Seeing Li Hu go to the tribe to inform about the relocation, Mu Feng walked out of the tribe alone.

No one knew where the five little wolves had gone. It seemed that after a great war, the five wolves had become familiar with the people in the tribe and could follow a few specific people from the hunting team in and out of the tribe.

What surprised him most was that the five little wolves seemed to be very close to Han Shu. Mu Feng saw the five little wolves following him several times.

This made Mu Feng a little strange. It seemed that since he asked Han Shu to help feed the wolves last time, the five wolves always liked to stroll to the training ground when they had nothing to do, and they would run back from time to time with a mouth full of bird feathers.

Anyway, he was free now, so he just went to the training ground to see how effective their training was.

As a result, before he got there, he saw a group of people competing in archery from a distance.

Han Shu was standing in front of the crowd, with a few birds shot down by someone at his feet, and he was pulling arrows from them one by one.

As he pulled out the arrow, he said, "Huangshi, if you hit the white-headed sparrow, add a long bar to the arrow!

Muye, if you hit the white-headed sparrow, add a long bar to the arrow!

Sangruo, if you hit the primitive chicken, add a short bar to the arrow..."

Mufeng did not go forward. He listened to Hanshu giving the hunting team members the "rating" and nodded secretly, knowing that this was in accordance with what he had said before.

"It seems that the military training has taken shape!" Mu Feng smiled, "It seems that everyone has made good progress! But there are not many trees around here, where did they shoot so many birds?"

Before he stepped forward, the man named "Sang Ruo" who only added a short bar said dissatisfiedly: "Why am I still a short bar? These birds were not chased out by me. Who knew that Maizi chased out a primitive chicken!"

"Maizi, chased chickens?" Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, "Where did you chase them out?"

Before he could figure it out, Maizi, who was "named", obviously noticed that Sang Ruo looked at it with dissatisfaction. It "wowed" and bared its teeth at Sang Ruo.

Obviously complaining!

"Oh my god, this dead dog, no, dead wolf has become a spirit, and it can even complain about people!" Mu Feng was surprised.

Han Shu ignored Sang Ruo's complaints and directly picked up a bird and threw it in front of Maizi.

Then he began to read the situation of adding a long bar: "Wangye, shoot the white-headed sparrow, add a long bar to the arrow!

Chiya, shoot the white-headed sparrow, add a long bar!

Qingya, shoot the red-billed bird, add two long bars..."

Then he threw the primitive chicken in front of Doudou!

Doudou was very proud, roaring "Awoo Awoo", pressing the primitive chicken with his claws to declare sovereignty.

"Oh my!" Mufeng was surprised, and he also understood. I don't know who came up with this method, but they actually divided these hunting teams into several teams, and each team was assigned a wolf.

It seems that they should be competing in archery, and then let the wolves help them drive the birds in the forest. After the birds flew away, they started shooting arrows.

The team that adds more bars will get more birds!

No wonder Sang Ruo complained that Maizi chased out a primitive chicken.

But this method looks a bit complicated. Who came up with it?

"Ahem!" Mufeng walked forward.

Everyone noticed Mufeng coming and turned to look at him: "Great Chief!"

Five little wolves noticed Mufeng coming, and rushed to Mufeng one by one, holding the birds in front of them, jumping and jumping, as if to ask for credit.

Mufeng was speechless, pushed them aside, came to the crowd, and smiled: "Today is the day for you to compete in archery?"

Hanshu nodded: "Yes!"

Mufeng asked with a smile: "Who came up with this method of dividing birds in archery competition? It's quite interesting!"

"Uh, I came up with it!" Hanshu scratched his head, "Originally, everyone discussed that after the competition, the worst ones would not be able to go out hunting with you. But you haven't gone out hunting much recently, so we thought of letting the little wolves go out with us."

"Huh?" Mufeng sighed in his heart. Before coming here, he was still thinking that Hanshu and Baiya were the smarter ones in the tribe, but he didn't expect him to be so smart.

It seems that the intelligence of some people in the tribe is not so "worrying".

"Haha!" Mu Feng laughed, "This is a good idea! I was wondering why these little things didn't stay in the cave much these days, and ran to your side when they had nothing to do. It turns out that there is food here!"

"Let me see, Damazi is really fat again, it seems that he has eaten a lot in the past two days! And Doudou, he seems to be a little taller, um, it seems that he eats a lot!"

Mu Feng patted the little wolf, feeling very relieved. He originally thought that he could let the wolf get acquainted with the people in the hunting team, and then go out to help when hunting in the future.

After all, no matter how helpful the wolf pack is, they have to provide enough prey every time, relying on interests.Maintain.

But it’s different for the little wolf, just give it enough food.

Han Shu hurriedly said: "Don’t worry, Chief, the prey we give them are all edible birds, and we will never give them those inedible birds!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng was surprised, "Are there any inedible birds?"

"Yes!" Han Shu said seriously, "There is a kind of bird in the forest outside the tribe with black hair on its back and red hair under its belly. It is not much bigger than the white-headed sparrow, but anyone who eats it will die!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng frowned, "Are birds poisonous?"

He secretly consulted the system, and the system gave the answer: "The black-headed wood thrush and the birds of the same genus are all poisonous, the feathers and skin are poisonous, and the toxin is a neurotoxin! "

"Nerve poison!" Mu Feng's eyes lit up, "Is the poison of this thing contagious?"

"It's not contagious, but it will be fatal once it enters the human body! Especially now, there are no conditions for treatment!"

Mu Feng hurriedly asked: "Even my Wood Dao Derivative Technique doesn't work?"

The system replied: "Wood Dao Derivative Technique can!"

"That's good!" Mu Feng has already made up his mind, "This thing can be used as a secret weapon, just like the dung-tempered arrows, they are all the most unconventional weapons."

But one thing is that the poison of the black-headed wood shrew is a neurotoxin, which is not contagious, unlike the bacterial infection of dung.

One is controllable, the other is uncontrollable, Mu Feng has already made up his mind.

"By the way, Hanshu, since you can take the little wolf out hunting now, then starting from tomorrow, the hunting team should send more people out to hunt more prey until the rain comes. Hunt as much as you can to store food for the rainy day!"


"Store food..." Mufeng immediately thought that the corn seemed to be just about to mature. If it was left to mature naturally, it would have to be soaked in the cornfield.

"No, we have to harvest the corn quickly!" Mufeng slapped his forehead, "Harvest the corn!"

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