I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1147: bad picture

   Chapter 1147 Bad picture

   "Fuck! Hurry up ahead!"

  The people below the stairs blocked all the passages, and the people behind could not walk a step for a long time. Under the threat of death, the people behind gradually became impatient, and the scene was chaotic. Where is the well-trained appearance in the past?

   "Those who ride on a horse will fall down. If we don't hurry up, we will all die here."

At this time, someone couldn't take it anymore, so they took a few people and walked to the place behind where there were few people. There was a toilet in that place, and there was a window in the toilet. By now, someone has come from the window. Jumping down, after all, they are all new human beings, and jumping out of the window will not cause any harm to themselves.

The only danger is that the people below are obviously here to kill people, and they are already prepared. They will find them when they go down. They don't have a weapon in their hands, and they will be greeted with a death sentence, so people are more willing to face it with everyone. Survival rate will be higher.

   "Forget it, I jumped out of the window and continued to block with you here. I don't know how I died."

As someone jumped from the window, more people started to jump from the window, and someone jumped below, and immediately met those people from the Second Army, and saw the scorched stump and broken arm on the ground, The soldiers of the Eighth Legion suddenly became angry.

   A murderous intent erupted, rushing towards those people with bare feet and empty fists, but as a result, the laser pierced his head before he touched anyone!

But as more and more people rushed downstairs, the soldiers of the Eighth Legion rushed towards them like crazy. At this moment, it was like the soldiers of the Second Legion killed Wang Dabiao and a group of people yesterday, but the difference is that this The revenge of the Second Army came prepared, they were not as unprepared as Wang Dabiao and the others.

Therefore, when the soldiers of the Eighth Legion rushed towards them with bare feet and empty fists, they were quickly blasted to pieces by laser weapons, and their stumps and arms flew around. hell.

In the dormitory building, more and more people ran out of the stairs and ran towards the nearest window, but the soldiers of the Second Corps downstairs were so powerful that the laser weapon attack could even penetrate the entire building. Dormitory building, enter the building.

"Hurry up!"

   Seeing that someone had escaped from the window, more people chose to give up taking the stairs and rush towards the window in different directions.

   "Those **** outside are the people of the Second Legion!"

"Damn it! Go down and kill them!" Someone found out that the soldiers from the Second Legion who were attacking their dormitory below could not help roaring. All the soldiers of the Eighth Legion in the dormitory were angry when they heard the news. , with a strong suffocating aura in his eyes, I can't wait to go down immediately and kill all the soldiers of the Second Legion who are not good here!

As a result, a large number of people jumped out of the window, but some of them were unlucky. Before they reached the window, they were hit by a high-penetration laser into the building and directly pierced through his body. It burned on this man, and his body was ripped into several parts by the laser, which made the people around him stunned.

   In the next second, the wall on the side of the stairs collapsed in a large area, and the side of the entire dormitory building facing west was torn down by the intensive laser rays.

  The large tracts of lasers entered the dormitory without any obstruction, and the soldiers of the Eighth Legion on the third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor and higher floors fell under the laser attack like reaping wheat.

  The flames are burning everywhere!


  Wang Dabiao waved to Xiao Hu and the others, motioning for them to go faster.

"Fuck! My leg is injured!" One of the people's face was twisted. On his left calf, a large piece of flesh and blood turned black. This was injured by a laser weapon, but the laser weapon did not hit directly. , it was only burnt by the scorching heat of the attack from the laser weapon, so this kind of injury occurred.

And such an injury is not a serious injury, but it is enough to reduce a person's mobility a lot, but fortunately it did not hit directly, the highest here is the fourth-order new human, unless the fifth-order new human, if the fifth-order is below The new human being was directly hit by the attack of the laser weapon, then sorry, either dead or seriously injured!

Xiao Hu saw that this roommate was limping, ran over to support him, and ran forward with all his might. Now all the walls of the dormitory building behind them have collapsed. Take revenge on the soldiers of the Second Legion who are themselves and others!

   Stay here for an extra second and the risk of death increases.

   Lao Cao shouted and asked the one who was running in front to jump to another window, then speeded up and ran to the nearest window to occupy it.

   "Da Biao, come here! Old Xu, hurry up too!"

   "Old Cao, you go down first."

   "I'll be taken when I go down, hurry up, Da Biao, you go down first, Xiao Hu, you follow with Sanguzi on your back, then Lao Xu and the two of you, I'll go down last, hurry up!"

Several people also knew that now was not the time to argue about who came first, Wang Dabiao nodded, rushed to the window where Lao Cao was in a few steps, turned over and jumped down, and then, Xiao Hu carried his roommate on his back. also followed.

   "Hurry up, hurry up!" Lao Cao Zai urged.

Xiao Hu didn't dare to delay too much time. He switched to a safer way and jumped down with his roommate on his back. However, because he was carrying a person behind his back, his movements were a bit clumsy. After coming out of the window, he grabbed with his hands. Live on the window edge on the next floor and slow down the downward trend.

   "Xiaohu, come down, I'll catch you." At this time, Wang Dabiao was already waiting below, and when he saw Xiaohu's cautious appearance, he shouted.

"it is good!"

   Xiao Hu replied, stretched out his hands, and jumped down. Wang Dabiao, who was already downstairs, caught Xiao Hu in time when he was about to fall to the ground.

"Come down!" Holding Xiao Hu, Wang Dabiao shouted to the top again. After a while, another roommate also leaned out of the window, moved his limbs, and stretched out his body from the window, and then his hands He grabbed the edge of the window and let go of his hand, and the whole person easily jumped off the fourth floor.

Then, it was Xu Qiang, but at this time, an accident happened. When Xu Qiang had just hanged his body by the edge of the window, a mass of flesh and blood splashed out from the window they climbed out of, and there was a laser "swoosh". It almost flew into the distance against Xu Qiang's face.

  The expression on Xu Qiang's face froze instantly, and Wang Dabiao and the others below were also stunned, and a very bad picture appeared in their minds.

   (end of this chapter)

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