I am the ancestor of the Xiao family

Chapter 473 Fifty years later, special operations

"Keep it, kid. After you completely assimilate everything in your body into spiritual power, your strength will surely improve a lot."

Bai Yujing, the capital city.

As Xiao Tiance finished speaking, Xiao Qing smiled and nodded, then put the box away.

Immediately afterwards, he and Xiao Tiance talked about the changes in Douqi Continent after they left.

Although the strong men of the Xiao Clan have all come to the Great Thousand World, the Xiao Clan is also the strongest in the Dou Qi Continent.

After Gu Yuan and Zhu Kun also left, in the entire Dou Qi Continent, except for Xiao Qing and Huang Jiuji, the two nine-star fighting saints, the strongest one in the entire Dou Qi Continent was the eight-star fighting saint, the leader of the Lei clan. .

The Xiao Clan is so powerful that even if Huang Jiuji and Xiao Qing don't take action, the Xiao Clan's senior leaders will be crushed when faced with other forces.

Therefore, in these years in Dou Qi Continent, the Xiao clan can be said to be the unparalleled overlord.

After listening, Xiao Tiance smiled and nodded: "Qing'er, you have done a good job. Although you have come to the world now, your tribe still needs you to manage it.

Your Uncle Xiao Xuan has arranged for someone to build the space teleportation array between the capital and the world. From now on, it only takes a dozen breaths to travel between the two places. "

"Okay, thank you Third Uncle for your trust. Then I will continue to take care of the affairs of the clan for the time being. When I select a suitable candidate, I will give up the position of clan leader." Xiao Qing bowed respectfully.


Xiao Tiance nodded, he knew that Xiao Qing was not a person who liked power, and Xiao Qing, the clan leader, was the one he pawned.

Moreover, in fact, whether it is Xiao Wu or other elders, as long as their strength reaches the Nine-Star Fighting Saint, that is, the ninth-grade supreme realm, they can basically take the position of Xiao Clan leader.

Anyway, as long as he is here and Xiao Xuan is here, the Xiao clan will not be in chaos.

After the banquet, Xiao Tiance returned to Tiance Mansion to rest. The only regret was that his second uncle Xiao Chun did not come. After Xiao Qing and the others came to the Great Thousand World, he still needed to deal with matters on Douqi Continent.

In the next two months, Xiao Tiance returned to Dou Qi Continent and lived for a while. He waited until Xiao Yan came to pick up the little medical fairy, Qing Lin and his children, and then Xiao Tiance returned to the capital.

Time flies, and another fifty years have passed. There is no shortage of strong people in Bai Yujing, and the middle and lower levels are also selected from the Xiao clan to supplement them. It can be said that Bai Yujing is now a real super power.

Let’s talk about the Holy Abyss Continent.

Xiao Tiance came here again because he received Qin Tian's invitation.

Seeing that the Holy Abyss Continent is full of life, it is no longer desolate everywhere like it was more than fifty years ago, and the scene of no roosters crowing for thousands of miles has completely disappeared.

Along the way, Xiao Tiance was filled with emotion. At the same time, he also knew that the fifty demon puppets he had refined had really given the demons outside the territory no advantage at all in these years of war.

In fact, because of the existence of these fifty demon puppets, the demons outside the territory directly or indirectly lost dozens of demon emperor level experts.

Even the powerful Heavenly Demon Emperor had lost three of them.

As for Zhuxian City, due to the rapid growth of the strength of the Supreme Martial Realm and the Endless Fire Domain, Zhuxian City is nominally Bai Yujing's territory, but in fact, Zhuxian City has become a training ground for the three superpowers.

The demons from outside the territory did not get any advantage in the battlefield of Zhuxian City or in the Holy Abyss Continent. Instead, they suffered huge losses every time.

According to incomplete statistics, the extraterrestrial demons have lost five Heavenly Demon Emperors in two battlefields in recent years, and the total number of other powerful Demon Emperors is almost seventy or eighty.

As for the lower-level extraterrestrial demons, their losses were countless.

Because the two battlefields suffered huge losses, the demons from outside the territory counterattacked the two battlefields more and more frequently.

Back to business.

Shengyuan Continent, Daqian Palace Branch.

As soon as Xiao Tiance arrived at the city gate, Steward Wan Feng came to greet him personally.

"Hahaha, Lord Tiance, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still look like you."

Wan Feng cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Judging from the smile on his face and the look on his own face, he has been guarding the Holy Abyss Continent for many years, and his life has gotten better and better.

"Manager Wan, long time no see."

