There were two big traps, with about 40 wild boars of all sizes. Except for the four or five big wild boars that escaped, the rest all fell into the two traps.

For a while, the traps were in chaos, with big and small wild boars screaming non-stop.

Although it was noisy, none of the Jiang clan members felt bored. They all blushed as they looked at the wild boars in the traps, and were extremely excited.

"Great Chief!" Li Hu looked at Mu Feng excitedly, "We have never caught so many wild boars before!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng laughed. He was also surprised that he could catch all the small wild boars by digging a trap.

"Leave some people to put the small wild boars in the cage, and tie up the big wild boars with animal tendon ropes. Is there any problem?"

"No problem!" the Jiang clan members shouted in unison.

One of them shouted excitedly: "Don't worry, Chief. If these wild boars run around, we can't catch them. Now they are in the trap and they can't escape!"

"Okay!" Mu Feng nodded and looked at Li Hu, "Leave fifteen people here to catch the little wild boars, and the others will follow me to Mingguang!"


So this group of nearly thirty people was divided into two groups, one group stayed to catch the little wild boars, and the other group went to the cornfield under the leadership of Mu Feng.

Before they reached the cornfield, they heard a commotion from the bushes from a distance.

In the meantime, there were shouts from the Jiang clan and the grunts of wild boars.

"Hmm?" Mu Feng listened carefully, with a look of doubt on his face. He waved to the people around him and said, "Get your sticks ready! If a wild boar rushes over, just beat it with sticks. If you can knock it down, knock it down. If you can't knock it down, let it go!"


So Mu Feng crouched down, holding his military shovel in his hand, and pushed aside the bushes and walked forward.

Fortunately, the wild boar rush he imagined did not happen. What came into view was a mess at the exit of the bushes!

There were wild boars in the three traps that had been dug, but not many. There were only six or seven in each, and the rest of the wild boars were nowhere to be found.

It just so happened that the six or seven wild boars in each trap were all big wild boars. They raised their heads in the traps, bared their teeth, and roared at the Jiang clan members.

From time to time, one or two wild boars would jump high in the traps, and it seemed that they wanted to rush out of the traps.

However, Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw how high they jumped. It was only half a meter high, and it was impossible for it to reach the three-meter height of the trap.

The Jiang clan members were holding wooden sticks and shouting at the wild boars around the trap. Mingguang and two clan members were holding their legs and groaning.

"Hmm?" Mu Feng stepped forward, squatted down and asked, "What's wrong, Uncle Mingguang?"

Surprisingly, although Mingguang's leg was injured, his face was full of excitement: "Big Chief, look, we caught twenty-one big wild boars!"

"Yes, I saw it!" Mu Feng shook his head helplessly, "Don't worry about the wild boars first, did the wild boars cause your injury?"

"Hmm!" Mingguang grinned, obviously in pain, "A big wild boar tried to run just now, and I hit it on the nose with a stick, and it bumped into me, and that's it!"

"Let me see!" Mu Feng supported Mingguang and wanted to help him up.

Mingguang cried out "Ah", and beads of sweat kept falling down his face.

Mufeng quickly let go of him, carefully reached out to his leg, touched it, and showed a solemn expression on his face.

Mingguang's leg was broken.

But after just a moment of hesitation, he asked Mingguang to stay where he was, put his hand on his leg, and silently operated the Wood Dao Derivation Technique. After a while, Mingguang was able to stand up again.

"This..." Mingguang got up from the ground by himself, stood up and thanked Mufeng repeatedly.

Mufeng waved his hand and looked at the injuries of the other two, but they were lighter than Mingguang's.

Mufeng thought about it and also used the Wood Dao Derivation Technique to treat them. The two people recovered as before and bowed to Mufeng with gratitude.

"Okay!" Mu Feng stood up and said, "It's important to get down to business. Hurry up and tie up these wild boars and take them away. Otherwise, when the wild boars come to their senses, it will be difficult for us to leave!"

"Captain, the key is that these wild boars are too big and hard to catch!" Ming Guang said helplessly, "We can't set traps!"

He smiled helplessly: "Before catching them, I wanted to catch them all, but now there are only about twenty of them, and we have no other choice!"

"Why can't I?" Mu Feng said with a smile, "Bring the thickest and longest animal tendon rope I asked you to prepare!"

"Animal tendon rope?" Ming Guang hurriedly handed it out, "Here it is, I thought it would not be used!"

"How can it not be used?" Mu Feng smiled and said while making a loop of rope with animal tendon rope.

Then in front of so many people, he held one end tightly with one hand and the other end tightly with the other end.He held the animal tendon rope in one hand and rotated it, and the noose loop danced in the air into a circle.

This was the way to lasso horses that he learned at the Daur Conference on the Inner Mongolian grassland in his previous life, but now he used it to lasso pigs.

The world is wonderful, and it is not something that Mu Feng can explain in one word.

Then, in the confusion of the crowd, he threw out the loop and lassoed it to one of the wild boars that were raising their heads.


The loop was directly wrapped around the neck of the wild boar. Before it could react, Mu Feng pulled it in the opposite direction, and with both hands, he tightened the loop directly!

What shocked the Jiang clan members was that Mu Feng just struggled like this, and the wild boar was actually pulled into the trap by him!


I don't know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Great Chief, how can he be so strong?"

But Mu Feng shouted: "Why are you still standing there, help get this wild boar out!"

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