In one encounter, the armored earth dragon knocked down nine wild boars directly, and all the wild boars stopped at once.

It held its head high and its tail horizontally, just like a general who had won a victory, and stood in front of all the wild boars with its own strength.

At the same time, it hummed in its nose and "communicated" with Mu Feng: "See how hard I hit you?"

Mu Feng was shocked. He knew that the armored earth dragon was strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

"Awesome!" Mu Feng responded.

The armored earth dragon, who received Mu Feng's response, held its head high and chest out, and rushed to the wild boars that had stopped, and shouted: "Roar!"

Although it was drizzling, the "breath" exhaled by the armored earth dragon broke through the drizzle and drifted towards the wild boars not far away.

The wild boars were collectively on guard, and after hearing the armored earth dragon's long roar, they all took a step back, but did not turn around and leave.

Just because a big guy came out from among them now - the wild boar king!

After the wild boar king came out of the herd, he stretched out his nose and sniffed forward. His nose twitched, and he suddenly snorted and snorted.

Mu Feng looked at the wild boar king in surprise, and found that this guy had a scar on his "face" for some reason.

Just when he was puzzled, the wild boar king actually raised his head and shouted: "Ah!"

With this roar, the wild boars behind him suddenly had red eyes and rushed forward again.

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed, "No wonder people say that others are stupid and have 'pig brains'. This wild boar king looks big, but his brain is really not very smart!"

"The armored earth dragon is obviously not afraid of so many pigs. It even stuck its neck and asked its companions to come and die!" Mu Feng was very surprised, "But what happened to this group of wild boars? Why did they run here?"

Mu Feng was puzzled.

If the wild boars came to seek revenge on him, it would not make sense for them to come after a month or two.

But if you look at their posture, it is clear that they are here to seek revenge, and it is the kind of revenge that will never end!

"Could it be that I killed too many of its companions at once, and it has been looking for companions?" Mu Feng noticed that the group of wild boars in front of him had increased.

He remembered that after catching the little wild boar last time, there were only 20 to 30 big wild boars left, but now there are more than 40 in this group!

Before Mu Feng could figure it out, the wild boars had already rushed over again.

The armored earth dragon did not retreat but advanced, roared, and swung its tail again, obviously excited.


The big tail like a drumstick smashed another wild boar to death, and the tail continued to move forward without slowing down.

This time it swept no less than seven or eight wild boars!

Seven or eight wild boars moved forward together and blocked the attack of the armored earth dragon.

Seeing that this attack did not work, the armored earth dragon wanted to pull back its tail, but the wild boars opened their mouths and bit it.



The sound of teeth grinding and scales scratching rang out.

Some of the wild boar's teeth were broken, and the armored earth dragon was not much better off, with some of the scales on its tail torn off.

In this fight, both sides "saw blood"!

After seeing the "blood", the armored earth dragon instantly became irritable, strode forward, and rushed towards the wild boars without caring about Mu Feng on his back.

At the same time, the tail swept out close to the ground, sweeping away thousands of troops again - it seemed that it only knew this move with its tail!

Mu Feng was shocked, and before the armored earth dragon completely knocked down the wild boar, he pressed its back with both hands, flipped over, and jumped off the armored earth dragon.

The tribesmen around all exclaimed: "Great Chief!"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, find a way to kill the wild boar king, and the wild boars will be easy to deal with!"

As he said this, he picked up the shovel in his hand and hit the wild boar head-on, hitting it directly on the nose of the wild boar.

With a "crack", the tusks exposed under the wild boar's nose broke, and the wild boar fell to the ground screaming, with blood all over its mouth.

And Mu Feng's palm holding the shovel also felt trembling.

He changed from one hand to two hands, holding the shovel with both hands, facing the wild boars horizontally!

"Yes!" The Jiang clan members shouted in unison.

"Kill the wild boar king?" One person shouted, "Let me do it!"

