Originally, Mu Feng was ready to use both kindness and force when necessary. He first let Han Shu and the others shoot a few wolves, and then he took the opportunity to exchange achievement points for an intermediate animal taming technique to tame a few wolves to guard the gate.

What surprised him was that these wolves showed signs of submission after seeing him.

This made it difficult for him to kill them.

However, he originally planned to take a few wolves back to keep them as guards, and there was no need to kill these wolves that did not taste good.

The best situation would be to take a few little wolves back, which would be easier to tame.

After all, adult wolves are wild and difficult to tame, and he did not dare to bring wolves into the tribe openly.

So he signaled Han Shu, who was ready to go, to stay calm, and he carefully recalled the communication calls of wolves in the primary animal taming technique, and tried to call out: "Awoo, awoo, awoo, awoo, awoo!"

The general meaning is: Who is the boss among you, come out and speak!

After shouting, Mu Feng felt a little uneasy. After all, the last time he used the elementary animal taming technique on the big wild boar, the effect was not as good as he thought.

But what surprised him was that after hearing his shout, the wolves in the pack stopped whimpering and looked at Mu Feng with wide eyes, as if wondering why this human could understand their language.

Sure enough, a gray wolf with a little brown on its forehead walked forward from the pack, looked at Mu Feng, lowered its tail, raised its head and roared at him: "Aww!"

Mu Feng was happy and said with a smile: "You are?"

He started to roar again.

Now everyone around was shocked and speechless. Mu Feng's image in their minds was already extremely tall, but they didn't expect that he could speak the language of wolves now!

Mu Feng had already communicated with the new wolf king and was waiting for a reply.

Just now, Mu Feng expressed to it his idea of ​​raising a few little wolves, and told the new wolf king that he wanted a few more adult wolves.

As a result, the new wolf king said that he could not give him adult wolves, and he had to discuss with the tribesmen as for the little wolves. After all, if the wolf pack wants to grow, it also needs the little wolves to expand the number of the wolf pack.

So Mu Feng told the wolf king that he must give him a few little wolves, and let them discuss the big wolves. If he didn't give them, he would treat them like he killed the wolf king last time.

Of course, if they know the time, these few horned deer in front of them can be given to them.

Coercion and inducement!

Of course, he communicated with the new wolf king with the wolf howl of "Awoo Awoo", and others naturally didn't know what it meant.

Han Shu looked worried and couldn't help asking, "Chief, what are you doing..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and smiled, "Ask the new wolf king for a few more wolf cubs to raise, and get two adult wolves back to guard the tribe!"

"Ah?" Han Shu screamed, "You want to raise wolves?"

When he screamed, Mu Feng quickly waved his hand to signal him, "Keep your voice down, don't scare these wolves!"

"What!" Han Shu thought he had heard it wrong, "Scare the wolves?"

Mu Feng waved his hand to signal him not to make any more noise, and shouted "Awooo" to the new wolf king again, urging him to give a quick reply.

The new wolf king was forced to respond with "Awooo".

Mu Feng frowned when he heard it, because the new wolf king told him that his tribe did not agree.

"Disagree?" Mu Feng sneered, "Han Shu!"

Before he finished speaking, Han Shu shot an arrow directly, which hit a wolf that was trying to escape with its tail between its legs.

Although the arrow didn't kill it, it tore off a palm-sized piece of fur from its body!

The wolf was in pain and showed its ferocity. It jumped up with a "woof" and was about to pounce on Han Shu.

Han Shu sneered, picked up the bow and stringed it again, and "whoosh" another arrow shot directly at the wolf that had just jumped up.

This arrow was so powerful that it pierced the wolf's skin and went into the wolf's stomach!

"Woo woo", the wolf fell heavily to the ground, wailing.

The three bows plus Han Shu's own strength and archery skills directly knocked down the wolf!

All the Jiang clan members, including all the wolves, of course, except Mu Feng, looked at Han Shu with a stern look in their eyes.

Mu Feng only looked at the wolf king with a smile at this time, and he didn't even bother to talk nonsense with him "woof", and snorted coldly.

Even so, the new wolf king understood what Mu Feng meant, and hurriedly responded to Mu Feng with a "wooo wooo", which meant: I will discuss it with them right away!

Mu Feng did not speak, but raised his hand and slowly said one word: "Han--"

The wolf king immediately shook his tail like a broken broom sweeping the floor, stirring up the surrounding grass all over the place, obviously compromising.

Mu Feng smiled and did not finish shouting the word "Han Shu", but waited for the new wolf king to reply again.

Of course, this time it "wowed" to express its meaning: five wolves are fine, no more!

Mu Feng was secretly happy. He hadn't planned to ask for more. After all, the tribe might not be able to afford more wolves, and the tribe was still relatively short of food.

But Mu Feng didn't want to give the new wolf king such a good deal, so he "wowed" and threatened again, saying that he needed a few more big wolves.

Now the new wolf king would never agree, just wagging his tail.

Seeing that it was almost done, Mu Feng pretended to give in and scolded the new wolf king, asking it not to attack the Jiang clan members when hunting nearby.

At the same time, he also told the wolf king that he would bring people to hunt here every once in a while, and then the wolf king would need to bring a group of wolves to cooperate, and the prey obtained could be shared with them.

If he didn't agree, he would destroy his tribe.

Coercion and inducement again!

This time, the new wolf king readily agreed.

And Mu Feng also grinned with satisfaction.

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