I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1160: The main purpose is not to fight

   Chapter 1160 The main purpose is not to fight

But speaking of it, Tang Ye found that the combat power of these people who looked exactly the same was too ordinary, not because their strength was weak, but because, among their peers, their strength and speed exploded and All other indicators appear to be mediocre.

Let's not talk about the two seventh-order ones, let's just say that the six sixth-order new human beings have a lot less combat power than new human beings like Xiang Li Xiaoyan. Of course, this is not something that fifth-order new human beings can match. The strength of the individual is firmly at the sixth-order level.

   But it is only in the sixth-order area. There are no surprises in strength, and it is not stronger than the powerhouse of the same rank. If it weren't for the powerful defense provided by the Aurora Breather on his body, I am afraid that few people can't justify it now.

As for the seventh-order new human beings, although Tang Ye doesn't know much about the same-level stratification of seventh-order new human beings, at least Tang Ye has dealt with Lin Jie and has a clear understanding of his strength. He does not know Lin Jie's full strength. What kind of level is it in this group of seventh-order new humans, but these two seventh-order new humans are far worse than Lin Jie, and can only be described by the word mediocre.

  This is not just one, but all of these eight people!

   This feeling is very strange, as if these eight people are a product produced on an assembly line, and all aspects meet the same standard!

   There won’t be any fancy highlights either.

   The powerhouses on both sides were full of fire, and the buildings in this area collapsed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some buildings were even smashed into powder by terrifying forces in an instant!

From Tang Ye's point of view, the powerhouses in the Liantong District began to be defeated one after another. Because he hates the madness of his play, he will never die as soon as he shoots. He looks like a mad dog. After finding that the most brittle part of the Aurora Breather's exoskeleton suit is on the mask, every attack is directed towards that.

   For a while, the mask of the aurora breather was really pierced by hatred, and hatred also hurt the person inside through the hole he pierced.

   Everyone of the powerhouses on the scene is like that mysterious, every shot is turbulent, and a large number of buildings are torn into countless parts in an instant by the storm caused by the powerful force!

   On the street, people in this area were not screaming in time, and many people were buried in the collapsed buildings and became a dead soul here.

Tang Ye's brows became more and more frowning. After a while, Xu Haihui was pinched by the neck of the seventh-order new human being, Ning Tianlang, and a majestic force erupted from his knees, and then flew into the sky. Fly to a height of 100 meters!

   "Admit defeat!"

  Ning Tianlang let out a low roar, and raised the head holding Xu Haihui high, even when he was wearing an exoskeleton suit, he seemed to be able to clearly see the outline of the strong muscles on his arm.

   The power in his hand exploded, and Xu Haihui in his hand was thrown to the ground by him.


The earth seemed to be trembling, and the cement floor was like the soft and weak water surface in front of the seventh-order powerhouse. As Xu Haihui fell from the sky, the ground was like a lake, and Xu Haihui was a huge stone, smashing the water surface. The waves continued, and the water splashed a hundred meters high.

The moment the water splashed, time seemed to stop again. The pit that had sunk on the horizontal surface did not recover. It just solidified in front of people. Xu Haihui was in the middle, and the expression on his face was a little angry. He looked far away. Chu Ning Tianlang, unwittingly unleashed the killing intent that almost turned into swords stabbing at the opponent!

   After a while, the murderous gaze of Xu Haihui in front of Ning Tianlang was buried by the gravel and dust particles that appeared after the building collapsed.

  uh~ hoo~

   Xu Haihui, who was covered up, made a sound that was a bit more mad than a beast. He waved his hand and swept away all the ruins in front of him. He was about to stand up, but Ning Tianlang in mid-air disagreed!

The opponent's body leaned down, and on the exoskeleton suit, the lights lit up one by one, emitting a purple and coquettish light. At this moment, Ning Tianlang's body seemed to have turned into a shooting star, passing at high speed in mid-air, tail The light is extended by more than ten meters, like a dream!

   "Come on! Hahahaha!"

  Xu Haihui laughed wildly, seemingly reckless of the consequences, and burst out all his power, but just like that, the stream of light that Ning Tianlang transformed into rushed in front of him.

   He held knives in both hands, and the purple light spots on the exoskeleton suit on his body went out and extinguished. After a few tenths of a second, the purple light spots brightened, turning Ning Tianlang into a purple light man in an instant!

Before Xu Haihui could react, Ning Tianlang slammed his head into him. The sudden burst of force caught Xu Haihui by surprise. Before he could control his tentacles to grow to attack the opponent, Ning Tianlang was killed He dragged out a distance of several hundred meters, and his whole body seemed to be restrained by something.

This feeling of    made Xu Haihai feel that he had lost all power and was locked in a herringbone-shaped room, which was just enough for him to be locked in, but there was no room for him to move.

   He didn't know what was going on, but he just watched Ning Tianlang standing in front of him, looking at him coldly.

   "The shell on your body is too hard, I can't help you, but you have the ability to kill me? Hahahahahaha."

Xu Haihai let out a strange laugh, which sounded like a ghost roar to human ears. Ning Tianlang moved his eyes to Xu Haihai's forehead and found that there was a black line on it, but other than that, it looked very smooth. He couldn't help frowning. Just now, his knife slashed towards Xu Haihai's head, but the other party could still move freely as if nothing had happened. Now, where is there any wound on Xu Haihai's forehead? There is only a black line. line, and the black line is still fading.

He didn't take care of Xu Haihui, and he has basically understood some of Xu Haihui's abilities after fighting with the opponent. He won't die if he hurts his brain tissue, and he has no better way to kill him, but instead of fighting with him This is a waste of time, it's better to do the right thing first.

  The fact that they came to the United Nations was not just to fight with the powerful here.

  Ning Tianlang just snorted coldly, and with a flick of his hand, the thin-edged knife in his hand plunged directly into Xu Haihui, piercing through his body and pinning Xu Haihui to the ground.

   Immediately, he turned around and faced Tang Ye directly, his eyes collided with Tang Ye.

  The two looked at each other, and after a while, Tang Ye showed a sinister smile on his face.

   (end of this chapter)

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