It seemed that because of the rainy weather, there were no accidents when they walked back.

When they took all the prey outside the tribe, the rain stopped.

The wolf king was unwilling to move forward as soon as he came out of the jungle. He felt that Jiang was a den of dragons and tigers. Once he entered, he would become a big fool like Da Mazi.

Mu Feng looked at the second protective wall of the tribe not far away, and did not force it. He gave the agreed prey to the wolf king, and then drove the prey into the tribe.

The six captured slaves were stunned by the scene in front of them. A stone wall two or three meters high appeared in front of them. The stone wall was covered with thorns and vines, and no one could see what was inside.

When they were pushed into the second protective wall, they were shocked again.

Because there was another protective wall waiting inside, and there were seven or eight straw huts between the two walls. From a distance, there were shadows of people inside.

"People? Do all the Jiang clan members live here?"

Without waiting for them to react, Mingguang tied up their legs and feet and pushed them into a straw hut with relatively few people: "This is where you will live from now on. If you dare to escape, I will kill you!"

Mingguang pointed at a person huddled in a corner and said: "Tell him the rules here!"

As he said that, Mingguang grinned at him.

The man shuddered and nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

So Mingguang turned and walked towards Mufeng: "Chief, it's done!"

"Well!" Mufeng gritted his teeth and said, "Give less rations to the slaves here, and make up for the extra prey given to the wolves!"

Mingguang was slightly stunned, but still nodded honestly: "Yes!"

Mufeng nodded: "Okay, now put all these prey into different categories."

Mingguang scratched his head: "Chief, the giant toe bird, the horned deer and the sheep are all okay, but there are too many horses, and there is no such a big place in the tribe!"

"No place..." Mufeng also scratched his head, "This is really a problem."

Nearly sixty horses, whether tied up or free, need a large enough place.

But the largest open space in the tribe is either the cornfield on the other side of the second protective wall or the training ground.

The cornfield is large enough, but as soon as the rain ends, he will plant corn.

The training ground is good, about the size of two football fields.

The key is that once the training ground is used to raise horses, the tribe's warriors will have no place to train.

After thinking it over, for the sake of safety, Mu Feng said: "Put all the horses on the training ground, clear all the stones on the side close to the mountain, and then build a wall around it, like a protective wall, and make it two meters high! Before the courtyard wall is built, tie the horses like this first, and find someone to watch over it day and night!"

After a pause, Mu Feng said: "This time it happened suddenly, and some of the slaves outside were transferred in to move the stones, so that the process can be faster!"

"Yes!" Mingguang nodded.

"Good!" Mu Feng looked around again, "Those who rode out on mounts today have seen the power of mounts charging, and now we have mounts too. Once the rain is over, everyone present will have mounts!"

"Great!" Hearing Mu Feng say it himself, these people were indescribably excited.

Mu Feng nodded: "I said, everyone must have one. But some of these horses are stronger, some are weaker, I believe you can see it yourself. So I will hold a competition at that time, and the top ranking ones will be selected first!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Remember, the rainy days are about to end. This year's rainy days ended earlier than in previous years, which means that the prey will move away from this area earlier and go deeper into the grassland. Other tribes will also come out to hunt at this time. Once there is a conflict with them, I hope our Jiang family is not the one that is robbed!"

Mu Feng shouted loudly: "I ask you, do you still want to be robbed?"

"No!" All the Jiang clan members shouted in unison, and each clenched their fists tightly, "We don't want to be robbed!"

"In that case, then each of us should train well and strive to tame all the horses as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" The crowd was excited.

"Well, Mingguang, you discuss the rest with Lihu, I'll send the armored earth dragon back to the cave!"


So Mufeng took the armored earth dragon and four giant toes to the cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, the armored earth dragon stared at the giant toes and roared "Aohou".

Mufeng heard it clearly, the armored earth dragon was shouting: Lay eggs quickly, I want to eat bird eggs!

Mufeng laughed dumbly: You let a male bird lay eggs?

The armored earth dragon's eyes showed impatience: You can't lay eggs hereWhat are you doing? Get out of the way!

Then it raised its big tail and was about to hit the male bird.

Seeing that the male bird was about to be smashed into a meat paste, Mu Feng hurriedly stopped it: Stop it!

Armored Earth Dragon: Why do you keep it if it can't lay eggs?

Mu Feng wanted to see how big the eggs of the giant toe bird could be. If possible, he thought about whether he could let it lay more eggs to enrich the diet.

In addition, he also thought about whether he could hatch small giant toes. If possible, he would breed them in batches, which would also solve the food problem of the tribe.

But he knew that he couldn't explain it clearly to it, especially since he also wanted to "taste" the eggs of the giant toe bird, which had a certain "conflict" with the Armored Earth Dragon, so he replied: I'll keep it for use!

The Armored Earth Dragon didn't investigate further, and turned around and yelled at the other three female birds.

The three female birds were so scared that they trembled and huddled together.

Mu Feng was completely speechless: How could they lay eggs if you scared them like this?

Armored Earth Dragon: Just barking twice will it stop laying eggs?

Mu Feng nodded: If you don’t believe it, then bark as hard as you can.

In fact, frightened birds not only don’t lay eggs, but are also very likely to starve to death.

Especially these giant toes are not farmed, but captured.

Birds that lose their freedom are very likely to starve to death, or be “angered to death”.

This is something that Mu Feng, who has caught too many pheasants in his previous life, is very familiar with.

Armored Earth Dragon widened his eyes: What should I do?

Mu Feng smiled: Give them some time, and when they are no longer afraid, they will lay eggs!

Armored Earth Dragon: When will they no longer be afraid? I won’t eat them!

Mu Feng smiled helplessly: How about this, put these four giant toes in the cave next to you, and I will move the other three here, and you will be responsible for watching them, how about it?

Armored Earth Dragon: What if they run away, can I smash them to death?

Mu Feng stroked his forehead with his hand: How can you eat the bird eggs if you kill them?

The armored earth dragon was stunned, and hummed honestly, and he understood.

Mu Feng didn't intend to argue with it about this issue, and put his hand on its head: I will heal your wounds now, and you can take good care of these giant toes after you are healed!

The armored earth dragon agreed: OK!

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