Dalong Mountain is not far from the Dajiang tribe, but because the Jiang clan is surrounded by three mountains, Mufeng and his team need to go around the northern mountain to get to Dalong Mountain.

Mufeng remembered that Mingguang took him to Dalong Mountain to catch fish two years ago, but it was summer at that time, and the ice in the lake melted. They waited for the fish to come to the shore with wooden sticks, and then caught the fish with one stick.

But this time it was Mufeng who brought them to Dalong Mountain, and the tools they brought were not just wooden sticks.

Before coming, Mufeng asked Lihu and Mingguang to take people to the back mountain to cut a lot of black bamboo, sharpen the bamboo, and make a simple harpoon.

Along the way, Mu Feng asked Ming Guang again: "There is a jungle near the tribe, so there should be wild animals. Why do you have to run all the way to other places?"

Ming Guang answered helplessly: "There are wild animals in the big forest near the tribe, but they are too cunning and we can't catch them!"

"Can't catch them?" Mu Feng was surprised, "What wild animals?"

"It's not a particularly powerful beast, it just runs very fast, it's a forest sheep." Ming Guang shook his head, "This forest sheep runs faster than a deer in the jungle!"

"This forest sheep will deliberately appear near our hunting area. As long as we get close, they will run away, and the noise they make will also make other wild animals guard against it!"

Mu Feng was surprised, and felt that this forest sheep seemed to have a high IQ.

Looking at Ming Guang's expression, it was clear that he was helpless with the forest sheep.

Mu Feng carefully searched the word "forest sheep" in his mind system, and soon another image of a forest sheep popped up, which was almost the same as the goat in his previous life. The difference was that its hair was mottled with yellow, brown and white, and its body was more agile.

"Well, we will raise this forest sheep in the future!" Mu Feng nodded to himself.

Mingguang was extremely surprised: "Chief... Mu Feng, the tribe doesn't have enough food now, how can we raise them!"

"Not enough now doesn't mean not enough in the future!" Mu Feng smiled, "Don't worry, let's go to the mountain to get enough food today, and then find a way to catch other wild animals!"


The group quickly arrived at the top of Dalong Mountain. There was indeed a large lake here, which looked as big as two football fields.

Everyone came to the lake, looked at each other, and finally looked at Mu Feng: "Mu... Mu Feng, there is ice here, what should we do?"

The people of the tribe finally adapted to it and changed their name from "Chief" to "Mu Feng".

Although they all looked embarrassed, their eyes were excited.

"Simple!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "Take out the bone knife and start chipping the ice!"

"What are you doing chipping the ice for?" Ming Guang asked curiously, "Aren't we here to catch fish?"

Mu Feng didn't answer but asked, "Where are the fish?"

Ming Guang was stunned and said subconsciously, "In the water, but it's all frozen now..."

Then he reacted, "I understand!"

Mu Feng nodded, "It's good to understand. Don't just stand there. Everyone, find a place to chip the ice. Keep a little distance and don't fall into the ice hole!"

"Yes!" The crowd gathered and started chipping the ice.

Bai Ya blew on his hands, his little face was red from the cold, and he was very cute. He came to Mu Feng and said, "Brother Mu Feng, will this work? We just chip the ice, and it doesn't mean that the fish are underneath!"

"Don't worry, no matter where we chip the ice, as long as there is an ice hole, the fish will appear!" Mu Feng said confidently.

At the same time, he thought to himself: "If you have seen fishing in Chagan Lake in the northeast in winter, it wouldn't be so strange!"

"Why?" Bai Ya's almond eyes blinked.

I don't know if it's because of the cold air on the lake, Bai Ya's eyes are covered with a layer of mist, which makes him more lively.

"Because the fish are trapped in the water by the ice, they also feel stuffy and need to come out to breathe!"

"Is that so!" Bai Ya tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Then can I go with you?"

"Of course!" Mu Feng smiled, "We will guard this hole and wait for the fish to show up."


After a while, the forty or fifty people who came each chiseled a hole in the ice, then put away the bone knife and looked at Mu Feng.

"Mu Feng, what should we do now?" Li Hu and Ming Guang asked at the same time.

"Now we just need to wait for the fish to show up. Just use our bamboo forks to stab the fish. If you don't know how to use bamboo forks, you can use wooden sticks!"

"But there are no fish now. Who can guarantee that they will appear..." Before Mingguang finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the ice hole in front of him with surprise.

A fish mouth that was almost half the size of a fist suddenly appeared in the hole, and it opened and closed its mouth and began to breathe!

Mingguang was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ah!" Bai Ya exclaimed, quietly looking at the ice hole, "There is really a fish!"

Mu Feng picked up the bamboo fork beside him, walked quickly to Mingguang, and pointed at the big fish.A direct poke under the fish's mouth!

"Puff!" With a muffled sound, Mu Feng felt a tremor in his palm.

The others looked at Mu Feng nervously, watching him bend over and look at the ice hole.

"Didn't hit it?" Bai Ya was nervous, his eyes were watery, and he was expectant.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng bent over and reached out, grabbed the bamboo fork with one hand, reached out to the ice hole with the other hand, dragged it directly upwards towards the bloody water, and then fell on the ice.

He pulled out of the ice hole with a big fish about one meter long, jumping around on the ice!

Seeing that the big fish was about to fall back into the ice hole, Mingguang quickly picked up the bamboo fork beside him to stop the big fish and block its way.

The big fish jumped a few more times, and then lay stiffly on the ice, motionless!

"Oh oh oh!" The crowd cheered, "There is really a fish!"

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