After seeing the giant python's huge head, everyone gasped and froze there, not daring to move.

Even Mingguang's hand, which was pushing the bushes, was frozen in the air, fearing that he would accidentally alarm the big guy.

Fortunately, the giant python just swam quickly with its back to them, and its huge head quickly disappeared.

Obviously, it had its own prey to chase.

When the rustling sound disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great Chief!" Li Hu put down his hand and breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was worried just now, fearing that he would be discovered by the giant python.

He suddenly realized that he might not have a specific enough understanding of the cruelty of primitive society.

For example, the danger in the wilderness!

"Have you seen this big python when you fetched water before?" Mu Feng asked.

"No!" Mingguang shook his head and lowered his voice, "I was almost scared to death just now!"

"Okay!" Mufeng waved his hand, "Go back quickly, don't let anything happen!"


Everyone shouted, carrying the yellow clay on their backs and continued to move forward.

But before they had walked far, Mingguang immediately waved his hand with an ugly face and stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Mufeng asked in a low voice.

"The python is back again!"

"Huh?" Mufeng quickly motioned everyone to gather together, put down the yellow clay on his back, picked up the bamboo spear and squatted back to back.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the "rustling" sound came from the grass again, and the "rustling" sound was accompanied by the rustling sound.

"Are there other beasts?" Mufeng was surprised and motioned Mingguang to take a look.

Mingguang nodded, stretched out his hand to dig the grass again, and saw the head of the python exposed from a distance.

But behind it, there were actually a few gray shadows jumping up from time to time.

Mu Feng only took a glance, and his heart skipped a beat: "Wolf?"

And Ming Guang also saw it, he exhaled heavily, and did not move.

He looked back at Mu Feng, with a questioning look on his face.

Mu Feng looked at the direction where the giant python and the wolf pack were running, and it turned out to be in front of the road they were going back to!

"Damn it!" Mu Feng cursed in his heart, "It can't be such a coincidence?"

What's even more coincidental is that the giant python turned its head in the bushes, shook off a gray wolf that pounced on its neck, lowered its body, and rolled over, landing directly in the middle of the road!

In an instant, several gray shadows flashed in the bushes like lightning, and all rushed towards the giant python.

The wolf pack and the giant python were less than 30 meters away from them!

"Captain, what should we do?" Ming Guang asked anxiously in an imperceptible voice.

Mu Feng quickly made a gesture of silence, indicating that he should not act rashly.

Mingguang had no choice but to slowly lower his body and watch the wolf-python battle at hand.

Before the python rolled over and got up, more than a dozen gray wolves pounced on the python like locusts, followed by a low "woooo" roar.

It was obvious that the wolf pack succeeded.

The python struggled several times, but failed, and was bitten to death by the wolves.

A disgusting smell of blood drifted with the wind.

None of the Jiang clan members dared to move.

Li Hu looked at Mu Feng again with an ugly face, and asked in a vague voice: "Chief, do you want to take a detour?"

Mu Feng shook his head. If there was any movement at this time and the wolves discovered it, they would definitely think that they were trying to steal prey.

The best way is to stay where you are and wait for the wolves to leave.

Li Hu had no better way, so he had to squat where he was.

But at this time, I don't know which tribe member moved unconvincingly, and the grass around him rustled instantly.

The wolves immediately noticed the movement, and all abandoned the giant python, and all looked at where Mu Feng and the others were, roaring "Awoo".

"Oops!" Mingguang exclaimed, picked up the bamboo spear beside him, and stood up.

"Don't..." Before Mu Feng could finish his words, the tribe members around him stood up one by one, picked up the bamboo spears and roared at the wolves!

"Oh my God!" Mu Feng's head was as big as a bucket, and he sighed in his heart, "Don't you have brains?"

But it was useless to worry about it now, because the wolves had lowered their bodies and fanned out to surround them.

"Protect the chief!" Mingguang shouted.

The Jiang clan members all surrounded Mu Feng in the center.

"Fuck!" Mu Feng cursed, knowing that he could not escape, he endured the tingling scalp and handed the shovel to Ming Guang who was in the front.

Ming Guang wanted to say something, but Mu Feng shouted in a low voice: "Take it!"

Ming Guang had no choice but to take the shovel.

The wolves had surrounded him, and at first glanceThere were about twenty of them, baring their teeth and growling at Mu Feng and the others.

"Damn it, I'm not going to die here today, am I?" Mu Feng thought to himself.

At the same time, he took out a bow and arrow from his back and quietly put the arrow on the string.

"If these wolves pounce on us later, don't panic! Those with bamboo spears should poke at the wolf's eyes, and those with sticks, Ming Guang, should hit the wolf's nose! If it doesn't work, hit their waists!"

"Why..." Ming Guang just opened his mouth and closed it again. He knew that this was not the time to ask questions.

Mu Feng didn't have time to explain. In his previous life, the old man on the grassland told him that wolves were "slim legs, tofu waist, broom tail and iron head".

What he told Ming Guang were the most vulnerable parts of the wolf.

What he wanted to do now was to find the wolf king of this group of wolves. This was the key to solving this danger!

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