"Great Chief!" Someone shouted excitedly, "We caught so many hairy dragons!"

"Yes, yes!" Mingguang was so excited that his face turned red, "I didn't expect it would be so easy to follow you, the Great Chief, to go hunting!"

"Great Chief, Great Sage!"

Mufeng was helpless. He found that whenever the tribe members got excited, they would call him "Great Chief". He had to calm down before he could call Mufeng back.

The most annoying thing was that when these people got excited, they liked to shout "Great Sage", which made him feel scared.

He waved his hand and said, "It's a good thing to catch it. Let's go back to the tribe now!"

"Yes, so many primitive chickens are enough for us to eat for a long time!"

"Again!" Mu Feng said unhappily, "Didn't I say that we can't eat all the prey we caught now, we have to keep some, so that we don't have to worry about food in the future!"

"Yes!" The man responded quickly, "I won't say that in the future!"

So Mu Feng led people back to the tribe, which naturally caused a sensation again.

Because everyone who went out hunting held a rope of animal tendons, and each rope had three or four primitive chickens on it.

"Oh oh oh!"

The tribe cheered and danced.

"The hunting team is so amazing. They caught so many hairy dragons at once!"

"The chief said that this is called primitive chicken!"

"Who cares what it is? Now that we have caught so many at once, is it enough for us to have a big meal?"

"The chief said that we can only eat a part of it, not eat it freely. The rest should be kept!"

"Why keep them? We don't have enough food for ourselves!"

Mu Feng sighed and said: "The primitive chicken can't be eaten all at once. We have to keep some for the future!"

"The children in the tribe are too weak. We can't just take care of ourselves. We have to feed them enough and good food so that they can be stronger and protect the tribe when they grow up!"

"Only in this way can our Jiang clan become stronger and stronger!"

There was a silence in the crowd. Finally, they all knelt on one knee and stretched out one hand to Mu Feng: "Follow the instructions of the chief!"

Mu Feng turned around helplessly and led people directly to the foot of the North Mountain.

The Jiang clan members looked at each other with some concern, and finally someone whispered, "Will the chieftain not be angry with us?"

"Should... not?"

Mu Feng walked towards Beishan with Mingguang in a heavy heart, and for the first time in his heart, he felt a little worried about the situation of primitive society.

After catching the prey, their first reaction was to eat it, and eat it all at once.

They ate as much as they could to fill their stomachs today, and no one cared about what would happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

He believed that if it weren't for his status as the chieftain, they would really eat all these primitive chickens.

"It seems that the people of the tribe have to solve not only the stomach problem, but also the ideological enlightenment cognition!" Mu Feng shook his head secretly, drove away the unhappiness, and patted his head instead.

"Yes, I understand what they don't understand. I am the chief, and I have the final say in this tribe!"

Thinking of this, Mu Feng's heart suddenly became clear: "This is my one-third acre of land. Whether the tribe is good or bad depends on how I develop it!"

He suddenly became full of energy again.

"Mingguang, tie all the chickens in your hands together, and now hurry to find vines! The more the better!"

"Call all the people in the tribe who can work, regardless of gender, age or young!"

"Ah?" Mingguang was surprised and didn't understand what Mu Feng was going to do, but he immediately agreed, "Yes!"

Soon, everything Mu Feng wanted was gathered in front of him, and everyone came to him.

Mu Feng pointed to the sheepfold behind him: "Do you see, the sheep are raised in here, so we can wait for the big sheep to give birth to lambs, and the lambs grow up and give birth to lambs again. In the future, we will have endless sheep to eat!"

The Jiang clan members looked in the direction of Mu Feng's finger, and indeed found that the group of wild sheep were eating grass. Some people's eyes suddenly lit up, as if they understood what Mu Feng meant.

"And now, we have also caught so many primitive chickens. We can definitely eat them, but we can't eat them all at once. We have to keep some of them!"

"But the flower-haired dragon... primitive chickens don't lay chicks?" someone asked.

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head. He wanted to popularize the saying "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" to the tribe members, but he knew it was difficult for them to understand, so he could only smile and say: "If primitive chickens don't have chicks, then where do all these big primitive chickens come from?"


"Because they don't lay chicks, but eggs!" Mu Feng chuckled and said this familiar word, "Primitive chickens are hatched from eggs. So these eggs can be used to lay chicks, andIt can be eaten!"

"And the nutrition of eggs is unmatched by many foods. It can make us and the children in the tribe stronger!"

Mu Feng talked about the benefits of chickens and eggs.

But the Jiang clan members stared at each other, because the "eggs", "hatching" and "nutrition" that Mu Feng said were completely incomprehensible to them.

Mu Feng seemed to have noticed this, and smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that his "enlightenment teaching" of chickens was still a little fast.

"It seems that we can't rush it!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand: "How about this, everyone learn how to make a chicken coop from me first, as for how to raise chickens and how to eat them, I will tell you slowly!"

"Yes! Follow the instructions of the great chief!" Everyone knelt on one knee with one hand up.

"Here we go again!" Mu Feng was speechless.

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