I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1000: what about my stuff

   Chapter 1000 Where is my stuff

   On the other side, Ah Fu, who was sitting in the huge off-road vehicle, seemed to feel something. He opened the window, stuck his head out and looked towards the sky ahead. On the skyline, he saw two black shadows, one large and one small.

   "Hehe~" Seeing these two shadows, Ah Fu couldn't help laughing, and the people next to him didn't know why he suddenly laughed.

   But after a while, Ah Fu began to remind the soldiers around him.

   "Attention, there are enemies coming towards us in the sky ahead."

Following Ah Fu's words, the surrounding soldiers quickly turned their attention to the horizon, and indeed saw two black dots. The two black dots were small at first, but gradually enlarged, which means that the two black dots The point is telling the move, and their direction is on their side.

   For a while, all the reloaded tanks stopped moving forward, and the anti-air attack weapons above began to slowly turn, aiming at the two black dots on the horizon.

   "All attention, prepare for battle."

   With the commander's deep voice, the soldiers were ready, and the barrels of barrels were aimed at the black spots that were galloping in the sky.

Maybe the distance between the two sides is too far. Watching the two shadows up and down constantly enlarge, there is no intuitive feeling about their movement speed, but when the two shadows appear in the eyes of the observation soldiers , but in an instant it passed over their heads!

The speed of    is staggering, and the reloaded Death God below has just activated the guidance system, and has already passed several kilometers.

   Soon, several red laser rays shot straight into the sky, but all of them felt lonely.

   "Hurry up, go back, contact the armed forces in the city, and stop those two people today no matter what!"

A'Fu yelled inside, and the soldiers of the Peace Association in Side Puguo City also quickly received the news, temporarily giving up the siege and suppression of the remaining forces of the Shenluo Group, and the smoke in the city has also subsided, but these are temporary. sexual.

   The paint man and Mo Jun were moving too fast. A powerful person could tell at a glance that one of them was abnormal, and the speed was too fast. The soldiers who witnessed it with their own eyes had strange thoughts in their hearts.

   "Hurry up! Hurry up for Lao Tzu."

Inside the giant off-road vehicle, Ah Fu yelled at the driver, but his speed had reached the limit, and it was difficult to control the direction. , or else it would have become a piece of broken iron.

In the back, Ah Fu felt that the speed was too slow, so he simply jumped out of the car, facing the direction of Puguo City, bent his knees, and his huge body jumped up with huge force, and the soil under his feet was instantly washed away. The shock sank into a large area, and the power that burst out in an instant made Ah Fu's speed reach an unprecedented level, rushing towards the two painters, Mo Jun, who were also heading to the side of Puguo City.

Even if he may face the attack of two sixth-order new human beings, Ah Fu is not afraid. His true identity is a sixth-order zombie, but the mutation of silver armor gives him an almost abnormal body, except for explosive attacks. Power, but also the shocking defensive power, which makes him directly invincible among the sixth-order creatures.

   In the attack of two sixth-order new human beings, he can be beaten for a long time, but he only needs a punch to name any one of them, that is a serious injury! It may even die outright!

   So in the face of two sixth-order new humans, Ah Fu is not afraid at all!

   It's just that he didn't know that one of them was a seventh-order new human who existed like a legend!

On the paint man's side, in less than a minute, he galloped back to Sidepuguo from ten kilometers away. When he first entered Sidepuguo, he saw that a large number of Peace Corps soldiers had gathered on the street below. , At the moment when he just entered the city, all kinds of laser rays poured in like no money.

   But the paint man didn't care about these soldiers. For him, the most important thing right now was the thing he lost. It was the thought of his life, like the plush rubber band that had been hidden in Tang Ye's body.

   That item holds all of his soul, but the difference is that Tang Ye's plush elastic carries a good memory, while his teddy bear carries a lifetime of misery.

The movement speed of the    seventh-order new human being is astonishing, but the flight time in the air is too short, and soon, his body began to slide down, immediately straightened his body, and the paint man controlled himself to fall into the ground.


The falling stone was earth-shattering, the huge force would evaporate, and the ground was trampled into a big hole by one of his feet. , with arms outstretched, and two white flight tracks drawn with both hands in the air.

   After a while, the paint man came to the place where he fought with Chen Zhouan before, but at this time, most of the corpses there had been cleaned up, and there was a medical staff on the spot to treat the wounded who did not die directly.

After    found the place, the paint man immediately fell with a loud "bang", and he cut a big hole in the ground again. He suddenly appeared and scared the surrounding medical soldiers.

Looking at him wearing a human-skin hood, the medical staff immediately realized that this person was not a good stubble, and ran away without even thinking about it, while the other people were so frightened that their legs were weak and could not walk at all, so they could only stare blankly. Painted man, can fall from the air and step on the ground like this, I am afraid that he has the strength of a sixth-order new human.

   Fortunately, the paint man was not in the mood to torture them, but looked around.

   In about half a minute, I don't know how many times the mood in the paint man's eyes has changed.

   I saw his figure flashed, the speed of a seventh-order new human being, and the people around couldn't see it clearly. In an instant, a medical staff was picked up by the paint man's neck.

   "Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff? Tell me?"

   He searched the place where he and Chen Zhouan were fighting so many times, but he didn't even see the shadow of the toy bear, and Chen Zhouan's body was also gone, so he could only be thrown somewhere by these damned guys.

   The medical staff who was picked up by the paint man was so frightened that his face twitched, and he stuttered for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence.

   "You...you you you...you are..."

"what are you talking about?"

  Ugh~ Ah!

   Paint Man suddenly roared, his voice indescribably crazy!

   "My stuff! Where is it!"

His voice has been twisted and changed in madness, like an evil beast grinding its teeth, but the medical staff and the staff were completely speechless, his body was shaking, his crotch became wet, and he was obviously scared to pee by the paint man's appearance. .

   (end of this chapter)

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