After digging the carrots, Mu Feng finally led the group to the river.

On the way, he handed in the carrot task, and his achievement points reached 3100 points!

He wanted to exchange for the Great Earth Dao Technique at that time, but when he thought about going back to find the wolf pack, his achievement points might have other uses, so he had to suppress the impulse in his heart.

The group was cautious and arrived at the river without any accidents.

With the experience of the last time, everyone started digging directly when they arrived at the place.

Mu Feng squatted by the river and continued to look through the grass, hoping to make new discoveries.

Last time, he found water celery by the river, and he had already earned 2,000 achievement points since he set out today, so he was very excited and thought that he could take advantage of this lucky momentum to see if he could earn another wave of achievement points.

However, ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

He dug by the river for a long time, but there was no new discovery.

"Alas!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart, "This is the only way!"

Since there is nothing new in the bushes, he can only go back to see how the yellow clay is being dug.

This time he brought more than fifty people, which is five times more than last time. Both the speed and amount of digging are far better than last time.

After all, after digging the clay this time, he will open a big kiln and burn enough pottery for the people of the tribe.

If possible, he will burn more, so that he can exchange pottery with Changning when he comes next time.

And once pottery can be fired on a large scale, the kiln firing technology can be upgraded.

Once the pottery firing technology is mature, metal can be smelted on a large scale.

With metal, the tribe will develop faster than the entire era!

"Oh, right! Metal smelting requires metal ores!" Mu Feng suddenly realized, "A lot of copper ores are found by the river."

Thinking of this, he hurried to the river again, looked left and right, and found that the shore was full of mud and grass, and there were no yellow or brown stones he wanted to find.

"Huh?" Mu Feng thought to himself, "There can't be no stones by the river. There is so much mud and grass here, but I can't see any stones. Why is that?"

He looked up and looked around, and at a glance, a wide and flat view was full of grass.

He looked at the flow rate of the river again, which was also very slow.

"It seems that this should be the downstream of the river." Mu Feng thought secretly, "Affected by the speed of the water flow, there are mostly big rocks in the upper reaches, pebbles in the middle reaches, and fine mud and sand in the lower reaches."

"The river here flows so slowly, it is either about to enter the lake or the sea. I just don't know how long this river is. If it is a big river, even if it is a tributary, it will be difficult..."

Mu Feng shook his head secretly: "It seems that it is unlikely to seamlessly connect pottery making and metal smelting! I can only think of other ways."

So he had to walk to Han Shu honestly: "How is it, when can I go back?"

"It has been dug and packed, and we can set off immediately!" Han Shu answered honestly.

"Okay!" Mu Feng nodded, "Ten people are free, and you will take bows and arrows to protect the others later. Be careful when you go back. If you encounter prey, you can shoot arrows, but you can't go far, understand?"

"Understood!" Han Shu nodded heavily, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

On the way here, he saw several horned deer, and he couldn't help but want to shoot, but was stopped by Mufeng.

Because Mufeng was worried that it would be inconvenient to carry the horned deer if he shot them, which would slow down their progress.

The most important thing is that Hanshu himself understands that hunting is very dangerous if it is not for hunting or on the way back.

As long as you don't return to the tribe as soon as possible, the blood flowing from the dead prey may attract some wild beasts.

This is also one of the reasons why Mufeng always managed to capture prey alive when he took them hunting before, which shocked the people of the tribe so much.

Fortunately, it is now the way back, and Mufeng also made it clear that hunting is allowed.

The most important thing is that he also understands that Mufeng wants to see how well he has practiced archery.

After getting permission, Hanshu seemed to have changed into a different person, with a rising momentum, carrying a large bow and a dozen bamboo arrows and walking at the front of the team.

At Mu Feng's instruction, they chose a route not far from the last route, and the speed of travel was slightly slowed down.

Everyone knew what Mu Feng was going to do.

Surprisingly, no one raised any objections - not only no objections, but some expectations that had never been seen before.

However, they encountered several horned deer before they left the grassland.

Han Shu was the first to notice the existence of the horned deer. He waved his hand, and everyone immediately squatted slowly. Then he quietly took out his bow and arrow, half-knelt in the grass, and began to aim silently.The horned deer not far away.

The ten hunters holding bows beside him also quietly drew their bows and pointed their arrows at the horned deer.

"One, two, three, four, five, five!" Mu Feng counted silently.

It seems that there should be a large herd of horned deer nearby, otherwise there would not be several groups of lone horned deer.

"Five horned deer, eleven people and eleven arrows, as long as they can perform normally, there will be no problem!" Mu Feng was calm and did not look at Han Shu and the others' expressions, waiting for the result.

Sure enough, in less than three minutes, five horned deer fell.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Han Shu was excited, but did not move without authorization, and asked Mu Feng in a low voice.

"Wait!" Mu Feng said only one word.

Han Shu nodded heavily, did not speak, and did not move.

He knew that the horned deer was just a bait.

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