After boosting the morale of the tribesmen, Mu Feng went to Li Hu and Ming Guang separately.

"Lihu, the tribe has compacted the ground from the Moon Tower to the entrance of the tribe, and laid stone slabs on it. Stones are embedded in the gaps between the stone slabs! In this way, the road surface in the tribe will not be so soft, and there will not be so much mud on rainy days!"


"Mingguang, count how many sheep and horned deer there are in the tribe now, and count the primitive chickens, and report them to me! In addition, how is the wall of the horse farm going?"

"Yes!" Mingguang agreed, "The horse farm should be built today and tomorrow, mainly because it rained yesterday and the day before yesterday, otherwise it would have been built long ago!"

"Okay!" Mufeng nodded, "Build a horse shed near the protective wall of the horse farm, sprinkle wood ash inside, and lay hay for them to live there!"


Mufeng stretched, looked outside the tribe, and smiled: "It's sunny today, and the wilderness should be very lively!"

Mingguang and Lihu were both surprised, not knowing what Mufeng was talking about.

Li Hu said, "Chief, if there is nothing else, I will arrange the ramming of earth and paving the road!"

"Wait a minute!" Mu Feng said, "Don't forget, we need to plant corn today and tomorrow!"

"Plant corn?" Li Hu slapped his forehead, "I forgot! Can't I plant it now? I can let the tribesmen plant the corn first, and then pave the road!"

"No!" Mu Feng shook his head, "There is too much moisture in the ground, which is not conducive to the germination and growth of corn. It's not too late to plant it after drying the ground!"

"So that's it!" Li Hu finally reacted, "Does it mean that corn is planted on the other side of the second protective wall?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "Plant it on the other side of the second wall. If there is not enough land, you can also reclaim land outside the second protective wall to plant it!"

"But that's already close to the forest outside!" Li Hu was puzzled.

"Forest?" Mu Feng said with a smile, "Isn't it sunny now? Let the slaves build another protective wall outside, so that the land will be ours?"

"This..." Li Hu opened his eyes wide, as if he understood what Mu Feng said, but also as if he didn't understand.

He looked at Mu Feng: "Great Chief, does it mean that wherever the wall is built, the land there belongs to the Jiang family?"

Mu Feng was slightly stunned, and nodded with a smile: "Well, in theory!"

"In theory?" Ming Guang was very confused.

Mu Feng sneered and shook his head, knowing that this was something Li Hu couldn't understand.

In fact, the method he said was used by someone in history, that is Genghis Khan.

According to unofficial history, when Genghis Khan sent cavalry to chase the Turks, the cavalry chased from east to west during the day, and when they were tired at night, they nailed a wooden peg on the spot where they rested, with words like "The Yuan Dynasty chased the Turks to this point" written on it, intending to declare sovereignty.

There is a more interesting saying in the unofficial history of later generations, saying that the Mongolian cavalry at that time was fully capable of completely swallowing up the Turkic forces and killing all their soldiers.

But they did not do so, deliberately letting the Turks run westward, and they took advantage of the situation to pursue and expand their territory.

The reason why the Yuan Dynasty became the dynasty with the largest territory in history was that it adopted the method of "fixing wooden stakes and expanding territory". As a result, the Mongolian cavalry reached the Rhine River as far as possible, making the entire European country tremble for the yellow-skinned race at that time!

Mu Feng naturally did not think about such a grand cause, but it was still possible to learn something beneficial to himself.

For example, the current behavior of building a protective wall to enclose the land was learned from here.

But he naturally would not tell Li Hu about these, after all, he would not understand even if he told him.

"Okay, what I mean is that wherever our tribe's protective wall is built, that's our territory!" Mu Feng laughed, "Do you understand now?"

Li Hu's eyes lit up: "Then Chief, let's build a protective wall on the grassland, so that all the wild animals there will be ours!"

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed in his heart, "This idiot is really bold!"

He asked with a fake smile: "Then where are you going to start building, and where are you going to enclose?"

Li Hu was in trouble now, scratching his head but couldn't figure it out, and was anxious.

Mu Feng waved his hand quickly: "Okay, don't think about such a complicated problem, go pave the road first!"

After Mu Feng said this, Li Hu really stopped struggling and agreed: "Yes!"

Mu Feng looked at Ming Guang again: "Okay, you go and get busy, I'll walk around the tribe, and I'll find you if I have anything!"


So Mu Feng finally had some peace and quiet alone.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Han Shu's IQ is not worrying, Li Hu's IQ is really worrying!"

As he said this, he called the five wolves to walk out of the earth building - it's been so long, it's time to let the five wolves out for some fresh air!

When he passed a protective wall, he naturally saw the moat outside the protective wall.

The water in the moat was full, and the water was so deep that the roots of the thorns on the north bank were gone!

What made Mu Feng very happy was that there were already groups of small fish about an inch long swimming around in the moat!

This means that by autumn, these fish can grow to at least one kilogram, and those that grow fast can even reach two or three kilograms!

If it weren't for going to Dalong Lake to catch big fish, the Jiang family would have been able to eat fish without leaving the tribe!

"It seems that the decision I made on impulse before was very wise!" Mu Feng laughed, "I just don't know if the water in this river will dry up in summer."

Seeing the school of fish, Mu Feng was in a good mood. He went out of a protective wall, and there was another piece of ramie to the west.

This patch of ramie doesn't cover a large area, but the roots of each plant are thick and grow to one and a half meters high - this is because Mu Feng asked the tribesmen to carry manure to fertilize it.

Later, when the ramie grew thick and tall, they realized that manure can be used as fertilizer to make ramie and corn grow.

According to Mu Feng's estimate, this patch of ramie will be able to harvest ramie seeds in a month or so. At that time, the ramie skin will be used for spinning, and the ramie seeds will be used for planting the autumn crop.

If there is not enough time, he will use the Wood Dao Derivation Technique to catalyze to ensure that there is no risk.

As for the ramie near the Manglong tribe, although Mu Feng has not been there, he thinks that the Manglong tribe has joined the Huangfeng tribe and should not be able to take away the ramie that has not yet grown.

Mu Feng knows that the skin of ungrown ramie is easy to break and the fiber is short. The Manglong tribe will not know how to deal with it, so it can only be harvested after it matures.

But now it seems that they are doomed to fail.

Because after these two days, when he has time, he will take people to take back all the ramie.

If possible, he will also collect some interest.

Otherwise, no matter what tribes nearby, they will dare to rob people when they see them, which is very annoying.

Thinking of this, he brought five wolves to the outside of the second-layer protective wall again.

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