I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1149: ask them why

   Chapter 1149 You have to ask them why

   Even though the opponent's body was dead and his body stopped moving, Wang Dabiao was still twisting the iron rod in his hand, as if he was venting something.

   But after a while, Wang Dabiao's body froze, and the roommate in front made a shrill voice.


Wang Dabiao's eyes were dull. In his eyes, he saw a stream of blood spurting out of his chest. At the same time, there was also a laser. His blood touched the laser, and he was burned with "zizi lala". White smoke drifted everywhere.

He slowly lowered his head, he didn't feel the pain, he just felt that the wind had passed through his body, but out of his chest, a blood hole appeared in his eyes, making him feel as if all this It's like dreaming.

"Brother Biao!" Xiao Hu shouted in the distance, opened his eyes, and looked at all this in disbelief. The blood hole on Wang Dabiao's chest was so real, everyone else was shouting Wang Dabiao's name, but no Hear any reply from Wang Dabiao.

   They looked at him, the blood hole in his body was so conspicuous.

After about two or three seconds, Wang Dabiao knelt on the ground at once, and then saw his body began to tilt, and finally fell to the ground with a "thump", and over there, the battle continued, and these soldiers of the Eighth Legion were not at all. Unable to fight against the elite soldiers of the Second Corps.

Every time a soldier rushed up, he was quickly beaten back by the plainclothes soldiers. Some people were even killed by one blow, and blood was scattered freely. More and more people died here, but this did not make the people of the Eighth Legion give up. The blood on the ground made them even more angry, and the anger overwhelmed their sanity. As time passed, more and more soldiers of the Eighth Legion appeared here.

The scene became uncontrollable. Seeing more and more people, these plainclothes soldiers of the Second Corps couldn't help but hesitate. This matter seems to be too much trouble. Generally speaking, their generals can save their lives, but this Once the matter reaches the level above the vice-chairman, no one can keep them.

As a result, these plainclothes soldiers became hesitant to take action. They felt that the number of people killed was almost the same, far exceeding the number of casualties of the Second Corps yesterday. If it continues, things will really become as big as they thought. .

   More than one person thought so, including other plainclothes soldiers. Immediately, they stopped making deadly moves and began to relax a little, but the soldiers of the Eighth Legion would not care about it.

   They are still crazy, and every attack hits the opponent's fatal point.

   Under the fast attack of their wind, gradually, the plainclothes soldiers of the Second Legion could not stand it, and several third-order new humans were smashed to death.

   But fortunately, this situation did not last long, and soon, a large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed over from a distance.

   The moment they saw this group of soldiers, everyone regained some sense of reason. These were soldiers vigil outside, so everyone stopped their movements.

   "All surrounded by Lao Tzu! Eating bear heart and leopard gall, but killing people here!"

   As soon as the group of vigil soldiers arrived, the non-commissioned officers behind them let out a roar like a bell, with a strong suffocating aura in their voices.

   Seeing the soldiers of the night vigil coming, the soldiers of the Second Legion were all relieved, as long as they arrived in time, nothing would happen to them.

  A large number of vigil soldiers moved in unison, and their feet wrapped in exoskeleton suits stepped on the ground and made a "dangdang" sound, which was so powerful.

The    soldiers surrounded everyone, all the weapons in their hands were aimed at the plainclothes soldiers of the 2nd Legion and the 8th Legion who had been fighting before. It seemed that they would shoot without hesitation as long as they dared to move!

   At this moment, the non-commissioned officer walked to the front, glanced at the corpse on the ground, frowned, looked at the soldiers of the Eighth Legion, and asked, "You all belong to the Eighth Legion?"

   "Yes!" A fourth-order new human from the Eighth Legion replied, his eyes looking at the soldiers of the Second Legion with resentment that could not be resolved.

After getting this answer, the non-commissioned officer turned his eyes to the plainclothes soldiers of the Second Corps. He didn't act immediately. He looked at a few of them who were familiar and seemed to have seen them somewhere, but he didn't know who they were. But I thought it was from the Peace Conference, so I didn't do it directly.

   He looked at one of the fifth-order new humans, squinted his eyes and asked, "Where are you from?"

Facing the eyes of this non-commissioned officer, several people in the second legion have no fear. They are all fifth-order new human beings. In the peace meeting, their existences are in the same position as this non-commissioned officer. The others were so intimidated by the soldier.

   "Second Corps, Wu Huayang."

   "Second Corps, Chen Zhong."

   "Second Corps..."


   A group of plainclothes soldiers of the Second Corps reported their names.

   The sergeant of the Night's Watch Corps nodded, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the corpses lying sideways on the ground.

   "So, you killed all these people."



"The reason you have to ask them first. Just yesterday, 39 people from the Second Corps died, and more than 200 people were seriously injured and lightly injured. As a result, the murderer only stayed in the 18th building for two weeks, because they were Avenging their brothers, the kind admiral let them go, their brothers are human, but our brother is not human? Being slaughtered at will like pigs and dogs?"

   "Our admiral can swallow this breath, but we can't. The admiral is so high above, we don't know what we are thinking at all. In the admiral's mind, there will always be only interests!"

   "So, let's take revenge today, even if the consequence of this act today is death!"

   "That's it!" Several people from the Second Corps said with a face full of poverty, as if they had suffered a lot of grievances.

   But their words did not extinguish the anger in the hearts of the soldiers of the Eighth Legion, but made them even more angry!

   "Fart, thirty-nine people, open your dog's eyes and give Lao Tzu a good look. The number of brothers who died here far exceeds the number of thirty-nine. Today, no matter what, we will make you pay the price you deserve!"

The soldiers of the Eighth Legion screamed. In the dormitory building, some people were killed in their sleep. The corpses lying on the ground now illustrate the tragic situation here. How could they be because of the Second Legion? A few words from several soldiers were moved.

   Now they, I wish they would die immediately! .

   (end of this chapter)

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