I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1051: Transition 14

   Chapter 1051 Transmutation 14

   Nguyen Chao En is a typical villain, the kind who will seek vengeance.

   He never thought that one day he would become a high-level leader of a major faction, and when he climbed to this position, he believed that he was no worse than the other seven generals, and naturally he would not be willing to belong to the bottom of this circle.

   He doesn't want to know how this happened, nor why! All he knew was that someone killed his man!

   He is also an admiral! In terms of equal status, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone!

   He knew the corpse lying there, and the image was very deep. It was called Ding Fulong. He was very good at talking and pleasing him, but he was dead!

   His eyes became colder and colder, and the killing intent emanating from him almost solidified into reality!

  The cold eyes, like the edge of a blade, looked at the soldiers on the two bars.

   "Who are you from?"

   "Our general is General Huang." A few two-bar soldiers were not at all afraid, because they were backed by generals, and they didn't believe that Ruan Chaoen would kill them here without giving Huang Quanjiu face!

But they were wrong. The more they were neither humble nor arrogant, the more Ruan Chaoen felt that he was looking down on himself, and he sneered: "You must also look at the owner when you beat a dog, let alone killing a dog! If you kill him, do you put me in the spotlight? In your eyes?"


   The faces of the two-bar soldiers changed. Ruan Chaoen's tone made them feel that something was wrong. Then, the wind blew up and the gravel danced. When they saw clearly, Ruan Chaoen had disappeared from the spot!

   The killing intent reflected on the waning moon, and the soldiers with two bars only felt that they were surrounded by countless beasts!

   "Whoever kills me must understand the consequences!"

   With Ruan Chaoen's roar, a cold light passed through the bodies of the three fourth-order new human soldiers, and then, their bodies instantly turned into two halves!

   The remaining two Tier 3 new human soldiers were slumped to the ground in fright.

   "Admiral Ruan, you can't mess around. The vice president said that you can't kill people in the Lianhe District!"

   "According to you, my people are not human anymore?"

   The words of the two soldiers made Ruan Chaoen even more angry, and rushed forward!

   But just at the critical moment, a figure rushed over at a high speed, the sound of swords colliding sounded, the air waves swayed in all directions, and Wei Ba and everyone around were swept away more than ten meters away.

   "What's the matter?"

   Wei Ba looked terrified and looked at the messy scene.

   "Ruan Chaoen, how dare you do something to my people!"

   "You came just in time!"

   "Another admiral-level person is here!"

   "Another general? Is there... two level 6 evolutions?"

   "No, the two generals are fighting, run!"

   "Why run?"

   "It is very destructive, if you don't run, you can be shocked to death!"

Hearing this, Wei Ba and several people who came out of the shelter ran wild, and behind, a bigger movement sounded, looking back, large pieces of gravel were shaken dozens of meters high, and the ground was shaking. , the buildings collapsed.

"I go!"

  Wei Ba couldn't help screaming, this kind of destructive power can no longer be described by human beings.

   And the huge commotion here, also quickly spread to the Zhongtong District.

The Liantong District occupies a very large area. Even if two sixth-order new human beings are fighting there, in the central ruling area, it is as calm as before. On the top floor of the Peace Building, Tang Ye looked at the content being played on his mobile phone and shook his head. .

   "What a bunch of lunatics."

The video content on the mobile phone is about the corpse **** religion. Seeing those people blindly worship him, Tang Ye doesn't know what kind of feeling he has in his heart. Very incomprehensible.

This kind of crazy action will of course offend the status of some rulers, and the first to take action against the corpse gods is Yu Hate, who is also called the hegemon of North China by him. A month later, the Jinfeng Group under his hands organized armed forces Power to destroy the followers of the corpse religion.

The video progress bar had just passed away, and before the screen of the mobile phone was black, a cup of sour plum soup was brought to him. Tang Ye looked at it. It should be made of concentrated sour plum juice without adding too much water. One's own taste, after all, as a zombie, when eating human food, he needs a heavier taste.

   "Brother, go back to your room after drinking, don't step on it, I just dragged the ground."

   heard Li Qingtian's voice next to her, the ground was dragged brightly, and there was a damp smell in the air. This sister is still the same as before, she loves cleanliness very much, even to the point of seriousness.

Both Li Henian and Tang Ye himself are the opposite of Li Qingtian. They will not take the initiative to clean things wherever they are used. Before the end of the world, Tang Ye would reluctantly clean his room unless it was too dirty to look at. .

   Living with Li Qingtian, Tang Ye was a little uncomfortable with the other's cleanliness, but he was happy to enjoy it.

   After saying this, Li Qingtian ignored Tang Ye and walked outside with a watering pot filled with water. Tang Ye knew that it was time for Li Qingtian to water the flowers again.

Taking a last look at the night scene outside, Tang Ye carefully stood up and walked to his room, but before taking a few steps, he heard the sound of the elevator door opening, and a male voice came from outside, it was Dai Changhao, this guy is now It is also a sixth-order new human being, one of the high-level combat powers of the Peace Club, and is responsible for the intelligence department of the Lianhe District.

   "Marshal, something happened! Uh...Sister Qingtian."

   "What's wrong, what happened?" Li Qingtian asked suspiciously.

   "It's not good, there is a fight in the B area of ​​Chenkun. General Ruan and General Huang are fighting. It's fierce! Several brothers have died."

   Tang Ye was stunned when he heard these words, and then his eyes flashed coldly. He had explicitly forbidden that all members of the Peace Club were not allowed to fight within each other, let alone kill each other!

   turned around and walked out of the door on the spot, and said to Dai Changhao, "Take me there, it's the other way around!"

   "I'll go too." Li Qingtian put down the watering can in his hand, and followed suit.

Tang Ye nodded, now Li Qingtian is also a sixth-order new human being, her strength should not be underestimated, and she has a strange **** ability that even he himself does not understand. Now the fourteen sixth-order silver-armored zombies in Longyang City are all Her pet, under her control, even Xu Haihui could not grab the dominance.

  According to Xu Haihai, Li Qingtian's dominance and his dominance are not in the same form at all, and he also doesn't know what form of **** it is.

   "Go, just at the South-A17 entrance."

After all, the three people went downstairs quickly, and in the square below the Peace Building, many people had already received the news, among them several generals, after seeing a few people in Tang Ye, they hurriedly told him After reporting the situation, he rushed to the place where Ruan Chaoen and Huang Quanjiu were fighting.

   (end of this chapter)

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