Xiao Tiance returned the gift with his hand.

Although his current strength is no longer comparable to that of Wan Feng, he still has great respect for people like Wan Feng who have been fighting on the front line.

"Hahaha, let's go. I'll take you to the city to rest first. It just so happens that you haven't taken any of the rewards for the past fifty years.

And the treasures in our warehouse are also piled up, allowing you to choose as much as you like. "Wan Feng laughed.

His words made Xiao Tiance stunned for a moment, and then he understood that they should be the trophies obtained by Daqian Palace from fighting against the demons from outside the territory in the past fifty years.

"Okay, since you are so rich and wealthy, Wan Guanshi, then before I leave, you should make a good choice.

By the way, what about Senior Qin Tian and the others? Why didn't I sense their presence in the branch? "Xiao Tiance laughed, nodded in agreement, and then asked again.

"Don't worry, the Great Elder and the others have gone to other ancient ancient tribes. I think they will arrive in the next two days." Wan Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Tiance nodded. Indeed, Qin Tian invited him here, and it was impossible to complete this mission with just him and the powerful men from Daqian Palace.

After entering the city, Wan Feng personally entertained Xiao Tiance. At the banquet, Wan Feng raised his wine glass and respectfully thanked him: "Master Tiance, I would like to give you a drink. Thank you for selflessly lending us a weapon of war like the Sky Demon Puppet. While reducing losses, we also achieved a staged victory in the war against the demons outside the territory."

"Everything matters, protecting the world is the responsibility that everyone in the world should fulfill.

Although I have refined some Heavenly Demon Puppets, compared to the sacrifices Daqian Palace has made over the past tens of thousands of years, a mere fifty Heavenly Demon Puppets are nothing at all. Xiao Tiance said as he returned the gift with his hands raised, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Seeing this, Wan Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Lord Tiance, there is no need to be humble. Maybe Daqian Palace did the most in the past, but since you founded Bai Yujing, your Bai Yujing has contributed no less than our Daqian Palace.

Not to mention anything else, the appearance of the Zhuxian City battlefield alone has reduced the war pressure on the Shengyuan Continent a lot, and the losses have been at least five times smaller than before.

Also, in recent years, because we have fifty demon puppets here, we have directly defeated the demons outside the territory without the ability to fight back. Therefore, in terms of contribution, Master Tiance can definitely be regarded as the first.

Finally, in the past fifty years, many strange and powerful people have often come to the Shengyuan Continent to participate in the battle. Although they have not revealed their identities, I know that they are all from Bai Yujing, the Endless Fire Realm and the Supreme Martial Realm. Three forces. "

Having said this, Wan Feng filled up his own cup, and then filled up Xiao Tiance's cup. Then he raised his glass and said gratefully: "In these years, I have not been to Bai Yujing to say thank you in person. Now I am lucky enough to meet you. I must express my gratitude."

After hearing this, Xiao Tiance also smiled and agreed. He knew that Wan Feng was speaking from the heart.

Over the years, every time a demon puppet was destroyed by demons from outside the territory, Xiao Tiance would have someone send a new demon puppet over.

Therefore, the number of Heavenly Demon Puppets has always been maintained at fifty.

Moreover, the first twenty Celestial Demon Puppet were almost all scrapped. The ones that Xiao Tiance sent later were those with the lowest strength from the early stage of the Immortal Grade Heavenly Supreme, which greatly improved the Celestial Demon Puppet's single combat effectiveness.

"Okay, in that case, I will be grateful to you, Manager Wan." Xiao Tiance laughed, then raised his glass and drank it down.

Afterwards, the two drank for a while, and Wan Feng also had a general idea of ​​what had happened in the Holy Abyss Continent in the past few years.

Xiao Tiance stayed in the branch for two days. On the morning of the third day, Xiao Tiance opened his eyes. Then, his figure flashed and disappeared from the room in an instant.

After a while, he teleported outside the formation.

"Xiao Tiance, I have met all of you seniors." Xiao Tiance bowed his hands to everyone.

"Hahaha, little friend Tiance, you don't have to be polite."

"That's right, in terms of combat effectiveness alone, we old guys are no match for you, little friend Tiance."

"Yes, in more than fifty years, little friend Tiance's strength has reached the peak of the late stage of the Saint Grade Heavenly Supreme. With the cooperation of the battle formation master, the spiritual formation master, and your heavenly demon puppets, we old guys can't He is no longer your opponent."

"Hahaha, that's right, we don't dare to accept the word "senior".


