After arranging the diversion ditch, Mu Feng took the wolf to the earthen kiln. Ever since they dug clay by the river last time, the pottery firing had always been left to Bai Ya.

At the beginning, Mu Feng taught Bai Ya how to dig kilns and fire pottery. Later, because they had to build a earthen building, they gave her full authority to do this.

Fortunately, Bai Ya learned very quickly and was able to fully master the series of processes for making pottery.

Not only that, she also taught several people in the tribe to fire pottery together, which made the pottery making process faster.

Bai Ya was guarding the cave, and when she saw Mu Feng coming, she immediately stood up and said, "Brother Mu Feng!"

When she saw the five fully domesticated wolves circling around Mu Feng, her expression was still incredible.

She stepped back in fear, but fortunately, the five wolves just barked at her twice and sniffed around, like domestic dogs.

Mu Feng smiled and nodded, looking at the little face covered with charcoal dust from the kiln, and pointed at her face and said, "You've worked hard, your face is all scratched!"

Bai Ya said "ah" and wiped her face twice, but she didn't expect that her face was even dirtier, but her big black eyes became brighter.

Mu Feng couldn't help laughing: "Okay, don't wipe it, the more you wipe it, the dirtier it gets. Just wash it carefully later!"

"Yes!" Bai Ya stopped and smiled happily, with stars in his eyes, "Brother Mu Feng, how did you find time to come here?"

"Well, I came to see how the pottery is being fired." Mu Feng nodded and said, "The people of the tribe will move into the earthen building soon. Except for some necessary stone jars, the containers used by everyone will be replaced with pottery. I don't know if it will be enough!"

"It should be possible before the relocation!" Bai Ya laughed, "Now there are six of us making pottery at the same time, the speed is very fast!"

"That's good!" Mu Feng nodded, "I said last time to burn a large pottery jar over by the bathing pool to boil water, How is it going?"

"It's already been fired, but the water boiled by the big jar is not enough for the bathtub at one time. It needs to be boiled three times at least to fill half of the pool." Bai Ya's pretty face was full of excitement, "If we can have better clay, we can make better pottery!"

"Better clay..." Mu Feng nodded, "There is such clay, but I don't know where to find it!"

"Is that so!" Bai Ya was a little disappointed, "It would be great if I could find it. The pottery now looks the same, and I feel bored looking at it!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng smiled, "Feel bored? I have a way to make you feel less bored!"

"What is it?" Bai Ya looked expectant, blinking his big eyes.

Every time Mu Feng said "there is a way", he would never let people down.

"It is to put a leaf or a flower on the pottery when glazing the pottery, let it dry naturally, and there will be patterns of leaves or flowers on it when firing." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"The pattern of leaves or flowers?" Bai Ya frowned, looking incomprehensible.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You will know if you try it. Don't forget to send me two when you are done!"

"Okay!" Bai Ya was immediately happy, his beautiful eyes narrowed into a half-moon shape, full of stars.

Mu Feng waved to Bai Ya and left with the five little wolves. The little wolves barked at Bai Ya twice in protest.

"The dog relies on the power of the master!" Mu Feng smiled helplessly and shook his head.

After leaving the earth kiln, Mu Feng took the five wolves to the outer protective wall and saw that the moat had been dug and was three meters deep, more than one meter deeper than Mu Feng's initial estimate.

There was already some underground water at the bottom of the river. I believe that there will be a lot of water here during the rainy season.

It was clear to the bottom, and at first glance, it looked about half a meter deep.

He looked at the distance from the south to the north of the city moat. It was no less than three or four miles. Stones were laid on both sides according to Mu Feng's requirements. Paper mulberry and thorny vines were planted on the west bank of the moat.

It seems that they have survived. I believe that in less than one rainy season, the paper mulberry and thorny vines on the south bank will grow like a green waterfall like the first or second layer of protective walls, directly blocking the sight of people outside.

"There is some water in the city moat now, and the rainy day is coming soon..." Mu Feng said to himself, "It seems a bit of a waste if such a long and deep city moat is not used!"

Mu Feng frowned and thought: "I got it, there are many fish in Dalong Lake. Catch some fish and put them in the water before the ice on the lake melts. Put some big fish and small fish, just treat it as a natural fish pond!"

Mu Feng's eyes lit up. A while ago, Han Shu complained to him that the ice in the center of Dalong Lake has melted, and the fish caught now are getting smaller and fatter, but there is little meat-because they are all female fish to lay eggs.

"This is different fromDalong Lake seems to be missing a season, and I don’t know if the fish in Dalong Lake can be brought down the mountain to be raised. "Mu Feng said to himself, "I will tell Han Shu immediately to put the live fish into the moat. If they can be raised, the tribe will not have to go far to fish!"

"When I have nothing to do, I can come here to catch a fish, fish for shrimps, etc., perfect!"

Mu Feng couldn't help but grin, such a comfortable life seems to be pretty good.

"Well, the tribe just happens to be short of a fish pond!"

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