Li Hu and his friends brought back a dozen wild sheep, and they were all very happy.

But after seeing the large chicken coop behind Mu Feng, their joy turned into shock: "Oh my God! So many hairy dragons, did you catch them all?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded, "We caught a lot this time, I didn't expect there would be so many in this forest!"

He looked behind Li Hu and couldn't help laughing: "It seems you also caught some!"

"Yeah, there are eleven in it this time!" Li Hu was excited, "I think the trap can still be used. After catching the sheep, we spread grass again. It's a pity that there is not enough salt in the tribe, otherwise we can sprinkle some salt water and catch more!"

Mu Feng nodded: "Okay! But we have to wait until the tribe gets enough salt. By the way, where did the tribe get the salt from before?"

Li Hu's face suddenly became ugly: "It was exchanged with the Manglong tribe. It was their people who stole our tribe's fire and seriously injured the old chief! "

"Hmm?" Mu Feng asked curiously, "Where did they get the salt?"

"Since the two tribes have always exchanged things with each other, why did they come to our tribe to steal fire?"

"Hmph!" Li Hu said angrily, "Before, we always gave them furs and they gave us salt. But the last time we prepared furs to exchange with them, their people said that they had no salt and wanted us to come back."

"But not long after we came back, their people came, robbed the furs, and stole the sacred fire. It almost caused our Jiang family to be exterminated!" Li Hu gritted his teeth, "We must avenge this!"

"Hmm!" Mu Feng nodded heavily, "Revenge must be avenged, but now our Jiang family has few people and the tribe is not strong enough. Rash revenge will only cause the tribe to suffer heavy losses. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Li Hu bowed his head slightly.

"Okay, you send the sheep to the sheepfold first!" Mu Feng said, "I will find a way to deal with the tribe, and we will make the tribe stronger together!"

"Yes!" Li Hu nodded heavily, "Then I'll go first!"

After Li Hu left, Mu Feng frowned and thought.

Originally, catching more than a hundred primitive chickens today was a great joy.

But the two things before and after made him feel a little heartbroken, just because of one thing - the weakness of the Jiang clan!

"I must change the Jiang clan!" Mu Feng made up his mind in his heart.

At the same time, he communicated with the system again: "System, hand in the task!"

This time he handed in two tasks of taming animals at once, one for primitive chickens and the other for the previous earth dragons.

System prompts:

"The task of taming primitive chickens is completed, and 300 achievement points are obtained!

The task of taming earth dragons is completed, and 300 achievement points are obtained!"

In this way, plus the remaining 350 achievement points, Mu Feng's achievement points have reached 950 points!

There are many things that can be exchanged for 950 achievement points, but this time Mu Feng made up his mind not to waste them and decided to save them to exchange for Wood Dao Derivative Techniques.

He wanted to obtain strong enough skills so that he could lead the tribe to become stronger!

"Achievement points, or achievement points!" Mu Feng sat aside and thought carefully.

Seeing Mu Feng silent again, the tribesmen spontaneously walked away.

Bai Ya looked at Mu Feng with concern, looking back every two steps.

Mu Feng was thinking about how to get achievement points.

"Find spices, one kind is 100 achievement points. To get 2,000 achievement points, you need to find at least eleven kinds of spices!" Mu Feng shook his head, "What's the use of just finding spices? It just adjusts the taste."

"What I want to do is something that can change the tribe!"

He communicated with the system again: "Can I also get achievement points by helping the tribe find other food?"

The system replied: "Yes, every time you find one more food based on the tribe's existing food, you can get 200 achievement points!"

"No matter what kind of food it is, as long as it is edible, right?" Mu Feng confirmed it again.

"Yes!" The system replied very affirmatively.

"Okay!" Mu Feng's brows relaxed, "In that case, I will go into the mountains to find food and spices starting this afternoon!"

After making the decision, Mu Feng turned to find the old chief, hoping to ask him about the inexplicable information in his mind.

These days, he has been trying to contact the fog-like thing in his mind, but he can't get close every time.

He only knew that the ball of physical object was what the old man had passed on to him, but he had no idea how to use it.

He asked the system, and the system gave him a suggestion, to exchange 5,000 achievement points for a memory key, and then help him solve the mystery.

Mu Feng, penniless in achievement points, had to retreat in disappointment., and turned to the old man who passed on his memories to him.

It was a pity that after being revived by him, the old man forgot most of the things in just one day and was completely immersed in his own world.

Mu Feng went to the thatched cottage and asked the old man again, but the old man was still talking to himself, and Mu Feng couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

He had no choice but to leave and find a solution himself.

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