After Mu Feng taught the three how to make leather shoes and leather armor, the three made a pair of shoes for themselves, but only one pair of leather armor.

One reason was the limited materials, and the other was that the three were obviously not good at stitching.

After Li Hu saw the leaky leather armor he had sewn, he felt uncomfortable and scratched his head and said, "Chief, how about I find a few smarter tribesmen for you?"

Mu Feng shook his head and thought, "The smartest ones are in front of me, how smart can they be?"

He shook his head and said, "No, the materials for making leather armor are not enough now, so I don't need to teach you for the time being. You can choose a few smart ones for leather shoes and teach them."

Li Hu thought for a while and asked, "Is it like a bow and arrow?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded, "Part of it It's enough for people to make bows and arrows. Can we capture people from other tribes now? Other tribes can also capture our people. If someone with ulterior motives captures two people who can make bows and arrows, it will be troublesome!"

Li Hu's expression tightened: "I understand, Great Chief!"

"Okay!" Mu Feng smiled easily again, "Don't be nervous, now our Jiang family's weapons are more powerful than other tribes, and the tribesmen are stronger. Ordinary small and medium-sized tribes are not our opponents! They dare to come, and they are also sending slaves to us!"

"Yeah!" Mingguang relaxed his brows again.

"And soon, we will have our own mounts, whether it is hunting or fighting, it will be more powerful than before!" Mu Feng continued.

"Mounts!" The three of them were shocked.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "This time, in addition to the horned deer, we also captured four horses. Now the four horses have been tamed, and the reins have been made and put on them. I will make a saddle for them later, and they can be used as mounts!"

"Take some time in the next two days, and I will teach you how to ride horses! When the tribe captures more and more horses in the future, you will be needed to teach the tribesmen!"

"Yes!" The three people looked excited.

"By the way, build a shed for the four horses, and don't let them get wet in the rain, and the same goes for the armored earth dragon!" Mu Feng looked at Ming Guang.

"Yes, Chief!" Mingguang responded, "But Chief, what should we feed these four horses? Is it the same as sheep?"

"No, it's a little different from sheep!" Mufeng thought for a while and said, "Use five bluestone slabs to surround a horse trough, put grass in it, and then soak corn in water, cook it and mash it, put four large handfuls each time, mix it well and feed it to them."

"Corn?" Mingguang was puzzled, "Do horses eat corn too?"

Mufeng nodded: "Not only horses eat corn, but pigs and chickens eat corn."

Mingguang frowned immediately and said: "But our tribesmen also eat corn, so wouldn't it be enough!"

"So we are going to plant corn on a large scale this time. Before finding other food, corn will become our main food! It will also be fed to horses and other livestock!"

"I know!" Mingguang nodded, "Then Lihu and I will ask the slaves outside to quickly build the three-layer wall, and then reclaim the land between the second and third layers of the protective wall and plant corn!"

"Okay, but there is no rush. It will rain soon, and the corn cannot be planted now, otherwise it will be drowned. Wait until the rain is over before planting!"


"In addition!" Mufeng thought for a while and said, "Who of you three is stronger now?"

The three thought about it, and Mingguang took the lead and said, "Hanshu is the strongest. In the past, Lihu and I were about the same strength, but now I am stronger than him. I don't know why."

Mufeng thought of the Wood Dao Derivative Technique, and remembered that he had used this technique to treat Mingguang when he caught wild boars before. It should be after that time that Mingguang's strength became stronger.

"Tomorrow, the three of you will choose one person first, and I will give him a crown!" Mufeng said.

"Initiation?" The three of them were shocked. "Isn't initiation a ceremony that can only be held between chiefs?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "No, initiation can be performed on people other than the great chief."

The three looked at each other, and all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

In their understanding, the initiation ceremony is only performed between great chiefs, and the inheritance and teaching are also the magic and secret power that only great chiefs can master.

Moreover, in their opinion, once the initiation ceremony is over, the person receiving the initiation will obtain all the secret power and magic of the great chief, while the person performing the magic will lose them.

Generally speaking, the initiation ceremony is held when the old chief is too old, or the original chief is on the verge of death.

But now Mu Feng is still young and strong enough to beat a horse with his bare handsLie down, why do you suddenly need to be initiated?

"Could it be..." The three of them were shocked and looked at Mu Feng, "Chief, why do you suddenly need to be initiated? Are you sick..."

"Is it sick?" Mu Feng frowned, wanting to say "You are sick", shook his head, "No, I am fine!"

He looked at the puzzled expressions of the three people, smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I will give you initiation, which will not harm me, and you will become stronger!"

"This..." The three were shocked again.

They naturally knew that initiation can make people stronger, just like Mu Feng got the initiation of the old chief - Grandpa, and suddenly he went from the most inconspicuous teenager in the tribe to the most intelligent and powerful chief now.

But initiation will not harm the chief, which is what they don't know.

Of course, only Mu Feng knows that what they know and don't know is wrong.

"Don't worry, I will give one of you abdication tomorrow, and another one after a while." After a pause, Mu Feng thought about it, and in order to avoid shocking the three people too much, he deliberately omitted some things, "After a while, I should be able to give abdication to others!"

"Ah?" The three of them were shocked, "You can give abdication to many people? Isn't it only one person?"

"No!" Mu Feng shook his head and found a reason that the three of them could accept relatively, "Don't worry, such an abdication ceremony will not harm me at all, it will only make you stronger, and you will not have other more powerful abilities!"

The three of them nodded doubtfully.

"Okay, now you can rest assured, who will be initiated tomorrow?"

The three looked at each other, and finally Li Hu and Ming Guang looked at Han Shu together: "Chief, give Han Shu the initiation first, just in case you..."

"Fuck!" Mu Feng roared in his heart, "Do these two guys think I'm telling you my last words?"

He frowned and snorted coldly: "I said, it's okay!"

The two quickly changed their words and said: "Give Han Shu the initiation first. He is younger and stronger than us. If he can be stronger, it will be good for the tribe!"

"Okay!" Mu Feng's face looked a little better. He didn't care whether they had plans to "prevent accidents". He took a breath, suppressed his expectations, and said to Han Shu: "Get ready, tomorrow!"

"Get ready?" Han Shu was surprised, but his eyes lit up immediately and he nodded solemnly.

Mu Feng remained calm on his face, thinking: "It's an initiation ceremony anyway, you have to feel sacred, solemn and serious!"

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