"Enemy attack?" Mu Feng dodged to the side, avoiding the swarm of stones. Looking in the direction where the stones were thrown, there were quite a few people not far away, it seemed that there were one or two hundred people, weighing stones and preparing to throw the second wave of stones.

The Jiang clan members also dodged left and right in an instant and barely avoided it.

A few people were hit by stones, but they only screamed twice and were not in danger of their lives.

The wolf pack led by the wolf king was originally carrying prey, and was also attacked indiscriminately by stones.

Some wolves were hit by stones, "Awooo Awooo" dodged left and right, and bared their teeth and prepared to pounce on the opposite side.

"Hey, people over there, get out of the way, these prey are ours!" Someone in the sneak attack crowd shouted.

"Huh? Want to take advantage of a ready-made one?" Mu Feng frowned and shouted, "Mingguang, shoot!"

Mingguang was also furious: "Dare to steal our prey, you're looking for death!"

At this moment, all the Jiang clan members drew their bows and shot directly at the group of people who didn't know what they were doing.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The sound of bamboo arrows breaking through the air came sharply, and before the people on the opposite side could react, more than 30 people were directly shot by bamboo arrows!


The more than 30 people screamed immediately, some covered their injured parts, and some fell to the ground.

The sudden change made the group of people who originally wanted to take advantage panic. They had never seen bows and arrows, but they saw that the thin bamboo sticks flew from the opposite side at a very fast speed, and in an instant, more than 30 people were seriously injured and dying!

The leader, who was obviously a headhunter, panicked: "Go, they have witchcraft!"

"Witchcraft?" Mu Feng frowned

Before he could react, Mingguang and Hanshu said almost at the same time: "Don't let them go!"

The Jiang clan members shot another arrow together, and more than 20 people fell to the ground on the opposite side!

At this time, the wolves that were attacked by indiscriminate stones just now also gave up the prey in their mouths and rushed towards the group of people with a roar.

Before the wolves pounced, the Jiang clan members shot a third wave of arrows. This time, even though the opposite side was prepared, more than 20 people fell.

After three waves of arrows, in just over ten seconds, nearly half of the hunting team of one or two hundred people on the opposite side had fallen!

This was not the end. The wolves, whose anger had not yet been vented, roared and pounced on these people, and opened their mouths to bite.

After all, after comparing before and after, these wolves also understood that Mu Feng was just a little fierce to their wolf king, but he was still relatively friendly to them and was willing to share prey with them.

The people in front of him threw stones at the first sight, clearly trying to steal the prey.

Although wolves are wild beasts, they can still distinguish such "grudges".

In a flash, the wolf pack bit and killed more than a dozen people, and now more than half of the attackers were killed or injured!

Stealing a chicken but losing a rice is the true portrayal of this group of people, and their fate is "even worse than before"!

Mu Feng waved his hand, and the Jiang clan members put away their bows and arrows to avoid accidentally hurting the wolves, and rushed up with bamboo spears in their hands. Soon, this group of people who came from nowhere paid the price for their ignorance.

The remaining people who had not been injured and fell to the ground were forced into a ball by the Jiang clan members and the wolf pack, looking at the people who had reversed their identities in a flash at a loss!

Especially the headhunter, who was bitten on the leg by the wolf king at this moment, and blood was flowing.

If Mu Feng hadn't waved his hand to stop him, I'm afraid he would have been bitten to death immediately.

Mu Feng frowned and came to him, asking, "Which tribe are you from?"

The headhunter who had saved his life obviously didn't understand the situation clearly, and shouted angrily, "I am from the Huangfeng tribe. You dare to attack us, you are really looking for death!"

"Huangfeng tribe?" Mu Feng frowned.

He didn't know much about the strength of the tribes around his tribe when he came to this world. He only knew that the Jiang family was a small tribe through Mingguang and Lihu's words.

Except for occasionally exchanging fur for salt with the Manglong tribe, they rarely contacted other tribes.

The main reason was that because the Jiang family was weak, they were afraid that their tribe would be targeted by other tribes.

Fortunately, the Manglong tribe had never looked down on their tribe, so they lived in peace.

It was just that I didn't know why the Manglong tribe went to rob them before.

Mu Feng asked this confused headhunter now, just to learn about the strength of other tribes through him.

"There are more than a thousand people in my tribe, and we already have our own warriors. If you dare to attack us, you are courting death!" He threatened.

"More than a thousand people?" Mu Feng shook his head and looked directly at Ming Guang, "Just kill him!"

Ming Guang was obviously stunned: "Chief, their people are more than us..."

"I said kill him!" Mu Feng raised his voice slightly.

Ming Guang was immediately shocked, and a fierce look appeared on his face.color, and shot the headhunter to death with one shot.

Mu Feng nodded and looked back at everyone: "Remember, we Jiang family don't take the initiative to provoke others, and others can't provoke us!"

"Those who are friendly to our Jiang family, we Jiang family will also be friendly to them."

"Anyone who dares to attack our Jiang family must be killed!"

Although all the Jiang clan members did not fully understand Mu Feng's words, they were sure of one thing, that is, the chief told them in front of so many people: Whoever dares to bully the Jiang clan in the future, they will definitely not be like before.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

At this moment, all the Jiang clan members grabbed the bamboo spears in their hands, waved them to the sky, and shouted "Oh oh oh"!

The wolves seemed to be infected, and under the leadership of the wolf king, they all howled to the sky, "Awoo-woo--"

At this time, Mingguang's courage, which had been suppressed for many years, seemed to be completely aroused. He looked at the remaining people of the Dafeng tribe coldly: "Chief, what should we do with these remaining people? Should we kill them all?"

Mufeng thought about it, and his eyes lit up: "It's really someone who sends pillows just when I fall asleep"!

Shaking his head, he said: "No, pick some of the remaining people who are strong, tie them together with animal tendons, and carry these prey for us!"

"For the rest, peel off the animal skins, confiscate all weapons, beat them up and let them go!"

"What if they don't want to?" Mingguang asked.

"Don't want to?" Mufeng said coldly, "If they don't want to, just kill them directly, and don't let them go!"

After a pause, he said again: "Tell them that carrying these prey will not only not kill them, but also have food to eat, otherwise they will only die!"

"Yes!" Mingguang's eyes lit up, and he understood the chief's plan a little bit-Mufeng is looking for people to work for the tribe!

At this time, Mu Feng was also thinking in his heart: "How many slaves should I leave behind?"

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