I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1060: Phagocytosis aberration

   Chapter 1060 Devouring Aberrations

   "This is absolutely impossible to be a zombie."

   At this time, Xu Haihui came to Tang Ye and said solemnly.

  Tang Ye glanced at Xu Haihai and asked, "Why?"

   "It's a bit like the product after being parasitized, but there are many trends that I can't understand, but from what I know about zombies, they don't have the characteristics of zombies, it's like, there is no anti-life substance?"

   said, Xu Haihui opened his mouth, and a corpse worm without a carapace came out, crawling back and forth in his hand.

What more to say, but at this time, the two saw that a deformed body had come to a place not far in front of them, and the face that had been invisible did not know where the "quack" was piercing. The voice, and then, its body split in half against Tang Yexu Haihui!

   Immediately, a large amount of black and red liquid was ejected from it with a "bang", and the sergeant next to him changed his eyes and shouted: "Dangerous, the vice president of the marshal, get out of the way!"

Saying that, he resisted Tang Ye and Xu Haihui and piled them aside, and Tang Ye and the two also took advantage of his strength to dodge to the side, and a large amount of liquid sprayed from the body of the aberration was poured on the body. On the ground, there were several Peace Corps soldiers who didn't have time to escape. They were smeared with these sticky and disgusting liquids, and fell to the ground in the next second, crying.

   "What happened to them?" Tang Ye asked.

   "They were infected."


   "Well, as long as they are directly contacted, they will end up like them."

   "This..." Tang Ye was speechless all of a sudden, what kind of infectious ability is this, it's too terrifying!

   "Marshal, why..."

   At this moment, the sergeant next to him stopped talking, his eyes were full of doubts and hesitation, Tang Ye knew what he was going to say, and said in a deep voice, "These are not zombies."

"Ah? It's not a zombie?" The soldier was taken aback, looked at the aberrations, and then looked at Tang Ye. It seemed that these things were indeed different from zombies, but such things were only known by a strange race like zombies. Appearance may be caused by the appearance of anti-living substances, how could it not be zombies?

   But it was not easy for him to ask again. Tang Ye said that if it was not a zombie, it would not be a zombie, but he always wanted to know what these things were.

In front of them, several soldiers who were in contact with the black and red viscous liquid sprayed by the previous aberrations cried out, and their bodies quickly decayed, and the flesh and blood on their bodies lost their original adhesion, as if they had been changed into flower knives. The ham is repeatedly fried in boiling oil and then split into pieces.

   After a few more seconds, the soldier's miserable wailing turned into an unconscious roar, Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, and instantly realized that this was no longer a human being!

   In just sixteen seconds, a living new human has completed the mutation and turned into a monster without any sense of thinking!

   When his painful eyes opened again, only the most primitive aggression remained!

  's body stood up, and when it was about to attack others, a force of nothing but resistance came from its head, and its face was smashed to the ground!


  Tang Ye stomped the mutant who had just stood up on the ground with one foot, and his unrecognizable head instantly burst open with the huge force! Black and red blood splattered with yellow pus was everywhere, and fortunately, the surrounding reaction was fast enough, so it was not splashed by these disgusting liquids.

   Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!

Just when Tang Ye stepped on his head and exploded, an incredible scene happened. The headless corpse of this aberration was still wriggling violently, and in the rotten flesh that was sputtered around Tang Ye, one root after another. The rotten meat sticks twisted on the ground like maggots!

   and Xu Haihai looked at each other, both of them looked solemn.


  These aberrations can't be killed. This ability is similar to his own. Tangye's hive consciousness can be distributed in all parts of the body. Even when the body is broken into countless parts, it can be reorganized and even become a new individual.

   "Marshal, there are more and more things inside, we have to expand our defense line."

   A soldier ran from a distance and said to Tang Ye, in front, the number of those aberrations is increasing, and the original defense line area can no longer wrap it.

  Tang Ye nodded, his heart was agitated for a while, this matter is troublesome!

   But in the next second, Tang Ye's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that the high-level silver-armored corpses hidden in the Union Area began to come here. He quickly understood that this was Li Qingtian, and Li Qingtian was summoning these silver-armored corpses!

   As for what she was going to do, Tang Ye could quickly guess that she wanted to use the devouring power of zombies to see if they could eat these mutants and kill these monsters!

   Just don’t know if this method will work.

Not long after, a six-meter-long giant silver-armored corpse jumped down from the roof of the building in the distance and smashed heavily into the aberration group in front. , The silver scales on his body are like armor, like an ancient general.

   Looking at the deformed body like a tide, the two zombies let out deafening roars.

When I saw the silver armored corpse, those disgusting aberrations surrounded it, but when I finally found out that the two silver armored corpses were not living creatures, I suddenly lost interest and started from the surrounding of the two silver armored corpses, except for a few that did not respond. The deformed body screamed "hoho", opened its tentacles and bit on the body of the silver armored corpse, but in exchange, the flesh and blood on its body detached in a large area, and then it was trampled by the behemoth in front of it.


A roar resounded through the sky, and when people heard this roar, they suddenly felt a very strange and indescribable feeling. If they just stopped fearing these murderous zombies before, but at this time, when they heard the zombies unique After the bloodthirsty and violent roar, they felt extremely cordial, because they were familiar and because they understood.

   "It seems that these things are really not zombies."

   "Made, zombies are much cuter than these guys."

The soldiers began to expand the line of defense step by step, and the silver armored corpse inside followed Li Qingtian's advice and opened the corpse's mouth to devour the aberrations below. The result was very satisfactory. After these aberrations entered the mouth of the zombies It only caused dissatisfaction in its own consciousness, but these aberrations will no longer appear outside activities.

   And the infected molecules on the aberration body have no interest in the flesh and blood of the zombies, they just stayed for a while and then slipped down without causing the skin of the Shining Armor to rot.

   seems to have found that using zombies to devour aberrations has an effect, Tang Ye felt that the silver armored corpses that were coming here were speeding up.

   (end of this chapter)

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