Because it takes several days for pottery to dry in the shade, Mu Feng made a few commonly used pots and pans and placed them in the cave, and then went to do other things.

Although he only went to find yellow clay yesterday, Mu Feng realized that he did not know enough about the dangers of primitive society.

He thought that food was the biggest threat to the survival of the tribe, but now it seems that it is far more than that.

The giant python that is much larger than the records of later generations, the more ferocious wild wolves, and the wilderness farther away that even Mingguang was frightened when he mentioned it...

All kinds of natural dangers can endanger the safety of the tribe.

Even the wild boar caught not long ago, which was so close to them, Mingguang and his men never thought of hunting it.

And the wild boar never harassed their tribe - not because they didn't want to, but because they disdained it.

Mu Feng admitted this fact with great frustration. The human race - the Jiang clan was so weak that even wild boars disdained to harass them.

Of course, this is also most directly related to the poverty of the Jiang clan.

He thought that if it weren't for his arrow and bamboo spear yesterday, Mingguang and the others might have died there.

"Strength, strength is the hard truth!" Mufeng secretly clenched his fists, "You must be armed to the teeth from the inside out, and you must walk sideways when you leave the tribe in the future!"

"The inside is the tribe members themselves, and the outside is the tribe's defense."

"The weapons that the tribe can use now are sticks, bone knives and bamboo spears. They don't know how to make bows and arrows yet, but now they have them!"

Mufeng said to Mingguang, Lihu and others: "Uncle Lihu showed me a bow and arrow yesterday, a single piece, here, you can try it!"

He first wanted to confirm whether what he said yesterday was accurate.

Mingguang took the bow and arrow and was about to draw the string.

Mufeng reminded: "Pull the bow to the full force!"

Mingguang was puzzled, but still opened his hands and pulled it easily.

"Sure enough!" Mufeng nodded and turned to Hanshu, "You try it too!"

Hanshu was a little confused, but still took the bow and imitated Lihu, and it was also very easy.

Mu Feng understood and nodded, "It seems that a single-piece bow is not suitable for the two of you. At least a double-piece bow is needed."

"Single-piece bow, double-piece bow?" Ming Guang was surprised.

"Yeah!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "The single-piece bow is what I made. It is simple to make and convenient to use. But its range is not far and its speed is not very fast. If the target is prepared, it is still very likely to dodge!"

"Ah?" Ming Guang was stunned, "But you shot the wolf king's eyes in one go yesterday?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, "That's because it thought you were a big threat and just stared at you."

"Also, it has never seen a bow and arrow before, and doesn't know how to dodge!"

"You mean that such a single-piece bow is not the most powerful?" Ming Guang looked unbelievable.

"Of course!" Mu Feng nodded, "If you want the bow to be more powerful and not easy to dodge, then you have to have at least a double-piece bow or a triple-piece bow! A triple-piece bow can shoot farther, faster, and has greater power and strength!"

After a pause, Mu Feng frowned and said, "But a double-piece bow is very troublesome to make, and simply tying it together won't work."

Li Hu scratched his head in shame: "I really don't know how to make a double-piece bow..."

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Don't blame you, the binding position and bending position of the double-piece bow are very particular, which is different from the method of a single-piece bow!"

"And even if a double-piece bow is made, it's not enough to just have strength, you also need special string protection and methods."

"This..." Several people looked at each other, completely unable to understand what Mu Feng was saying.

Bai Ya's eyes widened, and he asked in confusion: "Brother Mu Feng, why don't I understand what you said?"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I'll teach you!"

Bai Ya stuck out his tongue: "Oh!"

Mu Feng thought about it, and he didn't know how to make a double-leaf bow, so he had to ask the system for help and spent 100 achievement points to exchange for the method of making a double-leaf bow.

He couldn't help but secretly gasp. The method of Jing Gulu only had 50 achievement points, and the double-leaf bow actually required 100 points!

And he also took a look at the exchange page of the system. It seems that there is a method of combining bows that can be exchanged later.

"Oh my! It seems that I thought making bows and arrows was too simple!"

He went through the specific method in his mind. The method of making a double-leaf bow is very precise, and it is measured in specific centimeters.

The problem is that the ruler in his carpenter's toolbox is made by size.

"What the hell!" Mu Feng muttered in his heart. He wanted to exchange it for a ruler, but it was not easy to create something out of thin air in front of several people.

But this was not difficult for him. It was just a centimeter scale. When he was in elementary school, his teacher taught him how to make a centimeter-based ruler.Measuring tools.

The specific standard is "one millimeter, pencil tip. One centimeter, fingernail width".

This means that one millimeter is equivalent to the width of a pencil tip, and one centimeter is equivalent to the width of an ordinary person's little fingernail.

In order to ensure that there is no mistake, Mu Feng took a bamboo piece and asked everyone to extend their little finger to measure the width of the fingernail on it.

Except that Mingguang's nails are obviously wider, Mu Feng, Li Hu and Han Shu have the same fingernail width even though they are different in height.

"It seems that this is fine, just accurate to centimeters."

He nodded, made a bamboo ruler about 30 centimeters long according to the position of one centimeter, marked it with burnt thin bamboo silk, and carved a mark with a knife, then smiled and said to the few people: "Okay, now let's make a double-piece bow!"

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