After Mu Feng made the deployment, all the people and wolves had arrived at the designated area.

He also led his men to carefully lurk in front of the group of beasts - most of them were horned deer.

Looking at the arrangement of this group of beasts, the horned deer were on one side of the grassland, the "zebra" were on both sides, and the horned rhinoceros and giant toed birds were on the side close to the jungle.

Obviously, this is a migratory group that coexists and protects each other. It is unknown how long they have coexisted in this way without failing, but they did not expect that they would fall into Mu Feng's hands today.

Mu Feng saw that the "staff" on the left and right were already in place, and he took out a bow and arrow from his back, pulled the string and shot it directly with a "whoosh".

A horned deer fell down in response.


Some horned deer began to warn, and the herd became restless instantly.

At this moment, the wolf king jumped directly from the bushes, catching up with the sharp arrow, and pounced on a nearby giant toed bird.

If Mu Feng were here, he would definitely secretly call the wolf king "cunning" - he didn't sneak attack the rhinoceros, but picked the "soft persimmon" of the giant toe bird.

With the wolf king leading the way, the other wolves also jumped up from the bushes and pounced on the giant toe bird closest to them.

The rhinoceros reacted and turned around and ran.

The other rhinoceros, horses, and deer that were squeezed began to move and ran towards Mu Feng.

"Now!" Mu Feng roared, stood up suddenly, and shot an arrow.

The big hemp seed beside him screamed "woooo" and jumped up excitedly.

Although it roared, it never jumped out.

Obviously, with its IQ, it can still understand the situation - if it goes up, it will be trampled into a meat paste!

The other four wolves also howled "woooo" on the spot to encourage Mu Feng.

As Mu Feng roared, the ten people around him also drew their bows and shot arrows at the running horned deer!

At the same time, the twenty people led by Han Shu and Ming Guang also stood up together, and the stone ropes in their hands flew out of the grass road.

With a "release" sound, more than forty flying stone ropes flew to the running herd of beasts at different distances.

"Puff puff puff!"

Instantly, no less than twenty horned deer were caught by the flying stone ropes and fell to the ground directly.

There were also five or six "zebras" who were also hung to the ground in an instant.

Of course, there were also some that were hung on the horned rhinoceros, but they were only slightly blocked, and were directly stretched open by the huge force of the horned rhinoceros and continued to move forward!

Another roar: "Release!"

Another forty flying stone ropes flew out again.

But compared to just now, the herd of beasts was already too crowded, and the flying stone ropes failed to trip more prey, and only tripped seven or eight horned deer!

But what was surprising was that the giant-toed birds running on the periphery blocked part of the flying ropes due to their height, and were caught on their necks and long legs one by one!

These giant-toed birds were either tripped to the ground with a "thump", or were caught on their necks by the inertia of the flying stone ropes and fell directly.

Three "zebras" were also caught!

After two waves of flying stone ropes, Han Shu and Ming Guang reacted and reached the limit of two waves mentioned by Mu Feng.

Although the two waves of flying stone ropes did not catch many prey, no one dared to disobey Mu Feng's orders.

Everyone directly took out bows and arrows from their backs, skillfully picked up the bows and strings, and shot directly with a "whoosh".

For so long, the entire hunting team has been diligently practicing archery. Although the progress cannot be said to be rapid, it is also very rapid.

From single-shot archery to group arrow rain coverage, these people have become very skilled.

Therefore, there was no need for Han Shu and Ming Guang to direct them, as everyone already knew where to shoot and how to shoot.

Moreover, bows and arrows were not like flying stone ropes, which they only practiced for one day, and their accuracy was not comparable to that of flying stone ropes!

With a series of "swoosh" sounds, another thirty horned deer quickly fell to the ground!

Unlike Han Shu and Ming Guang, Mu Feng put down his bow and arrows, took out the flying stone rope he carried with him, swung it up and threw it directly.

"Puff puff puff"!

Another dozen horned deer were hung on the ground!

But this time, because they only had eleven people, and unlike the last time when the wolves collectively rushed forward, the herd of beasts hardly stopped and rushed directly towards them!

"Get out of the way!" Mu Feng shouted, and quickly ran to one side with a dozen people to get out of the way of the beast tide.

The five little wolves, who were still barking and barking, now ran away very quickly, much faster than Mu Feng and the others!


The ground shook violently, and the tribesmen who had cleared the way before the beast tide arrived looked at the running beasts with lingering fear.

Mu Feng stared at the stumbled deer and "zebras,"He shouted angrily: "Fuck, my mount, my horned deer!"

But because the sound of the beasts trampling on the ground was too loud, no one heard what he said.

Mingguang and Hanshu led the tribesmen to draw bows and shoot arrows at the horned rhinoceros running at the back.

But unfortunately, the horned rhinoceros had thick skin and flesh, and was not afraid of their tickling bamboo arrows.

The wolf king led the wolf pack to rush around and bite a few more horned deer to death.

Damazi led the other four little wolves to join in the fun, but was yelled back by the wolves.

Damazi, who was obviously unwilling to give up, turned back with wheat, beans, yellow rice and millet, and ran directly to the giant toe bird that was hanging on the ground and struggling to get up.

Before everyone could react, Damazi, Doudou and Maizi, three wolves, pounced on a giant-toed bird that was still struggling, bit it on the neck, and killed it directly!

Huangmi and Xiaomi followed suit, and the two wolves joined forces to bite another giant-toed bird to death.

"Fuck, dead dog, dead wolf!" Mufeng blurted out, picked up a stone and threw it directly next to Damazi, "Shut up!"

But it was too late, Damazi had already pounced on a giant-toed bird that had just stood up and was still shaking, and bit it on the neck again!

As expected, the giant-toed bird fell to the ground!

"Fuck!" Mufeng almost collapsed, because the horned deer and horses that were hung to the ground and not injured just now were directly trampled to death or had their legs and feet cut off by the running beast tide!

What made Mufeng's heart bleed the most was that a total of eight or nine horses were hung down, and five of them were trampled to death!

Just now, when he saw the giant toe bird hanging on the ground, he was still thinking to comfort himself: "Fortunately, there are still a few big birds alive!"

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, three of the six giant toe birds alive were bitten to death!

"Dead dog, dead wolf!" Mu Feng jumped up, "Are you five looking for death!"

Damage didn't know whether he knew he was in the wrong or was suppressed by Mu Feng's anger. He quickly let go and jumped off the giant toe bird, ran to the side with his tail between his legs and dared not say a word.

Maizi really had poor eyesight. He actually came to Mu Feng with his tail wagging at this time, licking his face and flattering.

Mu Feng, who was in a bad mood, didn't give him a good look. He raised his foot and kicked him aside: "Get out!"

Then he hurriedly shouted to the people around him: "Quick, tie up those who are not injured and alive!"

"Yes!" Twenty or so Jiang clan members started to collect the prey together, and the remaining thirty or so people all drew their bows and strings, looking around coldly.

After the last experience, the Jiang family’s people already knew how to deal with the dangers when hunting on the grassland!

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