After the first day of the "Jiang School", the tribe members were really surprised.

They had never seen such behavior: children of similar age in the tribe were gathered together, and the great chief, leader, headhunter, and the youngest and most powerful hunting team members in the tribe taught the children skills.

Especially after these children returned to their own houses and told their fathers and mothers what happened during the day, their little faces were full of excitement and excitement, and they all looked forward to the arrival of the second day so that they could learn skills earlier.

After the first day of "teaching", Mu Feng called Li Hu and the other three over again, clearly asking them to do a "teaching summary".

This was something Mu Feng often did when he was doing academic research in his previous life, and he was familiar with it.

"How is it?" Mu Feng smiled and looked at the three people, "Is it difficult to tell the children what you can do?"

Ming Guang scratched his head and said, "Great Chief, I know all the animals in the wild, but I can't explain how to let them know. What should I do?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Don't ask me, no one in the wild beast tribes is more familiar with them than you. If you can't explain it, we can't explain it even more!"

"Just think about it carefully and figure out how to explain it clearly. I believe you, you can do it!"

Ming Guang felt Mu Feng's trust and nodded for no reason: "Yes, I will think about it!"

Mu Feng looked at Li Hu and Han Shu again.

Han Shu smiled and said, "I think it's okay. I will prepare all the things I want to teach and let them each hold a handful of mulberry bark and weave the net directly!"

Mu Feng nodded, knowing that Han Shu was using the right method.

For things that are easy to operate, just use the real objects and explain the key points while demonstrating.

Moreover, children are generally not as quick to accept theoretical things as practical things.

Seeing Mu Feng nod, Han Shu did not say much, knowing that he was doing the right thing.

When he arrived at Li Hu, Li Hu frowned: "Captain, according to what you said, if you do not do well, you must accept the punishment. But why do I feel that the more these children are punished, the worse they do?"

Mu Feng thought about what he had observed beside him and shook his head slightly: "You always think of punishing them for mistakes, and only focus on those who make mistakes. Of course, you think they are making more mistakes. How about this, when you teach them again, look at the good ones more, praise them, and let other children follow suit!"

"Will this work?" Li Hu frowned and thought carefully, but he couldn't figure it out for a long time, so he had to nod honestly, "Yes!"

Mu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Now is a primitive society, and it is the first time that such a formal "lecture teaching" has been achieved. Mu Feng is very happy to have the effect today.

What he can do is "inspired teaching" - he inspires Li Hu and the other two to teach children, which is better than teaching them himself.

In this way, Mu Feng feels like a principal, who is diligently training "teachers" like Li Hu in the background, and then lets them teach children better.

He thought of the way of educating children in Sparta in his previous life, which he knew from an early age, focusing on the training of children's endurance, character, combat skills, etc., while neglecting the education of science, technology and culture.

This is difficult to understand in modern society, but Mu Feng feels the same way at the moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to teach some cultural and scientific things, but the biggest problem of the entire tribe at the moment is not the speed of scientific development, but the entire era and the entire tribe are still in an extremely ignorant and backward era.

What the tribe and the era need most urgently now is these most practical wilderness survival skills!

He believes that as long as he persists, the children of the Jiang family will adapt to the wilderness earlier and faster than the children of other tribes, and will be able to take the Jiang family to a higher level in the future!

As for now, it was up to him and the people in front of him to complete it.

"By the way, we should be able to weave enough raincoats for this outing today. Have you guys decided on the people?" Mu Feng looked at Ming Guang and Han Shu.

Ming Guang nodded: "I've already chosen them. They are all those who have recently competed in physical strength and archery!"

"Okay!" Mu Feng nodded, "Take all the things you should take. This time, the armored earth dragon and the four horses in the back mountain will also go with us."

"Armored earth dragon?" Ming Guang was stunned for a moment, and then he became excited immediately, "If it hadn't been for it yesterday, those wild boars would have entered the tribe, which would have been troublesome!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded, "So take it out this time, just in case."

"What's the use of those four horses?" Ming Guang asked again.

"Let them be responsible for carrying things this time." Mu Feng said with a smile, "In the past, our tribesmen carried things themselves."Send, if there are more horses in the future, in addition to riding, they can also transport things."

"But they are wild animals after all. What if they see their former companions and run away?"

"Run?" Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, "They won't run away!"

"Why?" Ming Guang was puzzled.

Mu Feng sneered and said nothing.

Only he knew that after experiencing the benefits of the Wood Dao Derivative Technique, eating the crisp and sweet carrots, and tasting the grass mixed with cornmeal, these four horses have already "been happy and don't want to leave."

Mu Feng didn't explain, and Ming Guang didn't ask, just nodded and said: "Then should we wait for the rain to stop tomorrow before going out, or get up early and go out early?"

"Get up early and go out early!" Mu Feng nodded and said, "I will ask Ji Yang to stew some chicken soup to warm everyone up first, so that it is not easy to catch a cold and get sick when you go out."

After a pause, he said: "Don't worry, even if you catch a cold and get sick, I can cure it! "

After hearing Mu Feng's words, the three of them responded in unison: "Yes!"

Early the next morning, the hunting team members who needed to go out gathered in the Moon Tower, looking at Mu Feng with high spirits, without any fear that Li Hu and the others had worried about before.

In fact, the reason why these hunting team members reacted like this at this time, in addition to Mu Feng's assurance, was also because they were challenged by the rainy weather outside!

In the past, as long as it rained, they had to be forced to live in the cave, unable to get out of the cave all day long, and shivering because of the cold and hunger.

Unexpectedly, this year, because of Mu Feng, the new chief, Let the Jiang family completely get rid of the situation of enduring cold and hunger and passively being beaten. Not only did the Jiang family now have no worries about food and clothing, but they also led them to defeat the people of the Manglong tribe and captured more than 90 slaves.

Since the chieftain could lead them to overcome so many difficulties, why didn't they dare to follow the chieftain to go hunting in the rain?

Especially when Mu Feng rode out of the back mountain on the armored earth dragon, he was half a body taller than the people standing at the door of the Moon Tower, and everyone regarded him as a god.

Mu Feng rode the armored earth dragon, followed by four horses, looked at the people who were ready, and waved: "Let's go!"

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