In the evening, Mu Feng came to the west of the tribe.

The Jiang clan is located in a place surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one exit on the west side. There is a relatively low jungle on the west side, and the previous looters entered the tribe from here.

What Mu Feng has to do is to build a protective wall on one side of the tribe!

"First dig such a deep ditch from here to there, and bury the branches of the mulberry tree!" Mu Feng said as he did it, picked up a bone knife and dug on the ground, then took a three-meter-long mulberry branch and inserted it in it, and stepped on it with his feet.

He stood up, took the bone knife and drew a line along the mulberry tree he buried to the foot of the mountain not far away, and said: "All the mulberry branches are buried as deep as mine!"

"Yes!" Mingguang took the lead in responding.

"In addition, wait until the mulberry branches are buried from here to there, and then pile up the stones behind the mulberry tree, like this!"

As he said, Mu Feng moved the stones and piled them together one by one, just like building a wall in his previous life.

"What is this for?" Mingguang was confused and walked carefully to Mufeng, "Chief, what are you doing this for?"

Mufeng thought for a while and tried to explain it to him in simple words: "I want to build a wall here to protect the tribe!"

"Wall?" Mingguang was dumbfounded, "Protect the tribe?"

Mufeng was really speechless. Mingguang didn't even know what a "wall" was.

But he thought about it and felt relieved. After all, the entire tribe, and even the entire era, was still in the period of ignorance.

"The wall is to block people from outside and prevent them from entering the tribe easily!" Mufeng explained, and personally buried the branches of the mulberry tree with everyone.

When the mulberry tree was buried two or three meters away, he started to build the wall again.

Some stones were not flat, so he took a smaller piece to knock and knock, smashed the particularly protruding parts, and then built it up.

Mingguang was stunned. No one in the tribe had ever done this before, and no one knew what the meaning of doing this was.

He squatted down honestly and piled stones with Mu Feng. While piling stones, he asked: "Chief, this wall is so high that others can't get in. How can we get out?"

"Oh!" Mu Feng suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stood up and said, "Don't bury the mulberry trees here, and don't build a wall!"

He remembered that he seemed to have forgotten the location of the door.

Fortunately, the mulberry trees were not buried to the position he said, so there was no waste of effort.

Dozens of people worked together. It didn't take long for the mulberry trees to be buried and formed a fence on the periphery. The stone wall was behind and formed a wall.

Mu Feng looked at the gaps in the wall and used water and some mud to smear them on them to reinforce them. However, he found that it was very difficult for the tribe to use water, so he had to give up. At the same time, remember that after solving the food problem, he had to solve the drinking water problem immediately.

He looked at the system and found that the next task also had to solve the water source problem, and the achievement points were 300 points.

However, compared with drinking water, the safety and food and clothing of the tribe were obviously more important at the moment, so this matter had to be postponed.

Seeing that the fence and stone wall had been built, Mu Feng said: "Now bury the roots of the thornwood near the mulberry tree, and then put the thornwood on the mulberry tree!"



There were exclamations from the crowd.

The reason why the thornwood is called thornwood is because it is very similar to the modern climbing rose, which is covered with thorns.

However, the thornwood is thicker than the rose vines, and the thorns are longer. The short ones are more than an inch, and the long ones are two inches!

When digging so many thornwood vines, many of them have been strained and stabbed. Now they have to be buried near the mulberry tree, and it is inevitable that some people will be injured.

"Chief, this is..." Mingguang hesitated.

Mu Feng was about to explain, but found that Li Hu was supporting the old chief over.

"Grandpa!" Mu Feng stepped forward to support the old man.

The old man put his hand on Mu Feng's arm, looked at the protective wall that had been built, and then looked at the buried thornwood, and asked in confusion: "What is this for?"

Mu Feng patiently explained: "It is the first month of spring now, and the buried mulberry branches can still sprout and grow. The thornwood can even grow up along the mulberry trees, forming a protective wall with the mulberry trees. In this way, if someone wants to rob the Jiang family again, they must pass through this thorny wall!"

The old man's eyes lit up, and he looked at Mu Feng in surprise: "This is really a good idea, why didn't anyone think of it before!"

Li Hu and Ming Guang next to him only understood Mu Feng's intention at this time, and they all showed surprise on their faces.

Mu Feng said again: "The most important thing for the tribe now is safety and food. Now that the safety of the tribe is guaranteed, the next step is to solve the problem of food."

As he said, he looked at Li Hu: "Uncle Li Hu, how much food is left in the tribe now?"Li Hu's face was grim: "There are not many left, not enough for two days!"

"This..." Mu Feng had a bad plan in his heart, but he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

Ming Guang lowered his head: "I'm useless!"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "You have done a good job, but the method is wrong. This time I will go with you, I have a way to help you catch more prey!"

"Method?" Ming Guang showed doubt on his face, and then changed to joy, "More prey?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "I have a way!"

"But..." Ming Guang wanted to argue, and looked at the old man at the same time.

The old man didn't say anything, just looked at Mu Feng.

"I am the chief!" Mu Feng said firmly.

Ming Guang had to agree.

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