The man took out a three-piece bow that was more than one size larger than before from his back, picked up the arrow and put it on the string, and shouted: "Help me attract the attention of the wild boar king!"

It was Han Shu!

The others shouted, "Good!"

So Han Shu took a step back, pulled the bowstring to its full potential, and was ready to shoot.

The others shot arrows at the wild boar king, but the bamboo arrows were just like tickling after hitting the wild boar king, and several arrows that almost hit its weak points were blocked by it by shaking its head.

Mu Feng looked back, shook his head and sighed, took a few steps back, and went straight to the left side of the wild boar, holding the iron shovel in his right hand.The shovel stabbed into the ground.

At the same time, Mu Feng reached out and grabbed the bow and arrow on his back, jumped back a step, picked up the arrow and put it on the string, and shouted in a deep voice: "Han Shu, I will shoot its left eye!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the arrow in his hand flew out and went straight to the wild boar's left eye.

But he made too much noise just now, and shouted so loudly, the wild boar king was already on guard, and turned a hairy pig face towards him.

With a "snap", the tip of the bamboo arrow hit the wild boar's forehead and broke directly!

"Han——" Mu Feng shouted.

Before he could shout the word "Shu", a bamboo arrow was shot out like lightning with a "whoosh", aiming directly at the wild boar king's right eye!

With a "puff", the bamboo arrow hit the wild boar king's right eye, and blood spurted out!

This is what Mu Feng planned. He shouted and shot arrows in an instant to attract the wild boar king's attention, and then create an opportunity for Han Shu who was ready on the side.

All this is simple to say, but it is extremely demanding for the person who creates the opportunity.

On the one hand, it is necessary to attract the wild boar king's attention, on the other hand, it is necessary to make the wild boar king think that there is enough threat, and on the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that the wild boar king can turn his face to the left!

All this was completed and implemented by Mu Feng when he turned back and sighed and then retreated in an instant. Not to mention the tribe, I am afraid that there are not many people in the world who can have such emergency response capabilities!


The wild boar king cried out in pain, turned his head and shook it wildly, and actually broke the bamboo arrow directly, which made the blood flow faster!


The wild boar king roared again, regardless of the wild boar beside him, and the more than ten Jiang clan members in front of him, it just straightened its head and rushed straight to Han Shu!

In fact, it didn't need to care about the Jiang clan members. With its thick skin and flesh, it was not afraid of the Jiang clan members' bamboo arrows and drumsticks.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Mu Feng shouted, and at the same time ran quickly, raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and shot two arrows in a row, both of which hit the wild boar, but there was no effect at all.

The wild boar also ignored this level of damage. It was obvious that all it could see was Han Shu, who had hurt its eyes!

Han Shu saw the wild boar rushing towards him, and he couldn't dodge left and right, so he had to give up the bow and arrow, picked up the bone stick behind him and smashed it at the wild boar.

However, the wild boar was very strong and knocked Han Shu to the ground directly, and then opened its mouth and bit Han Shu!

Han Shu rolled on the ground and barely avoided the bite of the wild boar king.

The wild boar king refused to give in, lowered his head, and arched directly at him.

This time, Han Shu could no longer dodge, and was directly hit in the stomach by the wild boar king's big mouth and fangs.


Han Shu was pushed up and fell to the ground, and blood immediately flowed from the corner of his mouth!

He fell in the muddy water, wrapped in a straw raincoat, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, looking extremely miserable.

"Han Shu!"

"Han Shu!"

The Jiang clan members shouted in unison.

Looking at Han Shu's condition, it was clear that the wild boar king had pierced his intestines and stomach just now, and it was obvious that he would not survive!

"Han Shu!" Mu Feng also exclaimed, and was about to go forward to check on Han Shu's condition.

"Be careful, chief!" All the Jiang clan members exclaimed in unison.

Mu Feng took a look and immediately jumped to the side, barely avoiding the attack!

Because after the wild boar king knocked Han Shu over, he turned around and rushed towards him again!

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