I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1139: Just like this

   Chapter 1139 Just this mouthful

"I'll never forget the day my wife was killed by those **** zombies, all parts of her body were scattered in front of me, you know, that was the first time I saw the structure of a human body so realistically !"

   Miao Luo's tone of voice began to become strange, he seemed a little crazy, the more he said that bloodshot eyes gradually appeared in his eyes, it could be seen that Miao Luo was very angry now.

"When my wife died, I was very scared, I was cowardly, I watched her surrounded by a large group of zombies, I didn't help, I ran away, I went back to my house, and watched the group of zombies scattered outside After opening, my wife's blood was scattered all over the place."

"My wife's death made my sons and daughters beat me hard. I didn't blame them, because I knew it was all my cowardice. Later, my daughter and son stayed in my house with me. It has been several months. During that time, Brother Song, you should also know that people always have the darkest months when the apocalypse has just begun. Yes, it is indeed very dark. All the food has been eaten. We are afraid of zombies and dare not go out to find food. We survived that period of hunger. Usually, we relied on cockroaches crawling out of the sewers for food. Although it was disgusting, at that time. , no one cares about the consequences of eating these foods."

"The feeling of hunger can really make people crazy, and they just want to fill their stomachs. At that time, we were drooling at the pokes of plastic buckets full of swill on the opposite street, and there were even a few days of me They fought with my son and daughter."

   "Do you know why?"

   "Why?" Song Muyuan asked curiously.

   "We're hungry..."

"Oh~" Song Muyuan nodded. He was a zombie and didn't feel anything about eating people, but soon, Miao Luo, who was opposite, was stunned when she saw the flat expression on Song Muyuan's face, but Miao Luo Respond quickly.

It seems that this Song Muyuan is also someone who has experienced this, but unlike himself, Miao Luo himself only had the idea of ​​killing his son and daughter to feed his hunger at that time, but he was just thinking about it. He has survived until now. It kept the bottom line of human morality, and did not really kill people to feed their hunger like those lunatics.

   But this Song Muyuan is different. The disapproving expression on his face seems to be saying that he has done such things, and he has done many, many things. Otherwise, how could he not have the slightest change in the matter of eating people?

But this kind of thing is not easy to say clearly. After all, at that time, human nature was the ugliest. People who can basically live to this time have done some angry things at that time. At that time, don't be cruel, I can't live now. If I want to live, I will use everyone around me as a tool and trade their lives for my own.

   Including the time of Miao Luo, in order to survive, he did everything, and everything he did was to illustrate the darkest nature of human nature.

"But at that time, I was hungry for so many days, and the cockroaches crawling out of the sewers didn't look so normal. We didn't put our mouths down hahaha~ I was so hungry that I lost the strength, and we couldn't move after just a short fight. It seems that in the eleventh month, the army of the state organization passed by our Xujiang. At that time, there were too many people to be rescued. The more question was where should the rescued people be placed, and then , that army just rescued the survivors it encountered along the way."

"I was hungry that day. In order to live a few more days, I slept all day anyway, because I can't feel hungry when I sleep. It should be at noon. It was quiet outside, but suddenly we heard from outside. The screams came, and then I went out to look outside and saw a lot of people running out of the building. We were also taken aback. I thought everyone in Xujiang City would be dead by that time. Well, it's a little surprising to see so many people suddenly."

"At that time, we heard from a person that an army had passed from our Xujiang City, and then my daughter and son followed the group of people and rushed outside desperately. Do you know that scene? The streets are full of zombies. A large group of people don't want to squeeze the corpses. It's a big loss. People outside were caught and killed a lot. My son and daughter were lucky and we were inside. I saw the army in the street cleaning up the zombies on the street along the way."

"However, it was also crowded with people, not only us, but also the crowds from other places that rushed to our side. Before we got there, I heard the broadcast on the armored vehicle saying that the people above were full. We couldn't hold it even if we came here, don't you know, we were all crazy at that time. No one walked forward, we just kept rushing. We too, we caught up and pulled all the people on the military transport vehicle down, and then we Climb up, the soldiers behind can't stand it anymore, and shoot at people who haven't come up yet, my son was killed at that time..."

  Miao Luo said more and more vigorously. From his eyes, he could see his madness at that time, and he did not do anything to survive, and Song Muyuan was also fascinated by it. This is a very, very good adventure story.

But just when Miao Luo wanted to continue speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the box, which made Miao Luo's words stop. He looked at the closed box door, frowned, and after a while, he said, "Come in. ."

   "Yes, Mayor."

A steady and slightly charming female voice sounded outside, making people feel as if they were scratched by a cat, but the lock of the box door was opened from the outside. A woman with legs, looking like a royal sister, wearing black silk and a black and white maid outfit walked in, holding a dinner plate upright, and she came to Miao Luo steadily.

   "Mayor, it's time for dinner."

  Miao Luo's face was a little embarrassed, she waved her hand and said, "Is it for two people?"


   "Then you put it here and go out."

   "Yes." The tall slender woman nodded and walked out. Miao Luo glanced at Song Muyuan and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, Brother Song, I don't have any hobbies, so this is fine."

   "It's fine." Song Muyuan didn't know what was going on, so he could only wave his hand at a loss.

PS: As for why I didn’t update it yesterday, I’m too lazy to explain it. It seems too much of a problem. In fact, it’s not a big deal. My sister at home is going to go to junior high school to get the new crown vaccine uniformly, and the shop at home needs to be watched by someone. I was on the road all day and arrived at 12 o'clock in the evening, so I couldn't update it in time. I'm sorry everyone, my thoughts were so good that day.

   (end of this chapter)

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