I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1111: everything has changed

   Chapter 1111 Everything has changed

   "Cut, you can advance to the fourth level first."

   "Xueyue Pavilion is tired of playing, why don't we go to the newly opened restaurant in the south of Zhongtong?"

   "That little restaurant?"

   "It seems to be called Xifeng."

   "I know that, it was opened by the vice president."

   "Hey hey hey..."

   "Go. Let's go in..."

   Several soldiers in short sleeves chatted and laughed, and from time to time they let out extremely obscene laughter, and then walked into the dormitory.

   After a few people walked into the dormitory, they first saw the two empty beds in the back. They were silent for a while, and then they saw Xiao Hu sitting on the second lower bunk on the right.

Suddenly, the faces of several people who were still smiling suddenly stiffened. They didn't speak any more. Their eyes were full of disgust. .

  Xiao Hu raised his head quickly when he saw them coming in, and their smiles disappeared instantly in front of him.

   "Go, go wash up."

   One of them said in an indifferent tone, as if he didn't know Xiao Hu at all.

   The other people also nodded, without even looking at Xiao Hu, strode forward, picked up their own basin, picked up various toiletries, and walked out together.

   "Wait for me!" Xiao Hu said quickly.

   Then he took out his own toiletries from the bed and quickly followed a few people. Lao Cao, who was at the back, glanced at Xiao Hu and frowned, while the people in front also looked at each other.

   Soon, a person looked up at the ceiling, as if there was something there, then waved his hand with disgust on his face, and said, "I don't wash it!"

   "Yes, go to bed, there is always a follower who likes to mess with Lao Tzu."

   Several people chatted impatiently, the tone of voice had long since lost the random jokes they had in chatting before, but was decisive, as if facing an enemy.

   And people get upset when they see the enemy, and even want to kill him!

So, everyone turned around and entered the dormitory. Five people passed by Xiao Hu, and one of them hit Xiao Hu's shoulder with his shoulder. Because the force was too strong, this collision directly caused Xiao Hu to pass. The whole person fell to the ground, covering his shoulders and groaning.

   "You..." Xiao Hu looked wronged, but he also understood that it was all because of himself.

Ding Fulong is a very good person and has a lot of loyalty. There is no problem with his character. Even if such a person is in the end of the world, he can get along well with everyone, and he is so good to his own people. , but for the enemy, it will be cruel to the horror.

People like    can be said to be the protagonists in the novel.

   Everyone's eyes are not blind, and they naturally know that it is the most reliable to hand over to Ding Fulong than to hand over their back to others.

But such a person died. The reason for all this is because of Xiao Hu himself. It may be because of his weakness that he attracted a lot of bullies. However, when he met someone like Ding Fulong, the other party made a righteous shot, even at the risk of killing people. , resulting in his death.

Xiao Hu is also very guilty in his heart. If there are people he respects in this world, then there are only three, two are his parents, and the third is Ding Fulong. This is the unfair incident he suffered. The first one willing to help.

   However, such a person died.

   There are many people who follow Ding Fulong and regard him as the only good brother in their life. All Ding Fulong died because of Xiao Hu because of these hatreds!

   They think that all this is because of Xiao Hu!

It may be that Xiao Hu's character is destined to be bullied. He is weak and cowardly. Even when Ding Fulong was facing the censorship after his death, he did not dare to tell the real truth. The reason is ridiculous, it was because he told the truth. Will be bullied by more people later.

  Because he thought too much, he thought that even if he told the truth, he would never meet someone like Ding Fulong to help him again, so he chose his own idea and thought it was right.

But often people like Xiao Hu think too much, like to be a good person at both ends, but they don't know that his behavior has always been in the eyes of people, like a clown who has been acting smart on the stage. The people who came to the audience laughed.

  Xiao Hu also realized that it was because of his personality that he wanted to change too.

   As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

   Even if he is determined to change, he can't help but look forward and backward when he encounters something, hesitating.


  Boom! Bang bang bang! Following the voice of Wang Dabiao, the head of the house, the others smashed the toiletries in their hands on the shelf. As far as they are concerned, Xiao Hu is completely a broom star, it is best to get out of this dormitory if you can't stand it here!

   Lao Cao went to the head of the bed and turned off the light. Xiao Hu wanted to put his toiletries back, but Lao Cao pushed him back.

   "What are you doing?"

"Brother Cao, it's too messy there, the housekeeper will be punished after the ward round." Xiao Hu pointed to the shelf where the washbasin was placed, and said carefully, he wanted to use this sentence in exchange for Everyone present had some good feelings for him, but people didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, they just thought he was being self-indulgent.

   "None of your business! Hurry up and get me back to bed!"

   Lao Cao roared violently, which also attracted the attention of the soldiers on duty outside.

   "Hey, brothers, keep your voice down. It's okay to quarrel, but don't fight. Knowing your business, don't embarrass us."

Lao Cao turned his head and glanced out the window, his roar from the sea was heard by the people outside, and then he pushed Xiao Hu onto the bed and walked to the window, with a bright smile on his originally cold face. .

   "It's okay, just kidding."

   "That's good, just be careful, it can't stand your tossing inside." The soldier downstairs also said with a smile.

   "Understood." Lao Cao nodded, retracted his head, got into bed, covered the quilt, and started to sleep.

   Xiao Hu, who was on the bed in front, looked around, the lights were turned off, everyone was already sleeping on the bed, covering their heads with quilts, as if they didn't want to see anything.

In the past, when Ding Fulong was still there, this dormitory never went to bed so early, that one or two o'clock at night, and Ding Fulong could mingle with those comrades who were dormitories, even if they were discovered, those people I will also join in, play cards, and have a hot pot together. The atmosphere in the dormitory is very good.

After    Dante Fulong died, everything changed.

   (end of this chapter)

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