management of the clan's affairs to Chang He. Then I will concentrate on retreat and strive to fully enter the realm of the Holy Grade Heaven as soon as possible." Feng Ming Tian respectfully saluted.

As the words fell, the figure of the great elder suddenly flashed. When everyone looked over again, they found that he had left.

After the great elder left, everyone present, including Feng Mingtian, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the old man was the only remaining old man in the Zhenfeng clan who had achieved great success.

As for the people sitting here now, most of them are strong men born in Feng Mingtian's era or later.


Feng Mingtian let out a breath, then looked at everyone and said, "You have all heard what the Great Elder said before. In this case, let's go down and prepare. If there is any need for retreat, postpone it later.

In addition, the long river. "

"Junior is here, please give me the clan leader's instructions." Feng Changhe quickly responded with his hands in hand.

"These days, you have to strengthen the defense of the ancestral land. Xiao Tiance is a bit elusive. In addition, he is a great master of the spiritual formation. He can pass through our clan's ancestral protective spiritual formation silently, so we must guard against him.

Don't let anyone get in here again, then our clan's face will be completely ruined. "Feng Mingtian ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, clan leader, please rest assured, Changhe must be cautious and careful, and will not let what happened before happen again." Feng Changhe bowed his hands and said.

Soon, everyone dispersed, leaving Feng Mingtian alone in the main seat.

“Brother Mo Yang, Huang You, Piaoxue, don’t blame me, I had no choice but to do it.

If you were willing to hand over the thirty-six peerless magical powers you obtained to me, you wouldn't be where you are today.

I really don’t want to kill you! "

As this sigh sounded, Feng Mingtian's figure disappeared.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

At this moment, Xiao Tiance finally arrived near the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng Clan. A hidden spiritual formation was arranged around him, and he stood quietly in mid-air looking in the direction of the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng Clan.

Soon, he noticed something was wrong.

"Huh? The ancestral land of the Zhenfeng clan has actually strengthened its defense force, and is actually willing to bring it with the supreme being. It is indeed a super beast race, it is really powerful."

Xiao Tiance was full of emotions in his heart. To be honest, it was indeed a bit beyond his expectation that the Supreme Being was used to guard the gate.

"In this case, it's just right. Anyway, I didn't plan to bring people to kill him directly. Otherwise, I might be discovered without getting close." Xiao Tiance said secretly in his heart.

Thinking of this, he looked at the situation of the guard branch, and then his figure flickered again, and after a while, he got a little closer.

"There are no guards here. You can enter from here."

Not long after, Xiao Tiance circled around the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng clan and finally found a gap that he could pass through.

Just after he and Fatty entered in the same way as before, they suddenly saw a group of Zhenfeng clan guards running towards this side quickly.

"Quick, quick, everyone, speed up. The Changhe Young Clan leader has given an order. We can no longer let the enemy sneak in quietly."

At this moment, Xiao Tiance was standing not far from these people, quietly watching the guards of the Zhenfeng clan holding long swords and spears, staring outside the sect-protecting spiritual formation.

"It's so dangerous. Although there is a hidden spiritual formation, it will be difficult to get in if you are a step too late.

Haha, but now that you have come in, it is time for me to prepare a surprise for you. I hope that in five days, you will like the surprise I have prepared for you. "

The corners of Xiao Tiance's mouth raised slightly, and then his figure disappeared again.

Time passed day by day, and the powerful people from the Zhenfeng Clan who had gone out also rushed back. With the return of these people, the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng Clan became more and more lively.

On a rockery, Xiao Tiance was sitting there, quietly watching the changes in the personnel within the ancestral land of the Zhenfeng clan.

"Time flies by so fast. I didn't expect that four days have already passed since we just set up one hundred and seventy spiritual formations!"

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