I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1154: the same eight

   Chapter 1154 Eight identical people

   "I said it, but we also want to see it, and many adults have gone."

   "Since there is none, then you have to listen to your parents. If you encounter bad people, you will be arrested and sold."

   Tang Ye laughed, but the words that came out of his mouth startled the children.

   But soon, another little boy said: "Then uncle, are you a bad guy?"

   Following his question, the inside of the car suddenly fell silent. Xu Haihai glanced at Tang Ye, and couldn't help but start laughing. Gong Xiao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

   "I... can be said to be... a good person, right?" Tang Ye said hesitantly, but neither Xu Haihui nor Gong Xiao believed his words.

   However, there seems to be no absolute good person in this world.

   Of course, there are no absolute bad guys.

   "Then your good man, we can go with you, and we also go to see the performance of the soldiers!"

   "Yes, we won't be afraid of bad people when we find our parents."

   "Hey, there's a soldier there. Uncle is a big man in the Central Control District. Uncle should be a very powerful new human. You will protect us, right?"

   Looking at himself with innocent eyes outside the car window, Tang Ye couldn't help but wave his hand and said, "Okay, okay, come in."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Ye immediately opened the car door, and several children rushed up, crowding the row where Tang Ye was sitting and the row behind him.

  Tang Ye waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

   "Yes!" The soldier driving the vehicle nodded, started the engine and walked towards the distance.

However, when he left, Tang Ye managed an area with a complacent smile on his face. Perhaps the best achievement was such a scene. kill.

   Just as Tang Ye and his party were heading towards the eastern playground where the drill was about to start, outside the corpse wall on the other side, the guard soldiers found a few people walking slowly towards this side.

   "Someone came over there, and the behavior is a bit strange."

   A soldier held a binoculars and looked at everything in the distance, and said to the non-commissioned officer standing beside him.

   The non-commissioned officer took the telescope from the soldier's hand and looked into the distance. Under the magnification of the telescope, you could immediately see clearly how many people there were.

"One, two, three, four, five..." The sergeant began to count, and did not stop until the number eight. There were eight people in total, walking slowly towards this side against the wind and snow, and the snow fell on them, leaving a shoulder of frost on them. Bai, for this kind of situation, most people would quickly pat the snow off their shoulders, and these eight people didn't care about the snow on their shoulders at all. In the empty barren area outside the corpse wall, the snow was getting bigger and bigger. , and gradually expand the road.

   These eight people walked forward without rushing, and every step was astonishingly consistent, just like one person.

   The most important thing is that these eight people moved stiffly, like robots, walking in a straight line towards the corpse wall, and their strange movements also attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the corpse wall.

   "They seem to be wearing the same clothes."

   "Oh, I noticed, it's really the same clothes."

As the eight people approached, the soldiers began to see clearly that the clothes on their bodies turned out to be exactly the same, and the most astonishing thing was that these eight people not only had the same clothes, but also the same height. The eight people were juxtaposed with their heads forming a straight line. horizontal line!

   In the end, the soldiers discovered that not only did the eight men take the same distance in each step, but also the same clothes, the same height, and even the same face! "Who are they?"

   "Definitely not ordinary people. Look at their clothes. They are clearly only clothes worn by aircraft pilots. They should have arrived here with an aircraft. It's a bit unkind to come here."

   "It's true, but I didn't see why the visitor was not good."

   "I don't know either, I just feel the danger from them."

   "Forget it, be on guard first to avoid uncontrollable things." The sergeant said, and the other soldiers answered loudly, and everyone started to move.

   The snow in front of the gate of the anti-corpse wall was cleared away, a large group of soldiers armed to the teeth came out, and the non-commissioned officer came to the front, his eyes fixed on the eight people who came over.

   As these people who looked exactly the same got closer and closer to him, he gradually felt the danger.

   It's really bad comers.

The sergeant is vigilant. He is the commander-in-chief of the guards of this corpse wall. People at his level are all fifth-order new humans. It is not easy to make fifth-order new humans feel danger. Therefore, the sergeant is aware of the danger. After that, he became vigilant with all his attention.

   When the eight people were still 100 meters away from the corpse wall guards, they stopped immediately. The eight people then raised their heads and looked at the guards in front of them, and everyone had the same look in their eyes.

   "Who are you and where do you come from?"

   asked the non-commissioned officer standing at the front sternly.

However, none of the eight people on the opposite side answered. They all looked directly at the soldiers in front of them. After more than ten seconds, the eight people twisted their arms in unison. Their movements made all the soldiers in front of them instantly alert. .

   This is the signal to start!

   "Who will set the fire first?" one of the eight asked, and soon the other said lightly.

   "Old rules, me."

   Kacha Kacha!

With the sound coming from their mouths, the guards opened the insurance all at once, and aimed their weapons at the eight people in front of them, but before the guards could react, one of the eight people disappeared instantly. People knew where he ran to, and the next second, the person who disappeared appeared in front of the guards.


A majestic force erupted, and a violent hurricane blew up in an instant. The snowflakes fluttering in the air were instantly blown away, and the strong wind swept everything into the air. With the last loud bang, the ground smashed open on the spot, and all the guards at the scene flew into the air at once!

The figure flashed, and the soldiers flying into the air were once again blown upside down by a violent wind and waves. Even the anti-corpse wall behind was easily torn apart by this catastrophic force, and the gravel flew up a hundred meters. high!

   "Enemy attack!"

   "Turn on the alarm, someone is attacking!"

   Drop Drop~

   A large piece of the anti-corpse wall was destroyed in an instant, and the anti-living substance detector made a harsh sound. Some soldiers looked at it and were immediately stunned.

   "Tier Seven... New Humans?"

   (end of this chapter)

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