As the words of the powerful men from the five ancient ancient clans fell, Qin Tian and Lu Tong on the side also smiled and nodded: "In this world, the strong have always been respected. Today, you are already stronger than us. Naturally, No need to talk about these false etiquette."

"That's right, Tiance. From now on, we can just talk about friendship as equals." Lu Tong also smiled and nodded.

Yes, in fifty years, Xiao Tiance's strength has improved from the early stage of Saint-grade Heavenly Supreme to the late stage of Saint-grade Heavenly Supreme, which is no worse than everyone present.

In fact, with the help of Ling'er, the fetus of the plane, and the help of the bloodline of the Xie Ling clan in his body, he had been promoted to his current level thirty years ago.

In addition, his spiritual formation cultivation has also gone from being barely able to set up the spiritual formations of the early stage of the Saint Grand Master to now being able to lay out the spiritual formations of the later stage of the Saint Grand Master with just a wave of his hand. This progress can be described as Not small.

Finally, there is the method of the battle formation master. With the help of the twelve demon puppets in his ring to fight together, even the Holy Demon Emperor who made him think of Alexander just at a glance, is now in a one-on-one situation. It can be opened at least 50-50.

Ten years ago, the Shengtian Demon Emperor came to the battlefield of Zhuxian City in person and almost destroyed the entire Zhuxian City from the beginning. Fortunately, Xiao Tiance went there in time and defeated the Shengtian Demon Emperor with his own strength.

This is also the reason why these people are all leaders of the five ancient ancient clans, but they are still so polite to him.

In a fantasy world, strength is king.

If he didn't have the strength he has now, these top experts would only admire him at most and would never treat him as equals.

"Hahaha, seniors, please be humble. The juniors still have a lot to learn." Xiao Tiance returned the greeting with his hands in hand.

Afterwards, everyone came to the branch hall together.

At this time, Qin Tian waved his hand, and then, a huge spiritual map (map) was hung directly in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Tian glanced at everyone with a solemn expression, and saw that everyone's eyes were focused on the spirit map. Qin Tian then said: "Everyone, please look at the spirit map. This place is called Liyuan Continent, which happens to be outside the territory. The very center area of ​​the demon clan.

Our mission this time is to sneak into Liyuan Continent and rescue a senior who is hiding in the demon clan outside the territory. "

Speaking of this, Qin Tian looked at Xiao Tiance and said, "Tiance, you should still remember the senior you met in the territory of the demon clan outside the territory more than fifty years ago, right?"

"Of course, if it hadn't been for that old senior, I would have needed a lot of effort to kill the two Heavenly Demon Emperors.

It may even attract attacks from other powerful demons from outside the territory. "Xiao Tiance nodded and said.

"Well, the senior we want to rescue this time is the one who helped you in the first place." Qin Tian nodded.

Immediately, he looked at Heitian Heidi and other top experts, and then continued: "Although this senior has not left any name, from ancient times to the present, he has secretly helped many people in the world. .

Here, in addition to me and Tiance, there are also several people who have received the favor of this senior.

Therefore, although our mission this time is very dangerous, if we are not careful, we may very well face the siege of hundreds of powerful Demon Emperors.

Among them, the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor and the Holy Heaven Demon Emperor may also participate, including the top twenty powerful Heavenly Demon Emperors among the demons outside the territory, who are also the enemies we are likely to face in this mission.

However, no matter how dangerous this operation is, we must rescue that senior. He has been hiding in the territory of the extraterrestrial demons for millions of years for the sake of the world. We cannot just watch him fall like this. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the Supreme Elder of the Maha Ancient Clan nodded and said: "This is true, we should indeed rescue this senior.

However, I am very suspicious that the sudden distress message received this time was probably deliberately released by the demons from outside the territory, with the purpose of using this senior as bait to lure us to Liyuan Continent to be surrounded and killed.

Therefore, I think we still need to be more cautious. "

On the side, Heitian and Heidi glanced at each other, and then Heitian nodded in agreement: "Yes, I also think that this is a conspiracy specifically against us.

It is very possible that the Shengtian Demon Emperor and the others are opening a big net, waiting for us to dive in so that we can catch them all. "

Although the others did not speak, their thoughts were probably the same as those of Krishna.

At this time, Qin Tian looked at Xiao Tiance and asked, "Tiance, what do you think?"

"Seniors, I have the same idea as you, and I also believe that the sudden message for help this time was deliberately caused by the demons from outside the territory.

However, according to my wishes, even if Liyuan Continent is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, as long as I can really rescue that senior, I will still make a breakthrough. "

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