After naming the little wolves, Mu Feng carefully distinguished the characteristics of several little wolves and emphasized them one by one.

"Mash, you are the oldest. I should call you Damazi, but it doesn't sound good. Remember to protect your brothers and sisters."

"Huangmi, Xiaomi, although you two are female wolves, you can't be reserved like girls, otherwise you will be bullied in the wilderness!"

"Maizi, look at you, you are gray and not conspicuous. You always fight for everything, otherwise you will be hungry!"

"And you, Doudou, I really don't understand, you are so young, why do you always want to fight with Damazi, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Mu Feng kept talking, and he really treated the five little wolves as children to "educate" them.

Anyway, after about another day, the five little wolves finally got used to their names.

Every time Mu Feng called their names, each little wolf could respond in time.

Seeing that the taming of the little wolf was on the right track, Mu Feng began to lead the little wolves out of the cave and patrol the tribe to see how the various affairs of the tribe were going recently.

The five little wolves followed Mu Feng one by one, taking small steps majestically, and baring their teeth and howling at the people in the tribe from time to time.

If Mu Feng snorted coldly, the five little wolves would all be obedient again.

But as long as they met a tribe member who saluted Mu Feng, the little wolves would also bar their teeth to demonstrate to that person.

Mu Feng was quite speechless. It is said that dogs rely on the power of people. It turns out that their ancestors, the wolves, are also of this character.

When the Jiang clan members saw the little wolf behind Mu Feng, they all showed extremely surprised expressions.

They couldn't understand why the ferocious man-eating wild wolf cubs could follow their chief so docilely.

What made them even more incredible was that as long as the chief coughed, the little wolf cubs were still very scared.

Did the little wolf cubs obey the orders of the chief?

Mu Feng naturally didn't know what the tribe members thought. He took the little wolf to the outside of the first layer of protective wall and saw that the grass in the corn field had been pulled out, and the corn seedlings stood upright in the field again.

Many tribe members were digging ditches in the field.

The little wolf cubs ran to the corn field and rolled around, and immediately rolled down a field of corn seedlings.

Mu Feng shouted: "Come back!"

As he shouted, the little wolf cubs hurriedly climbed up from the ground and walked to Mu Feng with their heads down.

Mu Feng stamped his feet: "Don't run around here anymore. If you do it again, you will be punished with a stick!"

The little wolf cubs obviously noticed that Mu Feng was angry, and they all lowered their heads and shook their tails vigorously.

This scene once again made the Jiang clan members widen their eyes.

"Chief, he can actually command the little wolf!"

Mu Feng ignored the surprised looks of the tribesmen, and at the end, he picked up the little wolf by the scruff of the neck and flicked each of them on the head.

Now that the little wolf could understand what he meant, he gave it a little punishment.

He carefully lifted up the corn seedlings, filled them with soil, and then led the little wolf to the outer city defense wall.

There, another group of people were digging a moat.

But the moat required to be wider and deeper. Even if most of the tribesmen were arranged here, the moat has not been dug halfway so far.

"It seems that there are not enough people." Mu Feng frowned and thought to himself, "There are less than 300 people in total. If we want to implement several "projects" on a large scale, the progress is obviously not up to expectations."

"It seems that we have to think of a way."

It was Mingguang who took the lead in digging the moat.

Although he is the chief now, it is obviously more suitable for Hanshu to teach archery.

Mingguang was also happy that someone took up such a big task, so that he could concentrate on assisting Mufeng to do other things in the tribe.

Seeing Mufeng approaching, Mingguang hurried to him and said, "Great Chief, the moat is now two people deep and five people wide according to your requirements, but we don't know what to do with the extra soil for the time being."

Mufeng smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, these soils don't need to be transported elsewhere, the tribe has its own uses."

"What can it be used for?" Mingguang was puzzled.

"You will know when the time comes!" Mufeng said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry about these soils for now, keep digging, from south to north, both sides are connected to the foot of the mountain!"

"Yes!" Mingguang nodded.

Mufeng then took the little wolf to the foundation again - Lihu was leading a group of people to tamp the foundation there.

After arriving at the place Lihu told him, he was speechless.

There was nothing wrong with the place Lihu chose, but the method of tamping the soil made him laugh and cry.

The tribesmen were holding large rocks, lifting them up and dropping them, leaving the ground with pits and dents.

When Mu Feng arrived, Li Hu also ran over from a distance and said to him excitedly: "Great Chief, you see, according to what you said, we need to tamp the soil on the ground. At this speed, it should be done in two days."

Mu Feng shook his head helplessly: "Too slow, the soil on the ground is not solid!"

"Ah? What should we do then?"

"Go find someone to cut down a few trees outside the tribe that are thick enough for two people to hug, sharpen one end, tie it horizontally with a few thinner woods, and then set it up to tamp the soil. Only in this way can the foundation be solid!"

"Yes!" Li Hu nodded seriously, "I will find someone to do it right away!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded, feeling helpless in his heart. If it were in modern times, it would be done directly with a few machines.

"Manpower and technology need to be improved urgently!"

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